***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This man McConnell just said with a straight face he expects the democrats to treat Trump's supreme court nominee like they did with Bill Clinton or Obama judicial nominees. No mention of their ridiculous obstruction of Garland.

Whoever spoke next repeated the same thing, even said the senate has a long reputation of not filibustering such nominees. 
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From your article link:

This relationship is not irreparable. It's only Trump's second week on the job, and judging by how many Republicans have yet to comment on the executive order, they're giving him the benefit of the doubt that this is just a learning curve.

This would be the stupidest thing ever to do. The smart thing would be to recognize that Trump is never going to change. That the more confidence he gets, the more he will attempt to govern in a unilateral fashion. That he will only get worse from here. Not better. The smart thing would be to cut your losses and work with the Democrats to get him impeached ASAP.

One week on the job, and he's already trying to minimize key Republicans' involvement in crafting his EO. If that's not a red flag, then I don't what is!
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Trump against immigrants but when I passed his post office on Penn Ave NW everyday aint nothing but immigrants renovating that old *** building :smh:
We need the muslim ban
Surely you dont want mr jones to come back

And its was snowball who made tje crowd sizes smaller.

4 legs goods 2 legs better
From your article link:
This would be the stupidest thing ever to do. The smart thing would be to recognize that Trump is never going to change. That the more confidence he gets, the more he will attempt to govern in a unilateral fashion. That he will only get worse from here. Not better. The smart thing would be to cut your losses and work with the Democrats to get him impeached ASAP.

One week on the job, and he's already trying to minimize key Republicans' involvement in crafting his EO. If that's not a red flag, then I don't what is!
At this point to think he'll change is like hoping a forest fire will just burn out
What the Boy Scouts is doing is

You really need to get over your rustle about transgender people.

Mannnnn go somewhere else with that bigotry.

We can disagree on a topic, that's fine.

But I fail to see how it makes someone a bigot.

Either defend why you believe it isn't a mental illness or scroll over my post.

No, what you said is bigotry

Like all the other bigotry you have spewed on NT, and always struggle to defend, you don't get a free pass on it..

You say saying nonsense, when people disagree you demand they jump through hoops to prove their point.

Yet when it is your turn, you struggle mightily. This was the case with your anarchism ****, you denials of racial discrimination, and the gender wage gap.
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As much as I hate, to even indirectly defend anything that Trump does, I have to say this.

You cannot trust 99% of news stories from the the "worker shortage" genre. Employers only have unfilled positions because they refuse to pay the wages needed to attract American workers.

Although, knowing Trump, he will change the rules in the most haphazard and disruptive way imaginable.
It really depends on the job, but for a lot of higher level tech/engineering/biotech jobs, money is not the issue. The goal is to get the best person out there. And typically there is a shortage of talent, especially if it is limited to Americans. Plus, it's already difficult enough for a non-citizen to get a visa to be able to work for these companies, so they already have to deal with an additional significant hurdle to bring those people in.

Now, if we're talking about hiring a C-level (not C-language, but C-level) programmer to create a website for that local restaurant you opened, then sure, by all means, give that job to an American.
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