***Official Political Discussion Thread***

white people are racist...that's not news. 

tom brady is no different just cause he's on a football team and shares a locker room with a lot of black people.

there's a lot of white people i've met who care about minorities on a personal level but they don't care about minorities as a group of people.

and these are the types that you have to prove to them that you are worthy of that level of respect....but they'll always look down at you.

it's not even their fault completely imo...they come from generations and generations of people telling them this is their country and they are put on a pedestal just from the color of their skin.  and they believe it. 

i was in the military and i felt the full extent of their white supremacist ideology.  from the subtle racial jabs to the blatant in your face racism. 

imo the moderate passive white people who are racist behind closed doors are the worst. 
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They just released their list:

The Brussels terror attack on March 22nd 2016, 32 people were killed. Not 31. 35 if you include the attackers.

Their injury number is also false. There were over 300 wounded, 62 of them critically injured.

The least they can do if they want to use terror attacks as justification for their ridiculous travel ban is get their facts straight. And I'm pretty sure there was plenty coverage on this attack.


Khalid-el Bakraoui is a Belgian national of Moroccan descent.

Ibrahim el-Bakraoui, the brother of the aforementioned, is also a Belgian national of Moroccan descent.

Najim Laachraoui has a dual nationality: Belgium and Morocco

Mohamed Abrini (spelled wrong in the file) is a Belgian national of Moroccan descent.

Osama Krayem is a Swedish national of Syrian descent.
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Couldn't get through 2 minutes without cringing and turning it off. "Bring it on Alison" and "can't we give it a chance" what a douche.

These peoples arguments are so flawed and filled with prejudice they themselves can't even grasp it...is nauseating to see them squirm as they try to defend their ideals and get crushed under their own hypocrisy....
That dude really said "look at the good things that came from it" in reference to the Charleston A.M.E. Church shooting :smh:
Dude was stuttering and trying hard to make sense of his nonsense and failed. Fact is, most white people always look at crimes other white people do and consider it isolated meanwhile every other race gets lumped in w/ the crime of one person, that's how stereotypes are created.
Right-Wing Extremism and Canadian National Security Policy Embrace the Image of the ‘Muslim Threat’

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Pat Toomey out here blaming "callers from out of state" for the reason he can't take calls. Dude finding every excuse to vote for DeVos if he already hasn't.

Next time he needs a plumber, just call and electrician who has played Mario Bros.
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lol I'm saying, aside from being the wife of a dude running a pyramid scheme company and the Magic, how is she anywhere near sec of education? She doesn't know basic education metrics.

I bring it up because I'm wondering how any of the senate republicans can seriously justify confirming her nomination, aside from being partisan morons?

Edit: ...or they're on the take from somewhere
Funny you mention the pyramid scheme company. I live in Grand Rapids where they are from, everything is Devos and Amway here, and I can't tell you the amount of times someone's tried to get me in on that amway pyramid scheme.
That's my home city. 

My mom got wrapped up in that Amway crap for awhile after she retired and had nothing else to do.  I just remember her having mad leftover crap she couldn't sell, so we had a grip of laundry detergent balls, soaps, deodorants and shampoos.  It literally took years to burn through all the product she had to buy. 

And guess what?  She didn't get rich. 
Pat Toomey out here blaming "callers from out of state" for the reason he can't take calls. Dude finding every excuse to vote for DeVos if he already hasn't.

Next time he needs a plumber, just call and electrician who has played Mario Bros.
Toomey is a coward.
@Bencjacobs: Per pool, Trump said today "the country’s murder rate is highest it's been in 45-47 years." CC: @SopanDeb

He's got a point when you count all the alt-killings...

Seriously though, this dude loves selling fear and it's become ridiculous with all the blatant lies. His words about discounting any and all negative stories and polls about him were highkey scary
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The useful idiot :smh: Gonna be the face of the insurgency while Bannon and Co pull the strings and drive this country into a spiraling mess.
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Donald Trump and Steve Bannon have turned the White House against America

Bill McKibben
The White House in the Time of Trump has seen unprecedented attacks on pillars of society and civilization

We’re not in a normal historical moment. Congress is acting as expected under a Republican government. The assault on the environment and working people is wrong, but predictable. What’s coming from the Oval Office, though, is unprecedented. It’s less the White House than the Black Tower, sending out its Breitbartian orcs and alt-right winged harpies to poison the politics of a nation.

Two types of assaults are underway. One, instigated mostly by Congress, is painful. Last week, for instance, they managed in one morning to both end rules which sought to prevent coal companies from polluting streams and regulations which made it harder for oil companies to bribe foreign governments.

There are dozens of these changes, all of them with hideous consequences: people will suffer and die as we roll back environmental laws and prune budgets for housing and medical care. But these are, more or less, the changes we were going to see if, say, Marco Rubio or Jeb Bush had gotten elected with a pliant Congress: they are straight from the Koch Brothers/Heritage Foundation wishlist (and some of them are not that far from what Bill Clinton, say, did by “ending welfare as we know it.”)

All are noxious, all need vigorous opposition, and for the moment most of them we’re going to lose, because we simply don’t have the votes: these are precisely the changes the nation’s billionaires hired Congress to make.

But the Bannon/Trump administration is attacking us in a second way as well. It has audaciously targeted the main pillars of a civilized nation in a way we’ve rarely seen before, a way that would not have occurred to Lindsey Graham or Carly Fiorina. And these are the battles we dare not lose.

The immigration ban, for instance, was a calculated assault on Muslims, but also on morality, on simple kindness. It was a probe to find out if Americans would come to the defense of a minority that we’d been told to fear and hate. And it failed – not because a federal judge struck down the ban, but because Americans in their millions poured into airport baggage terminals and city squares.

As one placard said proudly: “First they came for the Muslims, and we said: not today, ************.” The outpouring was not a show of Muslim strength – there really isn’t much Muslim strength in America. It was a demonstration that, for the moment, our moral commitment to the underdog still holds.

But there are no guarantees: morality can bend pretty easily in the face of fear, and you know that Bannon and Trump are counting on a real-life Bowling Green massacre to tilt things their way. And in any event, morality is the not the only pillar they’re after. Next on the list is reason: the attack on climate science is, in fact, an attack on science itself, on the enterprise that undergirds modernity.

It’s already clear that the federal government will be doing nothing to help with global warming (Trump’s cabinet choices made that evident in their confirmation hearings.) But if the administration actually withdraws from the Paris climate accords, it will turn its back on the most painstaking scientific process humans have ever undertaken, a half-century global effort to understand what we’re doing to our atmosphere and what that will do to our future.

Bannon and Trump hate reason precisely because it places limits on their actions – even Nietzchean supermen have to bow to physics. “I alone can fix it” is Trump’s narcissistic motto – but since he can’t fix the heat-trapping properties of certain gasses, they must be denied.

Prepare for attacks as well on tradition and on common sense, since these too are bulwarks against the kind of personality cult that tempts Trump and Bannon.

You’ve already seen the first sorties: since the separation of powers is the longest standing of American ideas, the tweeted hostility to a “so-called judge” crosses a line only Richard Nixon ever flirted with. The bizarre phone call to Australia’s prime minister is less bizarre if you think of it as one step towards eroding the common-sense notion that we can’t go it alone, that in an interlocked world nations need to be able to work with each other.

These assaults will be hard for progressives to handle. There’s plenty of ugly in our traditions. And modernity can be mixed blessing enough that reason is an often unappealing goddess. Still, so far we’re doing pretty well: the outpouring of resistance is unmatched in recent history. And we’ve got more weapons of our own: Solidarity, Wit, the remarkable alchemy that is Nonviolence. Also the cast of Hamilton, and a Vast Stockpile of Pink Knitted Caps. And we will need them all.

We can’t know how the battle will finish, only that it will be fought. This is, quite suddenly, the story of our time.
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RIP the environment

@Rschooley: Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) introduces bill to terminate the Environmental Protection Agency. He's been in office a month. Trumpism is a cancer.
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