***Official Political Discussion Thread***


The crazy thing is that this **** becomes the deflection now and diverts public attention and resources in journalism away from real problems.
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And this is where I get back to why dems need to stop fighting fair and "taking the high road"

Dude has been firing up people against the Democratic Party and Obama with nonsense for the longest time now. **** that whole Donald being Donald ****. Dems need to go at this dude and make his presidency hell.
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So one of Trumps recent advisers, known political hatchet man Roger Stone, was having a meltdown on Twitter talking **** to any and everyone who @ed him and he managed to let this little nugget of sensitive info slip through before taking it down but not before the internet immortalized it for all to see :rofl:

Former Trump adviser Roger Stone admits collusion with WikiLeaks, then deletes it http://huff.to/2lthkkz
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Rep Ted Lieu's been letting the yoppa fly :smokin :smokin

March 5, 2017 Press Release

Washington – Today, Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) issued the following statement regarding the White House’s call for an investigation into President Trump’s claims that Trump Tower was wiretapped in 2016.

“Bring it on.”

“I fully support the White House’s request for Congressional investigations into President Trump’s explosive claim that Trump Tower was wiretapped. If the claim is true, such a wiretap would mean that an independent FISA Court Judge—appointed by Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts—reviewed evidence and found probable cause there were agents of a foreign power at Trump Tower.”

“The American people need to know if Donald Trump or his associates colluded with the Russian government during the election last year. A special prosecutor is clearly needed to immediately review what was learned from any possible wiretaps and any other potential evidence of collusion between Team Trump, Vladimir Putin and his agents. If the wiretapping claim is true, then Congress also needs to investigate if President Trump violated laws related to the leaking of classified information when he disclosed the existence of a secret wiretap via his Twitter account.”

“President Trump’s wiretapping claim points to a serious counterintelligence investigation of him and/or his associates. The multiple lies by Trump and his associates denying contacts with the Russians; the making of a false statement by Attorney General Sessions under oath to Congress about his Russian contacts; and now the explosive revelation of a potential wiretap at Trump Tower suggests that we could be looking at a situation far worse than Watergate.”

Need more Dems down and ready for a fight like him
:wow: :rofl: @ those roger stone tweets

boys folding under pressure lmao

"You stupid stupid b----" :lol: that man is triggered :lol:

Obama should just keep tweeting the gif of him brushing his shoulder off. Stay on vacation let these clowns destroy themselves.
2014 lawsuit against one of the largest US private prison companies will now be going forward as a class action lawsuit after a federal judge ruling
Tens of thousands of immigrants detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement were forced to work for $1 day, or for nothing at all — a violation of federal anti-slavery laws — a lawsuit claims.

The lawsuit, filed in 2014 against one of the largest private prison companies in the country, reached class-action status this week after a federal judge’s ruling. That means the case could involve as many as 60,000 immigrants who have been detained.

It’s the first time a class-action lawsuit accusing a private U.S. prison company of forced labor has been allowed to move forward.

“That’s obviously a big deal; it’s recognizing the possibility that a government contractor could be engaging in forced labor,” said Nina DiSalvo, executive director of Towards Justice, a Colorado-based nonprofit group that represents low-wage workers, including undocumented immigrants. “Certification of the class is perhaps the only mechanism by which these vulnerable individuals who were dispersed across the country and across the world would ever be able to vindicate their rights.”

At the heart of the dispute is the Denver Contract Detention Facility, a 1,500-bed center in Aurora, Colo., owned and operated by GEO Group under a contract with ICE. The Florida-based corporation runs facilities to house immigrants who are awaiting their turn in court.

The lawsuit, filed against GEO Group on behalf of nine immigrants, initially sought more than $5 million in damages. Attorneys expect the damages to grow substantially given the case’s new class-action status.

The class-action ruling by U.S. District Judge John Kane means that as many as 60,000 current and former detainees at the detention facility in Aurora are now part of the lawsuit without having to actively join as plaintiffs, said Andrew Free, one of the plaintiffs’ attorneys

The lead plaintiff in the case is a permanent resident of the U.S., and attorneys expect “a significant portion of the class will fit that bill,” Free said.

The original nine plaintiffs claim that detainees at the ICE facility are forced to work without pay — and that those who refuse to do so are threatened with solitary confinement.

Specifically, the lawsuit claims, six detainees are selected at random every day and are forced to clean the facility’s housing units. The lawsuit claims that the practice violates the federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act, which prohibits modern-day slavery.

“Forced labor is a particular violation of the statute that we’ve alleged,” Free said. “Whether you’re calling it forced labor or slavery, the practical reality for the plaintiffs is much the same. You’re being compelled to work against your will under the threat of force or use of force.”

GEO Group also is accused of violating Colorado’s minimum wage laws by paying detainees $1 day instead of the state’s minimum wage of about $9 an hour. The company “unjustly enriched” itself through the cheap labor of detainees, the lawsuit says.

None of the original nine plaintiffs are still detained at the facility, DiSalvo said.

(lengthy article, see link for rest)

The accuracy is more astounding after prima Donalds latest series of tweets :lol:

WH officials with whom I spoke said POTUS got the info about wiretap from media - Breitbart, Levin - not from govt sources.

Obviously FBI/DOJ wiretap of POTUS would be HUGE story. One illegally ordered by previous POTUS even bigger. BUT WH officials have no proof

Most reporters I know are digging on this. But every current Intel voice is saying they know of nothing to back up this claim.

Moreover we cannot pretend we haven't been here before, w/POTUS putting out wild accusations that are untethered to reality.

Obama's birth certificate/ Vaccines/ Ted Cruz's father & Lee Harvey Oswald / crowd sizes/ Vince Foster / Murder rate / 3-5 illegal votes

In any case, will continue to report. WH call for Congress to find evidence of POTUS claim with "no further comment" is not proof.
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Roger Stone is perhaps the most despicable of the bunch. You know you're evil when he's on your side.

and :pimp: @ yg/fdt.

edit: Don dump is uniting America:
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WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, asked the Justice Department this weekend to publicly reject President Trump’s assertion that President Barack Obama ordered the tapping of Mr. Trump’s phones, senior American officials said on Sunday. Mr. Comey has argued that the highly charged claim is false and must be corrected, they said, but the department has not released any such statement.

Mr. Comey, who made the request on Saturday after Mr. Trump leveled his allegation on Twitter, has been working to get the Justice Department to knock down the claim because it falsely insinuates that the F.B.I. broke the law, the officials said.

:lol: :lol:

-But still, **** Comey
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Here's a former tech director at the biggest operational NSA division:


AHEM: US IC has considerable SIGINT featuring high-level Russians talking about their collusion with Team Trump.

You heard it here 1st.

SIGINT is from #NSA & partners. This is called "reflections" in spookdom, ie readouts from convos about current ops.

Individually these convos are not all that persuasive, analytically; but collectively, they demonstrate collusion.

I only tell you folks things about the IC, esp WRT something #YUGE like #TrumpRussia, when I personally know the spooks telling me the news.;

BLUF: 1 intercepted convo between 2 senior Kremlin guys talking about collusion w/Trump isn't a big deal; a bunch of them = a very big deal.

I'm confident that any SERIOUS investigation of #TrumpRussia will find enough intel to end Trump's admin & send people to jail.

cc @GOP


I take it "Sigint" is significant intel?

That's what I've been thinking though,they're letting stuff leak out slowly drop by drop to be strategic but I'm certain they already have all the damning intel they need...

It must be why Trump and his team have been ******** themselves this weekend,probably because the end might be nigh


WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, asked the Justice Department this weekend to publicly reject President Trump’s assertion that President Barack Obama ordered the tapping of Mr. Trump’s phones, senior American officials said on Sunday. Mr. Comey has argued that the highly charged claim is false and must be corrected, they said, but the department has not released any such statement.

Mr. Comey, who made the request on Saturday after Mr. Trump leveled his allegation on Twitter, has been working to get the Justice Department to knock down the claim because it falsely insinuates that the F.B.I. broke the law, the officials said.

:lol: :lol:

-But still, **** Comey

pissing off the FBI or intel agencies has worked wonders in the past right...
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