***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Marco Rubio needs to get shot....I'm so disgusted
i hate my state for empowering the idiot. florida hasn't had a good governor for the people since ive been alive. we had this voldemort looking dude blocking jobs, then Rubio out here tapdancing and flipflopping for uncle cheetoh with no shame. and we still give him a chance.

we would've done better electing pitbull, flo rida, or tpain as gov.

ive learned in this past 6 months that America as a whole, is ignorant. I've never thought highly of people. I always figured "people are just stupid." but never REALLY believed it to this extent. I never REALLLLLLY looked at America as a cesspool full of idiots and a relatively small % of educated. But these last 6 months man?

I literally don't care if most of the mountain and rust belt states get wiped out by bubonic plague. this again goes back to me saying the nation needs to sink. hopefully this speeds natural selection up and trump supporters go by way of the do-do bird.
Democrats defending 10 seats in deep red states 2018..good luck on that :lol:

da feels in here..... mmmmm mmmm mmmmm.

See fam, is this smug attitude that gets you in hot waters...I'm not sure what you are celebrating, even dudes I know voted Trump are scratching their heads at Devos nomination...what exactly is there to celebrate?...what are you rubbing in our face? Were you home schooled? I'm gonna assume you are a product of public education like the rest of us...
See fam, is this smug attitude that gets you in hot waters...I'm not sure what you are celebrating, even dudes I know voted Trump are scratching their heads at Devos nomination...what exactly is there to celebrate?...what are you rubbing in our face? Were you home schooled? I'm gonna assume you are a product of public education like the rest of us...
im seeing people online celebrating her nomination simply because "the left lost! trump keeps winning!" theyre literally celebrating the downfall of education... because it hurt the left too. these people are cancerous man. let it sink.
im seeing people online celebrating her nomination simply because "the left lost! trump keeps winning!" theyre literally celebrating the downfall of education... because it hurt the left too. these people are cancerous man. let it sink.

That's exactly what NH came in here to do...lmao my dude has 0 aspirations of having a family from what I can tell, yet he wants to parade as an advocate for anti-abortion laws and is celebrating the nomination of quite possibly a worst qualified person than Trump is as president....**** is laughable...
im seeing people online celebrating her nomination simply because "the left lost! trump keeps winning!" theyre literally celebrating the downfall of education... because it hurt the left too. these people are cancerous man. let it sink.

That's exactly what NH came in here to do...lmao my dude has 0 aspirations of having a family from what I can tell, yet he wants to parade as an advocate for anti-abortion laws and is celebrating the nomination of quite possibly a worst qualified person than Trump is as president....**** is laughable...

Party identity
I'm actually starting to see more business, finance, tech etc being offered in high school. Also Spanish being taught in grade school. But yea I've seen teachers at charter schools encouraged to pass failing students that clearly aren't prepared for the next level in the name of funding. Part of the problem schools in the hood are so bad is because behavior is horrible but that starts at home which goes back to systemic racism and inequality. It's a layered problem for sure
I think that's a pretty big problem here as well. When I graduated highschool I didn't really know how to file my taxes, insurance, ...

I graduated in Human Sciences so economy was hardly a part of my set of classes. But even my friends who were in Math-Economy or even Accounting said they didn't feel prepared on tax filing, ... during highschool. 

That's something that should be offered in all schools, at least some degree of preparation for the world past graduation.

Language is very important and I think we do a pretty good job at that, at least over here in the northern part of Belgium. Our native language (Dutch) isn't mandatory in the south, and as a result many areas don't bother teaching Dutch in schools.

In elementary school we started learning French in the 5th grade. I already spoke fluent English by the 5th grade by learning from tv and videogames but it was not offered in our curriculum. More recently, elementary schools have started teaching French from the 4th or even 3rd grade and have also started teaching English in elementary as well.

In highschool I learned a total of 4 languages. At the time, English only became part of our curriculum in the 8th grade but that's no longer the case.

Depending on which subject you pick in highschool your set of classes may or may not include German. In my case I had German class but it was only 1 hour a week initially and then 2 hours a week in the later grades.

On average throughout highschool I'd guess we had around 5 hours of Dutch class per week, 4 and later 3 hours a week of French per week, 3 hours of English per week and 2 hours of German.

In the 12th grade my school also started an initiative to teach Spanish during our lunchbreaks but it was towards my graduation so I didn't get to learn much Spanish.

I also took Latin in the 7th grade and did well in it but dropped it the year after because I was a very lazy student and I wanted to continue getting decent grades with as little effort as possible. I found it very beneficial to take Latin though, even if it was only for a year. I chose nursing after highschool so some Latin knowledge came in very handy with many medical terms being based off Latin.

Nowadays I'd say I can speak 2 languages very fluently, one being my native language and the other (English) might as well be my second native language. I wasn't particularly good at French and German but for whatever reason I spoke English at later grade highschool level before I even graduated elementary school. It has always come very natural to me and more recently I've been doing some small translating work for friends; translating their linkedin profiles or college assignments etc. Through a close friend I even picked up a few paid translation jobs from several university med students who needed essays or other assignments translated, with very positive results from the professors.

My French was pretty good during highschool but because I haven't had to use it since graduation my French isn't very good anymore. Still somewhat fluent but nowhere near what it used to be. My German has always been pretty basic. It's kind of similar to Dutch so I can understand German fairly well but I can only speak the basics myself.
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I legit think Trump nominated this bird to take the heat off his own incompetence for a bit....this dumb sheltered POS is gonna take all the blame when **** goes south and Trump gonna wash his hands :rofl:

Chess, not Checkers
Democrats defending 10 seats in deep red states 2018..good luck on that :lol:

da feels in here..... mmmmm mmmm mmmmm.
1. Have you watched the confirmation hearings for Betsy Devos?
1.1: Do you believe she displayed adequate competence for the job in her hearings?
2. Describe how a completely incompetent secretary of education benefits America, particularly the public school system
3. Do you see the crippling of (public) education under an incompetent secretary, affecting students on all sides of the political spectrum, as something to gloat about because leftist students are part of the affected?
What does he have to lose?
The way NH carries himself you would think he's a banker with millions in the bank and ties to the Trump administration, he really thinks he remains unphased by anything that Trump may do...lord...bro when your face hits that pavement after Daddy Trump shoots you down from your little cloud, will be a day to rejoice, I hope you have enough pride to exit yourself from this forum forever.

Sebastian Gorka, deputy assistant to President Donald Trump, said Monday that the administration will continue using the term "fake news" until the media understands that their "monumental desire" to attack the President is wrong.

"There is a monumental desire on behalf of the majority of the media, not just the pollsters, the majority of the media to attack a duly elected President in the second week of his term," Gorka, a former Breitbart editor who also holds a PhD in political science, told syndicated conservative radio host Michael Medved.
"That's how unhealthy the situation is and until the media understands how wrong that attitude is, and how it hurts their credibility, we are going to continue to say, 'fake news.' I'm sorry, Michael. That's the reality," he added.

Gorka also sparred with a caller who contended that "every time you call everything fake news, it just turns everyone except your hardcore fans off."

"Not everything's fake news," the caller added.

"You know, I would beg to differ," Gorka shot back. "Every single organ that generates these kinds of stories comes from the same clique of media organs that predicted that Hillary (Clinton) would win and that Brexit wouldn't occur. I know what fake news is. And it's coming from those organizations. It's time that you yourself understood that as well."
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The way it is now, if after all this you still support Trump, this *** is grounds for divorces, I would probably stop talking to my kid if he supported this POS...I want nothing to do with anyone on a personal level that STILL thinks Trump was a good move
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