***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm dying right now, dude spews openly racist and homophobic rhetoric and I'm the one who stays getting warned. My inbox is full of nothing but warnings about things directed at him. It's absurd.
My post was deleted

I'm just "telling it like it is" tho [emoji]128129[/emoji]

If he posts something that's in violation of our forum rules, report it.  He'll join the long list of people who've been banned in the past 12 months for bigotry.  We're not tolerating intolerance. 

But if we value diversity, we can't say "respect everyone.... except Trump supporters."  "Be inclusive and accepting of difference... except for those with whom we disagree."  That's hypocrisy. 

We want everyone to treat each other with respect.   

If you're truly opposed to the antics of a certain short-fingered vulgarian, you should all be more than capable of expressing disagreement without stooping to insults, threats, or personal attacks.  
Nah just a guy who actually works for a living instead of trolling sneaker forums to spew partisan talking points during work hours

What are work hours?? 9-5?? How about people who work 3-12 or overnights are those not work hours or you only consider morning work hours?? How about the people who work 14 hours shift for 3-4 days max and get The rest of the week off like myself???
My thing is, WHY DOES METH ENABLE DUDE? :lol
I'm dying right now, dude spews openly racist and homophobic rhetoric and I'm the one who stays getting warned. My inbox is full of nothing but warnings about things directed at him. It's absurd. :lol  

My post was deleted :lol

I'm just "telling it like it is" tho [emoji]128129[/emoji]


If he posts something that's in violation of our forum rules, report it.  He'll join the long list of people who've been banned in the past 12 months for bigotry.  We're not tolerating intolerance. 

But if we value diversity, we can't say "respect everyone.... except Trump supporters."  "Be inclusive and accepting of difference... except for those with whom we disagree."  That's hypocrisy. 

We want everyone to treat each other with respect.   

If you're truly opposed to the antics of a certain short-fingered vulgarian, you should all be more than capable of expressing disagreement without stooping to insults, threats, or personal attacks.  

I understand where you're coming from on this, Meth. We've had discussions prior. However, I wasn't raised as a "tattle tail", so to speak. So when I find something to be offensive, not to myself, because I am not thin-skinned, nor do I care what an internet troll spews, especially when one is as wilfully ignorant as the party in question, but to others, I typically greet that with an even better articulated ignorance. So if I am, again, treading the rules, I apologize, but I will not stand by idly, nor go against my own values by "snitching" to an authority. I have not resorted to profanity laced tirades, as I have been warned against in the past, but have taken a much subtler approach. However, if you also can "call a spade a spade", so to speak, then you are also doing a disservice to the site by allowing the party in question to continue to regurgitate bigotry. If anything, you are as much to blame for this, because you alone have the power to "nip this in the bud". And please do not play ignorant on this issue, because there are plenty of instances of you, taking time out of your day, to address "the elephant in the room". If there are continued instances of back and forths, and there is always a single party that is involved, I'm pretty sure the old saying, "if it looks like a rat, and smells like a rat...", rings true. However, I am not advocating for that. But if the party in question, is reporting me for trivial infractions, then that party needs to stop being a hypocrite, and just "face the music", so to speak, when that party is called out on its BS.
My thing is, WHY DOES METH ENABLE DUDE? :lol
I'm dying right now, dude spews openly racist and homophobic rhetoric and I'm the one who stays getting warned. My inbox is full of nothing but warnings about things directed at him. It's absurd. :lol  

My post was deleted :lol

I'm just "telling it like it is" tho [emoji]128129[/emoji]


If he posts something that's in violation of our forum rules, report it.  He'll join the long list of people who've been banned in the past 12 months for bigotry.  We're not tolerating intolerance. 

But if we value diversity, we can't say "respect everyone.... except Trump supporters."  "Be inclusive and accepting of difference... except for those with whom we disagree."  That's hypocrisy. 

We want everyone to treat each other with respect.   

If you're truly opposed to the antics of a certain short-fingered vulgarian, you should all be more than capable of expressing disagreement without stooping to insults, threats, or personal attacks.  

I understand where you're coming from on this, Meth. We've had discussions prior. However, I wasn't raised as a "tattle tail", so to speak. So when I find something to be offensive, not to myself, because I am not thin-skinned, nor do I care what an internet troll spews, especially when one is as wilfully ignorant as the party in question, but to others, I typically greet that with an even better articulated ignorance. So if I am, again, treading the rules, I apologize, but I will not stand by idly, nor go against my own values by "snitching" to an authority. I have not resorted to profanity laced tirades, as I have been warned against in the past, but have taken a much subtler approach. However, if you also can "call a spade a spade", so to speak, then you are also doing a disservice to the site by allowing the party in question to continue to regurgitate bigotry. If anything, you are as much to blame for this, because you alone have the power to "nip this in the bud". And please do not play ignorant on this issue, because there are plenty of instances of you, taking time out of your day, to address "the elephant in the room". If there are continued instances of back and forths, and there is always a single party that is involved, I'm pretty sure the old saying, "if it looks like a rat, and smells like a rat...", rings true. However, I am not advocating for that. But if the party in question, is reporting me for trivial infractions, then that party needs to stop being a hypocrite, and just "face the music", so to speak, when that party is called out on its BS.



I understand where you're coming from on this, Meth. We've had discussions prior. However, I wasn't raised as a "tattle tail", so to speak. So when I find something to be offensive, not to myself, because I am not thin-skinned, nor do I care what an internet troll spews, especially when one is as wilfully ignorant as the party in question, but to others, I typically greet that with an even better articulated ignorance. So if I am, again, treading the rules, I apologize, but I will not stand by idly, nor go against my own values by "snitching" to an authority. I have not resorted to profanity laced tirades, as I have been warned against in the past, but have taken a much subtler approach. However, if you also can "call a spade a spade", so to speak, then you are also doing a disservice to the site by allowing the party in question to continue to regurgitate bigotry. If anything, you are as much to blame for this, because you alone have the power to "nip this in the bud". And please do not play ignorant on this issue, because there are plenty of instances of you, taking time out of your day, to address "the elephant in the room". If there are continued instances of back and forths, and there is always a single party that is involved, I'm pretty sure the old saying, "if it looks like a rat, and smells like a rat...", rings true. However, I am not advocating for that. But if the party in question, is reporting me for trivial infractions, then that party needs to stop being a hypocrite, and just "face the music", so to speak, when that party is called out on its BS.
I mean there's nothing wrong with going to meth if someone says some offensive and bigoted. This dude has spewed some of the most hateful, misogynistic and homophobic language on this site and somehow gets to keep his SN then has the nerve to play the victim card when others call him out on his bull. I am all for giving people a safe space for open discussion but a line HAS to be drawn somewhere. And he has had the nerve to call people "PC" and "easily offended" in the past while he's frantically hitting the report button.

I agree wholeheartedly with your stance. I am not advocating for everyone to "swallow their whistles", but the message I am trying to convey is, if the party in question is going to spew ignorance, bigotry, what have you, then that party should be able to take it, as well as it may dish it. To continue to attack, attack, attack, then immediately cower, beg for mercy, then, ultimately, resort to notifying an authority, when other users are fed up, shows complete hypocrisy in that user's behavior. I'm all for opposing views, when the opposing party is articulate in its argument, and compromising, and not combative, when it is shown to have argued in error. However, in these instances, that is not the case. Willful ignorance should not be coddled, nor tolerated, and by "babying" that user, repeatedly, does not show your other users good faith. Again, I am not advocating bans, because I enjoy the brief timeouts, and comedic relief, from discussions of issues that invoke fear and uneasiness in our fellow Americans. There shouldn't be a censorship of our ideas and thoughts, so long as it's constructive, non-offensive, nor in violation of a "Clear and Present Danger" of other users. That is what makes America truly great, the fact we can offer opposing views...despite orange bigots believing otherwise.
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Honestly, the less seriously you take ninja, the more fun you guys will have in this thread. He is good comedic relief. He has toned down the xenophobic talk as of late (ej. Calling Colombia Belgium boy) and is mostly just sprouting nonsense.

It's ok to correct him when he's being ignorant but the trick is to not get caught in a protracted argument with him.

Example. Yesterday he was sprouting a few nonsense about nurses. I'm a nurse. I laughed at him and kept it moving. The only ppl I was really addressing on the topic of nurses were ppl I took seriously.
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I'm not one to treat bad people with a "i forgive you" or a "turn the other cheek" mentality but rules are rules I suppose.
I'm not asking you to.  I hardly expect you to pray for his soul or well-being, in the way that hundreds of civil rights demonstrators prayed for the recovery of violent, segregationist Sheriff Jim Clark.

I'm not asking you to remain silent.  I'm not asking you to accept abuse with good humor.

My only request is that we all follow the rules and treat each other with basic respect. 
I understand where you're coming from on this, Meth. We've had discussions prior. However, I wasn't raised as a "tattle tail", so to speak. So when I find something to be offensive, not to myself, because I am not thin-skinned, nor do I care what an internet troll spews, especially when one is as wilfully ignorant as the party in question, but to others, I typically greet that with an even better articulated ignorance. So if I am, again, treading the rules, I apologize, but I will not stand by idly, nor go against my own values by "snitching" to an authority. I have not resorted to profanity laced tirades, as I have been warned against in the past, but have taken a much subtler approach. However, if you also can "call a spade a spade", so to speak, then you are also doing a disservice to the site by allowing the party in question to continue to regurgitate bigotry. If anything, you are as much to blame for this, because you alone have the power to "nip this in the bud". And please do not play ignorant on this issue, because there are plenty of instances of you, taking time out of your day, to address "the elephant in the room". If there are continued instances of back and forths, and there is always a single party that is involved, I'm pretty sure the old saying, "if it looks like a rat, and smells like a rat...", rings true. However, I am not advocating for that. But if the party in question, is reporting me for trivial infractions, then that party needs to stop being a hypocrite, and just "face the music", so to speak, when that party is called out on its BS.
The whole "authority" bit seems misplaced, to be honest.  This is a privately run message board.  We're not asking people to roll over on their friends to serve as grist for the prison industrial complex.  Nor is this school.  Nor are you children.  I'm not you parent.  I'm not your teacher.  

This is closer to someone taking a dump in the swimming pool at a resort or health club, and you're just gonna sit there and watch it bob around because to tell anyone about it would be "snitching."  It's ridiculous.  

You don't have the right to post personal attacks to our forums because the other person "deserves it."  Everyone who's ever insulted another person on this site probably thinks the other person "deserved it."  

Asking me to "nip this in the bud" by banning anyone suspected of racism is playing thought police.  Such a request seems quite at odds with a "stop snitching" mentality.  Someone who's anti-authority should hardly favor such a decidedly authoritarian approach.  Banning someone for what they "might" do seems decidedly unfair, if not prejudiced. 

We have a responsibility to enforce our policies in a fair, evenhanded way - not to encourage "vigilante justice" or create a double standard to punish those with whom we disagree.  Racist comments are not acceptable.  Insults are not acceptable.  Enforcing both of those policies is not mutually exclusive. 

If you're not willing to help our team remove racists from our forums - and that's frankly what it comes down to if you're going to hold tight to that "I'm not telling" attitude from grade school - then your only options are to express yourself respectfully or, if you can't respond without being disrespectful, keep your insults to yourself. 

This thread exists for respectful discussion.  Racism is inherently disrespectful, and users who post comments to that effect will be removed, just as we banned blco02, Titanium Tea, Ben Roethlisberger, and countless others.  NikeTalk is a large community.  We would not be able to efficiently weed out racist users without the assistance of our fellow community members.  

I appreciate the efforts of everyone who helps us keep our forums safe and respectful. 
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Believe me, I know who to take serious, and I know who is just trolling for attention. Hell, I'm guilty of the latter at times when I'm bored. The point is, to antagonize, insult, then play victim when the tables turn, is complete cowardice and hypocrisy. That's not what should be tolerated. In fact, it may be argued, that lessens the integrity of the thread. Personally, I habe the party in question blocked, as I have any other users that have exposed themselves as racists, bigots, etc. The only time I see these users' posts, are when others quote them. I don't mind the content, as I am not easily offended. What I do mind, is constantly getting warned because another user has realized that I can play that game at a higher level.

EDIT: Meth, I am not advocating the ban, I have reiterated that numerous times. And I agree with you that we should have respectful discussion. We'll have to agree to disagree on the "snitching" part, due to different ideologies, but just because I won't tell, doesn't mean I will discourage others from exercising their right to notify the person in charge. Also, "authority" was used for lack of a better word. I should have used "moderator", in hindsight.
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Believe me, I know who to take serious, and I know who is just trolling for attention. Hell, I'm guilty of the latter at times when I'm bored. The point is, to antagonize, insult, then play victim when the tables turn, is complete cowardice and hypocrisy. That's not what should be tolerated. In fact, it may be argued, that lessens the integrity of the thread. Personally, I habe the party in question blocked, as I have any other users that have exposed themselves as racists, bigots, etc. The only time I see these users' posts, are when others quote them. I don't mind the content, as I am not easily offended. What I do mind, is constantly getting warned because another user has realized that I can play that game at a higher level.
I've pointed out the hypocrisy in the whole "safe space" thing before, including the aforementioned reply:  http://niketalk.com/t/659331/donald...om-counter-extremism-program/60#post_27476664

I have no problem with people making similar points - so long as it's done respectfully.

As you said, we want people to have the opportunity to allow people to present different or even conflicting opinions and perspectives on our forums.  That's a way for us to make constructive use of our community's diversity.  The key is to ensure that such exchanges are handled respectfully.  That's all I'm asking for here. 

You haven't been warned for disagreeing with other users.  It's the insults/personal attacks that are at issue here. 

With regards to the block feature, I'm glad to hear that you're using it - as I think it's an underutilized function - but I agree 100% that it has vulnerabilities.  Ideally, any posts that quote content from a user you've blocked should, themselves, be blocked.  It's just difficult for that to occur because the system would need to know that a particular quote is attributed to a particular user.  If, for example, you're just pasting text into the editor, how can the system determine the original author?  It's challenging.  There are some forum platforms out there that can provide quote notifications, but only if the quote is performed using the system's interface rather than a manual copy/paste.  

I would love to see a smarter block feature that's able to include quotes in a similar way, but it's a pretty tall order.  Until then, we will have to continue to rely on everyone's self-control.  
You're not going to get a racist off of NT by fighting fire with fire

They all eventually shoot themselves in the foot

You just have to wait
I'm glad we've had this discussion, because it's beneficial to revisit the ground rules on occasion. I will continue to try not to break rules and will keep my opinions respectful, unless we're just joking around.

But back to the topic at hand. North Korea launched an intermediate ballistic missile earlier today. I was really hoping the idiot running that country wouldn't provoke the idiot running ours :{

You're not going to get a racist off of NT by fighting fire with fire

They all eventually shoot themselves in the foot

You just have to wait

"The party" has been shooting himself in both feet so many times he's probably got prostheses by now.



This one has interesting numbers, and it should probably be read in conjunction with the article about the negative demographic effect that the wall will have on the religious population in this country.
"The party" has been shooting himself in both feet so many times he's probably got prostheses by now.



This one has interesting numbers, and it should probably be read in conjunction with the article about the negative demographic effect that the wall will have on the religious population in this country.


Republicans are about to get WASHED in midterms.:lol

They did too much with Trump.

Now the entire country is paying attention to politics?

No amount of voter restriction is going to overcome the washing these cats are going to endure.

I'm hoping a candidate steps up and calls out everybody. I'd vote for that person in a heartbeat
Yes. The one good thing Trump did was make the whole country pay attention to politics. Some more than others. I feel there's still a lot that act a lot like casual sports fans and peep 'highlights' or 'the score' and listen to soundbites but nothing more.

This is why I try to avoid lumping all Trump supporters as racist. I try to treat each Trump supporter as simply ignorant until I get further information, on a case by case basis.
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