***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Belgium Belgium Significantly lower difficulty. School is primarily about turning in assignments rather than actually comprehending the material. Also there is a huge culture of cheating. Everybody I knew in high school with good grades, sports, extra curriculars was cheating their *** off.
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@Colombia Significantly lower difficulty. School is primarily about turning in assignments rather than actually comprehending the material. Also there is a huge culture of cheating. Everybody I knew in high school with good grades, sports, extra curriculars was cheating their *** off.
Wasn't much cheating through my years in highschool, not in my class anyway. In some cases it was possible to sneak peak at your neighbor's test but pretty much every teacher spread the desks apart so you couldn't peek over. If it was in a room with larger desks for 2 students and there wasn't enough room to spread everyone apart, the teacher would make us place books/folders inbetween our parts of the desk so our views were blocked. They were also well aware of calculator cheating method. Any test in which our TI-84 calculator was required we had to reset our calculator to erase all data we might have manually put into it, like math formulas.

Even trying to use the cellphone under the desk was pretty hard as teachers would usually patrol around and you'd get an immediate 0 if you were caught so people didn't really bother. Many teachers in the later grades would also collect everyone's cellphone before a test. For exams this was of course mandatory and you could be subjected to a search upon refusal, though that was never necessary.
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-I do agree we test our kids to death, but I don't think that it the main problem. The testing is so bad because of the burden it puts on teachers. Many don't have time to worry about educating kids, their main concern is drilling them so they can pass a test. But yeah, ease up on testing.

-We have to remember there is a lot of inequality in the American school system, and that it is structural (driven a lot by racism). Hell the way we fund schools at a local level reinforces it.

School system in affluent white neighborhoods in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Maryland are amazing. If every student had school like those we would be in a much better position worldwide. American school are not uniformly bad, in many ways it just reflects our overall socioeconomic system.

But even if we tax better, redistribute the resources and students better, and test less, we would still need to throw a ton of money at the problem.
I've always wondered this about the US education system. I often see people talking about getting A's consistently throughout highschool (7th to 12th grade is what we call highschool here). If turned into percentages, that's about 90% and up right?
I've shortly summarized our highschool education in here once or twice who were interested, but if anyone remembers our grading system is different in several ways. We only use numerical grading; 0-10 on standard tests, 0/70 on exams and 0%-100% for the total grades of a class on report cards.
An average year total of all classes is generally ~75% throughout most grades in highschool. In the 7th and 8th grade you still see year totals above 85% or in rare cases, a 90-92%.
The 9th grade is where you specialize in a certain field of study and the year totals drop significantly.
Above 70% is average. 75-80% is good and 80% is great/exceptional. An 85%+ year total is near unheard of past the 9th grade. Even the very gifted students in my school who were placing top 3 in national math competitions or playing in national chess championships averaged about 80-83% on their year totals. One of them is now an astrophysicist for example.

Our year totals are graded on a 0-100% scale and consist of 2 categories, not sure how to word it. 30% of your year total is made up of your grade average on all small tests.
The remaining 70% is the average year total of all your exams. Each school year has 3 exam periods.
So if you slack on your small tests but do well on your exams, you can still have a decent year total.
When I see Americans talking about getting 90% or higher on their highschool report cards I can't help but wonder if there is some change in the calculation, much higher standards of working hard for school or a significantly lower difficulty.

Edit: It is also relatively common for students to have to double a year in highschool. In many cases if your year total for a class is lower than 50% you're given an extra exam in the summer vacation, which is then added to your year total. If the total then exceeds 50% you pass. If not, you have to double your year. I knew at least 7 people in my year who had to double the 12th grade.

Easier standards in addition to treating students more like customers (at least, that's how it is in college). They have this thing at the end of the semester where they evaluate teachers, which counts towards the teachers' performance. The other thing is that student grades are also counted towards teachers' performance evaluation, ao they have an incentive to offer extra credit exercises/exams to struggling students.

They also tend to curve grades (grading on a different scale that usually favors students): imagine that kids do poorly on an exam (like the highest grade is around 70% - C - and most kids are around 50% or below - fail): some teachers will adjust the letter grade so that a score of 70% is considered an A while a 50% could be a C. It is a fairly common practice here, and it would never fly outside of the US. My teachers in HS would never do something like that. They would tell us to come back the following year [emoji]128514[/emoji]
We have a very good public school system in my area...but with the DeVos nomination, I feel MUCH better about applying my daughter (kindergarten) to private school for the fall.
[@=/u/93394/Colombia]@Colombia[/@] Significantly lower difficulty. School is primarily about turning in assignments rather than actually comprehending the material. Also there is a huge culture of cheating. Everybody I knew in high school with good grades, sports, extra curriculars was cheating their *** off.
Wasn't much cheating through my years in highschool, not in my class anyway. In some cases it was possible to sneak peak at your neighbor's test but pretty much every teacher spread the desks apart so you couldn't peek over. If it was in a room with larger desks for 2 students and there wasn't enough room to spread everyone apart, the teacher would make us place books/folders inbetween our parts of the desk so our views were blocked. They were also well aware of calculator cheating method. Any test in which our TI-84 calculator was required we had to reset our calculator to erase all data we might have manually put into it, like math formulas.
Even trying to use the cellphone under the desk was pretty hard as teachers would usually patrol around and you'd get an immediate 0 if you were caught so people didn't really bother. 

Yea, our system is different as mentioned. Our system isn't set to teach us things and retain them, just learn em long enough to do a test then it's all but forgotten. We also don't teach things that matter like financial literacy and technology, u have to wait for college for that. And as far as cheating, some teachers would leave the room during a test w/ 0 damns given. Most people get passed through because the teacher don't feel like dealin w/ em for another year.
I'm actually starting to see more business, finance, tech etc being offered in high school. Also Spanish being taught in grade school. But yea I've seen teachers at charter schools encouraged to pass failing students that clearly aren't prepared for the next level in the name of funding. Part of the problem schools in the hood are so bad is because behavior is horrible but that starts at home which goes back to systemic racism and inequality. It's a layered problem for sure
Lord help them


House Republicans Just Voted to Eliminate the Only Federal Agency That Makes Sure Voting Machines Can’t Be Hacked
If ever there was a sign that we need to start focusing more on local elections, this would be it.
Republican Party of Texas 2012 Platform:

"Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority."
Marc Ambinder@marcambinder 6m6 minutes ago

(1) Obama's staff didn't want to get on his bad side, but all respected him, almost to a fault. They trusted his judgment. They liked him.

Marc Ambinder@marcambinder 6m6 minutes ago
(2) Trump's staff (from my conversations with a few) don't like him. Many don't seem to respect him, though some do. Some feel bad for him.

Marc Ambinder@marcambinder 4m4 minutes ago
(3) The lack of respect shown to @realDonaldTrump by his senior staff at times (through leaks, etc.) is real, damaging, and inevitable.

Marc Ambinder@marcambinder 3m3 minutes ago
(4) Many senior Trump folks want him to succeed, but fear he doesn't have the capacity to. Fairly unprecedented.

Marc Ambinder@marcambinder 2m2 minutes ago
BTW: George W. Bush's staff loved him, respected him, and mostly trusted his instincts, too.
Samuel Sinyangwe@samswey 8m8 minutes ago

Taking advantage of asset forfeiture laws, police steal more from people than all burglaries combined. http://wapo.st/1P30sZS  pic.twitter.com/zARHTijIbQ

Thankfully it will stay that way and the family line will end with him. We don't need any more dumbasses passing inferior DNA around. Survival of the fittest this cat still live with his mom at 40 years old. His mother can't afford to take care of two kids. Dead in the water.

But seriously, with 7 billion people now farting on our planet, it is time some family lines wrap up the game and stop. We can't subsidize these families housing forever.
With him smashin' thotties on they umpteenth abortion we may luck up, but then again Plan Parenthood is still on the chopping block
I really don't understand how anyone, especially a black broke boi like ninjahood, can be a proud republican right now. This **** blows my mind.

he don't have no kids, this don't matter to him

Thankfully it will stay that way and the family line will end with him. We don't need any more dumbasses passing inferior DNA around.

meth gonna love u bring up race and implying I shouldn't breed cuz of da aforementioned. :lol:
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