***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Ohh yea I do remember Trump saying he was going to fire Comey regardless of recommendation. I didn't realize that it was Rosenstein who reportedly made the recommendation. Thanks.
Oh wow. That works! Lol



I tried it twice and didn't work the second time. Effing weird breh
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So who's going to be President when Trump, Pence, and Ryan are all gone?


I, for one, would welcome our new Latverian overlord. ALL HAIL DOOM!

Also, my mans Kang or Kodos can't get any love on that list? Speciesists :smh:
Speaking of the Spice man


Trump has sucked the lifeblood out of Sean Spicer

I’m often asked if I think President Trump will make it through all four years of his term.

My stock reply: The better question is whether we will survive the next four years.

It wouldn’t surprise me at all if he does make it to 2020 without impeachment, or the 25th Amendment, blocking his path. Trump has a long history of walking out of disasters unscathed. It’s those around him — the Sean Spicers of the world — who are destroyed.

Alas, poor Spicer! I knew him well.

He was one of the top Republican flacks in town, affable and quick-witted, always happy to dish with reporters off the record. I liked him. I still like him — or at least that Spicer I knew before he answered Donald Trump’s call.

The Spicer who strode into the White House briefing room Monday afternoon I did not recognize. He scanned the room, unsmiling. He furtively checked his watch. He recited a long opening statement carefully and flatly, as if reading from a science textbook. And he had absolutely nothing to say.

President Trump’s hint that he taped conversations with Jim Comey? “I was very clear that the president would have nothing further on that last week.”

The Russia probe generally? “The president’s position’s been very clear.”

And everything else: “I think I’ve made it very clear. . . . He made it very clear. . . . It’s been made very clear. . . . I made it clear. . . . The FBI director and others have made it very clear.”

Spicer was studiously dour and clearly wasn’t enjoying himself. He was puffy, pinched and pale. And little wonder: Trump has sucked the lifeblood out of him.

The president turned him into a national punchline on his first day on the job, forcing him to provide “alternative facts” about the inauguration. On Friday morning, Trump confirmed for the world what was widely suspected: Spicer doesn’t really know what’s going on. “As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!” Trump proclaimed.

The next day, “Saturday Night Live” did its latest sendup of the hapless spokesman. This time Melissa McCarthy’s Spicer hid in the bushes, attacked reporters and rode his motorized podium in search of Trump, vainly seeking assurance that he hadn’t been lied to. Alec Baldwin’s Trump tried to grope and kiss McCarthy’s Spicer.

“Is this like ‘The Godfather’ when you kiss me and no one ever sees me again?” the Spicer character asked.

“Yes,” the Trump character answered.

It’s a matter of time until life imitates sketch. Washington is abuzz with speculation about when Spicer will be shown the door, but it doesn’t really matter. His credibility, and his dignity, have already been defenestrated.

He will soon be added to the heap of unhappy people who cast their lots with Trump and were repaid with misery.

Trump entities have filed for bankruptcy protection six times. Investors, lenders and workers took hits — and Trump moved on. Trump was caught on tape boasting to Billy Bush about sexually assaulting women — and Billy Bush lost his job. Corey Lewandowski and Paul Manafort poured themselves into Trump’s campaign and were unceremoniously dumped.

The carnage has increased since Trump came to Washington. National security adviser Michael Flynn is out and potentially in legal trouble. The FBI’s Comey arguably handed Trump the election — and learned of his dismissal from TV. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein tarnished his sterling reputation in just two weeks.

As my Post colleague Abby Phillip documented, Vice President Pence has been “unflagging in his loyalty,” only to be made “the public face of official narratives that turn out to be misleading or false.” Trump humiliated Steve Bannon by publicly downplaying their association. Trump repaid House Speaker Paul Ryan’s loyalty by winking at calls for Ryan’s ouster. Attempts to defend Trump by aides Reince Priebus and Kellyanne Conway and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have left them sounding clownish.

Trump takes what he can from each of his aides and allies and then moves on. It would seem that time is near for Spicer, who started Monday’s briefing 45 minutes late and, in the minutes that followed, avoided answering questions by saying no fewer than 22 times how very “clear” he or Trump had been about this or that. NATO: “Very clear.” Tax reform: “His plan has been pretty clear.” Secret tapes: “The president’s made it clear.” Where there was confusion, Spicer pretended to see clarity, in Afghanistan (“He’ll have an opportunity to make his position very clear”) and Syria (“The president’s always been clear that he’s not going to telegraph actions”).

At the end of the lifeless performance by the beleaguered spokesman, what was clear is this: Spicer’s utility to Trump has diminished. And, as many a Trump loyalist has discovered, you are useful to Trump until you are not — and then you are cast aside.
lol at the alt-right talking points. this blonde trump spokesperson on CNN and da breeze in this thread are now saying that this investigation is good news for trump because it'll yield no evidence and thus embarrass the Democrats. :lol:

poor souls don't realize how much evidence the FBI is sitting on. they could hang the entire trump administration 5 times over if they wanted.

like that game 7 wizards win ehh? :lol:

da bottom line is da investigation is snatched outta da political arena and into da real world.

Democrats cried wolf, there better be a wolf
Trump is getting ready to fire someone.
We just need to put a mirror in the oval office. Imagine if don sees himself but doesn't realize it's him. Here are some of the things he would say (these are slightly edited real tweets from trump himself over the past couple years): https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=president from:realdonaldtrump&src=typd

You have zero imagination and even less stamina. ISIS, China, Russia and all would love to keep you as president. Finish the 4 years!

You do not have the STRENGTH or STAMINA to be President. We need strong and super smart for our next leader - or trouble!

You will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States!

You speak about a world that doesn’t exist. 60% of the people think you're doing a terrible job! You don't have a clue. Our country is a divided crime scene, and it will only get worse!

You think the nation is not as divided as people think. You're living in a world of the make believe!

Taxpayers are paying a fortune for the use of Air Force One by you and your family. A total disgrace!

You are totally unfit to be our president-really bad judgement and a temperament, according to news sources, which is a mess!

Never before has a president endorsed someone under investigation by @TheJusticeDept.

While you were out playing golf all day, the TSA is falling apart, just like our government! Airports a total disaster!

"In politics, and in life, ignorance is not a virtue." This is a primary reason that you are the worst president in U.S. history!

You have embarrassed yourself & your family with your incompetent run as President.

I, along with almost everyone else, have so little confidence in you. You have a horrible attitude-a man who is resigned to defeat

Bottom line, you are unfit to serve as President of the U.S. Your temperament is weak and your opponents are strong. BAD JUDGEMENT! You should immediately resign in disgrace!

We need a new President - FAST!
Interesting tidbit: For years, trump has been retweeting anyone who was saying he should run for president.

This goes back for YEARS. YEARS. He was retweeting every single person who said he should run. EVERY SINGLE PERSON. FOR YEARS.

Here is a sampling of one fine December day two and a half years ago:

"@Hotdamsel2: @realDonaldTrump Yeah Please run for President, we need some serious change and someone who cares about our country in office!
10:51 PM - 2 Dec 2014

"@adamsteinbaugh: @realDonaldTrump please, please, please make my dreams come true by running for president and winning."
10:47 PM - 2 Dec 2014

"@Brian_Legit: @realDonaldTrump please run for president. Your the only one who can fix this mess Obama created" I agree!
10:41 PM - 2 Dec 2014

"@tlrchrstphrbrsn: @realDonaldTrump please run for president"
10:15 PM - 2 Dec 2014

"@JessArrigo: @realDonaldTrump Trump for President!! Make it happen, we need an intelligent leader! [emoji]128158[/emoji] #trumpforpresident"
8:07 AM - 2 Dec 2014

"@itsRyanHilton: I can't wait for @realDonaldTrump to announce that he's running for President"
12:21 AM - 2 Dec 2014

He went to bed at midnight, but not before retweeting Ryan Hilton. Then he got up 7 hours later to start retweeting more people all the way until 11 pm before he went to sleep again.


Did I mention he's been doing this FOR YEARS??
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like that game 7 wizards win ehh? :lol:

da bottom line is da investigation is snatched outta da political arena and into da real world.

Democrats cried wolf, there better be a wolf

What will you do if there is a wolf, if Trump is exposed on the highest stage? How would you spin it to defend him then?....I don't even think then, you'll back down...fam you are lost
Dude is gonna have a psychotic meltdown, count on it :rofl:

***** has turned into the most entertaining reality show on earth.
So what's going to happen if they don't find any Russian connection and nothing happens to Trump?

Will he be president for the next 7 and a half years?

I feel like it would be a devastating L for the left.

So what's going to happen if they don't find any Russian connection and nothing happens to Trump?

I feel like it would be a devastating L for the left.


I agree. It will be cause it'll only reinforce his war on free press and his supporters will bury their heads even further in the sand.
These leaks are the gift that just keep on giving :rofl:

Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources https://t.co/Zq2mhrC7nA via @Reuters

@LauraWalkerKC: And: Flynn & Kislyak discussed establishing a back channel for comms between Trump & Putin to bypass the U.S. national security bureaucracy


Flynn is so ****** :x

Every single day this week has brought on more and more leaks,the IC is not messing around :wow:

How some folks are still playing contrarian and being defeatist as all this stuff keeps coming out is beyond me

*Oh god dude got his phone back this morning I see :lol:
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