***Official Political Discussion Thread***


http://archive.is/1Mfkk (this is a link to an archived version of the breitbart article about GOPcare)

Looks like trumpists are finally realizing they're not in on the con.
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My b for coming at you sideways, my g
all good b. this whole healthcare debacle is too much idek what to make of all this nonsense. I'm glad that members of the GOP are finally seeing the problems with their healthcare proposals but sad that they are really screwing with the lives of many people 
I really want to see Elizabeth Savage Warren troll Drumpf on Twitter today. All this material loaded in the choppa.
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I have a raging schadenfreude right now.

btw, you know what really bugs me about trump's tweets about women today? In both of them, he says women have a "role" to play. Rather than say they deserve equal rights or something, he says they have roles. Even if he's not implying that they have roles to play as cooks, caretakers, and servants...
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This will be a plan where you can choose your doctor. This will be a plan where you can choose your plan. And you know what the plan is — this is the plan. And we’re going to have a tremendous — I think we’re going to have a tremendous success. It’s a complicated process, but actually it’s very simple. It’s called good healthcare


7 ******* years, 7.

Hel they weren't even reasonable during the ACA discussions. All they had was tort reform.

Add to that, these fools have not been reasonable about Healthcare since Nixon.
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Spicer's press conferences is always hilarious.
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