***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I really hope this nightmare ends in 4 years. I seriously wonder how his supporters justify the destruction of the environment.

Most of his supporters will only care about the environment when they see the effects on their own lives. Notice how most of his supporters were down for everything until it began to impact their lives.
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@politico: White House spokeswoman: Trump doesn't believe Comey that Obama didn't wiretap https://t.co/bM7HKJZ1fg
Keep up the public disrespecting of the IC :smokin

Good thing the GOP seems to have more sense at least,even Obama hating Tom Cotton :lol:

.@SenTomCotton: No evidence of Obama wiretapping http://politi.co/2lvPpkc

Looks like the public isn't fooled by his spin either

@CNN: CNN/ORC poll: Most Americans say special prosecutor should investigate contacts between Russia and Trump campaign

Right now, in 2018 and beyond, more and more Dems need to use the bellicose, use-against-them, quasi constabulary and prosecutorial tone and rhetoric that the right wing has used for years.

Dems need to be lurid and dramatic and publish weekly lists of suspected and known white supremacists, Russian collaborators, prison profiteers and financial criminals. We need cherry picked stories of hate crime victims, victims of predatory financial practices. we need stories of the family members of slain American soldiers and diplomats. We need commercials that depict American born Hispanics being separated from their children and thrown into federal detention facilities to rot.

Far too often, we on the left are too clinical, too detached and too mealy mouthed. We need drop this whole optimist, long arc of history business and militarize our rhetoric. We need to cast out selves as the protectors and the only thing standing between marginalized communities and certain death and ruin at the hands of the conservative other.

In the rhetorical area, we bring too many knives to gun fights. Let's start bring rocket launchers to these fights and scare the bejesus out of our base in the way that conservatives have had their own voter base on high alert since circa 1994.


I've seen some media folks pedaling this idea that all the outrage is gonna eventually hurt the resistance and is hurting Dem approval ratings but last I checked,the GOP won every election being the most unpopular party while pedaling divisive faux-outrage over 8 years...

The conventional playbook should be tossed out the window,gotta fight fire with fire with these shameless Republicans
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Right now, in 2018 and beyond, more and more Dems need to use the bellicose, use-against-them, quasi constabulary and prosecutorial tone and rhetoric that the right wing has used for years.

Dems need to be lurid and dramatic and publish weekly lists of suspected and known white supremacists, Russian collaborators, prison profiteers and financial criminals. We need cherry picked stories of hate crime victims, victims of predatory financial practices. we need stories of the family members of slain American soldiers and diplomats. We need commercials that depict American born Hispanics being separated from their children and thrown into federal detention facilities to rot.

Far too often, we on the left are too clinical, too detached and too mealy mouthed. We need drop this whole optimist, long arc of history business and militarize our rhetoric. We need to cast out selves as the protectors and the only thing standing between marginalized communities and certain death and ruin at the hands of the conservative other.

In the rhetorical area, we bring too many knives to gun fights. Let's start bring rocket launchers to these fights and scare the bejesus out of our base in the way that conservatives have had their own voter base on high alert since circa 1994.

Pick-a-clap gif

Saw this recently..

Need more stuff like this, although it runs long and she could have cut straight to the *****.

I've never had much of an opinion on Rachel Maddow, mostly because I hadn't watched much of her show/commentary.
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so let me get this straight: the new ban will not allow Iranian students to travel back to the united states if they don't already have a visa?

this is still absurd.

**** trump.
"I dont care, it doesnt affect me"

Thats the exact response I always get from the Trump supporters I kno.

Niemöller the real MVP
so let me get this straight: the new ban will not allow Iranian students to travel back to the united states if they don't already have a visa?

this is still absurd.

**** trump.

The way student visas work is like this:

You go to the local US embassy for the interview, and if your application to study here gets approved, you get a visa that is valid for no more than a year with a certain number of entries (one or unlimited, depending on the consulate official). The thing that shows your status as a student is a document called an I-20, which is completely independent from the visa.

What does that mean?

If your visa expires while you're studying in the US, you're still legally here so long as the date by which you're supposed to complete your studies on your I-20 hasn't passed. However, if you leave the US, you will have to apply for a new visa once you re-enter and go through the entire application procedure again. Previous entry into the US doesn't guarantee that your current application will be successful (in fact, it isn't uncommon to find cases where people have been denied a travel visa for coming too much in the US).

What does that mean for an international student?

You come here, spend 30k-40k on tuition + housing, food, and transportation (per year), go home for vacations after your freshman/sophomore year, and coming back to finish your studies in the US becomes a gamble. In other words, universities will see a decreasing number of international students.

Great! More spots for Americans!

Except that without addressing the rising cost of college education (and it won't be addressed) and considering the education funding cutbacks this administration will surely partake in (less money for public institutions), public universities will miss out on a pretty sure influx of cash (international tuition is usually 2 to 3 times the tuition paid by a resident student). This means that some programs will stop being offered, some departments may close, some professors may be laid off or turned into adjuncts, and some schools will definitely lose on research and innovation talent, which will mark the beginning stage of the Great American Brain Drain.
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Nah, they'll just increase tuition and this ban doesn't affect Asians or Indians which is where most students come from, now the H1B visas are a different story, but they don't affect foreign students studying in the U.S.
Nah, they'll just increase tuition and this ban doesn't affect Asians or Indians which is where most students come from, now the H1B visas are a different story, but they don't affect foreign students studying in the U.S.

US visas only allow you to enter legally; the date on the I-94 card says how long you can stay in the US legally. For international students, they mark "D/S" for Duration of Studies, which is indicated on the I-20 (basically, the length of time you'll need to get your degree specified on the I-20 is the period of time you're allowed to stay here legally).

If you're a student from any of these banned countries, you are on a visa that has probably expired while you were studying here legally because the date of validity of the visa doesn't depend on what they put on the I-94 card. Think of the visa as a temporary pass valid for 1, 2, or unlimited entries in the US for a period of 3/6/12 months.

What that means is that an Iranian student who has spent 2 years in an American university and decides to exit the country temporarily will need to reapply for a new visa to come back here and finish his studies. Once he leaves the US, the ban is very likely to apply to him (because his initial visa has already expired), and he will have nothing to show for those two years of study and the money spent other than transferable credits (if foreign universities have degree equivalency agreements with the US department of education).
Nah, they'll just increase tuition and this ban doesn't affect Asians or Indians which is where most students come from, now the H1B visas are a different story, but they don't affect foreign students studying in the U.S.

US visas only allow you to enter legally; the date on the I-94 card says how long you can stay in the US legally. For international students, they mark "D/S" for Duration of Studies, which is indicated on the I-20 (basically, the length of time you'll need to get your degree specified on the I-20 is the period of time you're allowed to stay here legally).

If you're a student from any of these banned countries, you are on a visa that has probably expired while you were studying here legally because the date of validity of the visa doesn't depend on what they put on the I-94 card. Think of the visa as a temporary pass valid for 1, 2, or unlimited entries in the US for a period of 3/6/12 months.

What that means is that an Iranian student who has spent 2 years in an American university and decides to exit the country temporarily will need to reapply for a new visa to come back here and finish his studies. Once he leaves the US, the ban is very likely to apply to him (because his initial visa has already expired), and he will have nothing to show for those two years of study and the money spent other than transferable credits (if foreign universities have degree equivalency agreements with the US department of education).

I'm talkin bout H1B don't affect foreign students the same way the Visa issue does.
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Famb just dropped some realness on the Nation. Slaves immigrated to this country in hopes of working have for their future generation to prosper.

They knew Cotton Country was popping like Hot Cisco back in the day :smokin


-On some real ****. **** this dude. This is some of the worst cornballing I have ever witnessed. I bet this fool freebases butter biscuits. Dude is disgusting and deserves the respect on no sane adult. At this point, his entire existence is a joke.
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How do you work longer, harder and for less than a slave? :stoneface:

Indentured servants worked their contracts and then were free to go.

Someone who is smart enough to perform brain surgery but so damn stupid at the same time. :smh:

Makes no sense!
I wonder what the sales numbers look like for the stores that sell these cats their tap shoes. 2016 might've been their most profitable year to date.

How do you work longer, harder and for less than a slave? :stoneface:

Indentured servants worked their contracts and then were free to go.

Someone who is smart enough to perform brain surgery but so damn stupid at the same time. :smh:

Makes no sense!

This is why they say there's a difference between book smarts and street smarts/common sense.
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