***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Time for the Dems to put that independant investigation at the top of the agenda the same way Bengazhi topped the GOP agenda for ages

NSA dude said there's gonna be enough on Trump to throw folks in jail...that investigation can't start soon enough
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Time for the Dems to put that independant investigation at the top of the agenda the same way Bengazhi topped the GOP agenda for ages

NSA dude said there's gonna be enough on Trump to throw folks in jail...that investigation can't start soon enough
As of now, none of those republicans seem remotely interested in an independent investigation. They have a majority so unless some break party line I wouldn't get your hopes up
^ you're right.


I'm not holding my breath. Although I am hopeful.

Obama playing 5-D chess. Releasing all this info in October would've been dangerous politically. It would've hurt trump but GOP would've quickly distanced itself.

By playing it this way, now a bunch of Republicans have jeopardized their careers by aligning themselves with trump. Damning trump also damages all his Republican allies. A few savvy Republicans are distancing themselves but they will face a critical point soon where either they turn fully on trump and split the party or take a gamble and how the storm blows over.

Either way, unless trump gets his way and drastically hobbles the intelligence community and the judiciary, there will be a reckoning and it will take a lot of Republicans with it. And I really hope the trump fortune is wiped out and that people like Roger Stone get sent to jail and/or hung depending on what the rules for treason in this country say.

in other news (read in reverse order):

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Let's put our eggs in one basket. Trump will probably survive this because the GOP are spineless, bought, and have a appetite to destroy the lives of most people in the country.

People on the left still need to be active organizing, getting more political involved, and getting educated on the issues.

Trump is planning on instituting some of the worst economic, social, environmental policies the country has seen. This is where the real fight is.

We knew he was a Putin puppet months ago, this just puts more egg on the face of all the deniers (on the left and right)
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In the same way trump said we should punish women who get abortions, I submit to you that anyone who voted for trump in the past election was in collusion with Russia and is therefore also guilty of treason. #trumplogic

edit: ^ agreed. Regardless of what happens with Russia, there is a lot of work to be done.
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How do people not view this as a conflict of interest


It should be. I don't understand it either.

Because Donald J. Trump the president who won by a landslide 306 electoral votes says you have nothing to worry about.


Edit: I wonder how many of his core supporters can afford to stay in a $500 a night swamp like that

Jokes on you b, Papi Naranja hooking up da broke boys with janitor closet access.

Da low overhead :smokin
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How do people not view this as a conflict of interest


It should be. I don't understand it either.

Because Donald J. Trump the president who won by a landslide 306 electoral votes says you have nothing to worry about.


Edit: I wonder how many of his core supporters can afford to stay in a $500 a night swamp like that

Jokes on you b, Papi Naranja hooking up da broke boys with janitor closet access.

Da low overhead :smokin

Damb, he really is for the little guy, giving little people ****** sized rooms
I've been telling folks no one, nooooo one, noooo oooo one, knows da rust problems like da Don
There are two special elections coming up, one in Montana and one in Georgia.

Montana seems like a long shot (it is sparsely populated, rural and very white) but Dems do have the Governor mansion, one Senator, and Obeezy came close to winning it in 2008.

Georgia's district is a long shot but it cuts through affluent neighborhoods of Northern Atlanta.

These will be early heat checks for the Dems. Losing by single digits means their base is at least a bit more active. Winning Georgia would spell good news for the 2017 elections in the falls.

Win both, and the GOP will start ******** itself.
There are two special elections coming up, one in Montana and one in Georgia.

Montana seems like a long shot (it is sparsely populated, rural and very white) but Dems do have the Governor mansion, one Senator, and Obeezy came close to winning it in 2008.

Georgia's district is a long shot but it cuts through affluent neighborhoods of Northern Atlanta.

These will be early heat checks for the Dems. Losing by single digits means their base is at least a bit more active. Winning Georgia would spell good news for the 2017 elections in the falls.

Win both, and the GOP will start ******** itself.

Hope they're out there spending money and putting in work.
Right now, in 2018 and beyond, more and more Dems need to use the bellicose, use-against-them, quasi constabulary and prosecutorial tone and rhetoric that the right wing has used for years.

Dems need to be lurid and dramatic and publish weekly lists of suspected and known white supremacists, Russian collaborators, prison profiteers and financial criminals. We need cherry picked stories of hate crime victims, victims of predatory financial practices. we need stories of the family members of slain American soldiers and diplomats. We need commercials that depict American born Hispanics being separated from their children and thrown into federal detention facilities to rot.

Far too often, we on the left are too clinical, too detached and too mealy mouthed. We need drop this whole optimist, long arc of history business and militarize our rhetoric. We need to cast out selves as the protectors and the only thing standing between marginalized communities and certain death and ruin at the hands of the conservative other.

In the rhetorical area, we bring too many knives to gun fights. Let's start bring rocket launchers to these fights and scare the bejesus out of our base in the way that conservatives have had their own voter base on high alert since circa 1994.
I really hope this nightmare ends in 4 years. I seriously wonder how his supporters justify the destruction of the environment.
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