***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Until the US deals with its absurd military spending they will continue to have issues
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You're explicitly called Lewis a liar. When you posted the 2014 pic, then when people called you out for it, you didn't think it necessary to do better the next time?

I saw the snippet of what Lewis said when I was watching cnn for a couple mins during my lunch break.. Wasn't any grand context, just the brief snippet then talking heads

I scrolled through Twitter, saw the picture and posted it

And as far as the dems and the Caribbean, their over involvement with banking regulations and tax programs is what has a substantial impact on this region and elsewhere throughout the world.. Go research FATCA

However, as I mentioned numerous times the GOP need to reevaluate their whole platform in my opinion.. They should be the party of fiscal responsibility, opposition to over taxation, the freedom of the individual, freedom of the free market, opposition to big over involved government

And neoliberalism and has substantial impact on America

You don't live in America, you you don't have to live with the nonsense they do.

Plus your ignore the fact that tax evasion is a major problem in America, costing the country billions in tax revenue.

And Caribbean governments, and banks, love to encourage Americans in that behavior. So they, even this "sensible Republican" you dream of, will hopefully clamp down on this nonsense as well

The burden shouldn't be placed on other countries to regulate what Americans do..

The United States of America needs to deal with their citizens
I went to boarding school and college in Florida.. Own a house in Florida..

I go over to Florida every other month.. And live right in the Bahamas.. Dumb decisions made by your government signifigantly impacts my life

My fiancé also has American citzenship

And dumb decision made by them effect me more, effect the poor citizens of America more. Neoliberalism has been a disastrous for America, any GOP candidate will want to continue it.

And excuse me if I don't think the government should be looking out for America interest over lining the pockets of a well off foreign lawyer, and foreign banks.

Especially when that topic includes tax invasion. We should be spending less on the military, and going after tax invaders. Not let one slid because we saving money on the other.

And this wouldn't be a problem if foreign governments and banks were so willing to be complicit in this sort of behavior.

And Democrats are the ones pushing for less military spending. So, there is that
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I went to boarding school and college in Florida.. Own a house in Florida..

I go over to Florida every other month.. And live right in the Bahamas.. Dumb decisions made by your government signifigantly impacts my life

My fiancé also has American citzenship

And dumb decision made by them effect me more, effect the poor citizens of America more. Neoliberalism has been a disastrous for America, any GOP candidate will want to continue it.

And excuse me if I don't think the government should be looking out for America interest over lining the pockets of a foreign lawyer, and foreign banks.

Especially when that topic includes tax invasion. We should be spending less on the military, and going after tax invaders. Not let one slid because we saving money on the other.

And this wouldn't be a problem if foreign governments and banks were so willing to be complicit in this sort of behavior.

And military spending has gone down btw. And the Dems are the ones wanting to cut it

Again.. The American government should concern themselves with their citizens

FATCA, is another example of the US not being able to deal with their citizens and putting the burden on other countries

Are firm made a decision as soon as that came to only deal with American clientele on a very specific and limited business.. Because it wasn't worth it otherwise.. And I'm sure that is happening on a TON of countries
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The US deal with way too many issues like way too many spouses that have suffered infidelity in their relationship..

They go and deal with the other person instead of dealing with the person who has an actual obligation to them
I went to boarding school and college in Florida.. Own a house in Florida..

I go over to Florida every other month.. And live right in the Bahamas.. Dumb decisions made by your government signifigantly impacts my life

My fiancé also has American citzenship

And dumb decision made by them effect me more, effect the poor citizens of America more. Neoliberalism has been a disastrous for America, any GOP candidate will want to continue it.

And excuse me if I don't think the government should be looking out for America interest over lining the pockets of a foreign lawyer, and foreign banks.

Especially when that topic includes tax invasion. We should be spending less on the military, and going after tax invaders. Not let one slid because we saving money on the other.

And this wouldn't be a problem if foreign governments and banks were so willing to be complicit in this sort of behavior.

And military spending has gone down btw. And the Dems are the ones wanting to cut it

Again.. The American government should concern themselves with their citizens

FATCA, is another example of the US not being to deal with their citizens and putting the burden on other countries

Are firm made a decision as soon as that came to only deal with American clientele on a very specific and limited business.. Because it wasn't worth it otherwise.. And I'm sure that is happening on a TON of countries

America is concerning itself with their citizens, problem is, foreign banks were concerning themselves with helping American citizens evade taxes

Costing America tax revenue.

Maybe foreign countries should have been more ethical, and the American government won't have made them part of the legislation
Lol.. You're joking right..

We have no obligation to adhere to everything the US wants.. And the issue with US and foreign banks and countries was secrecy regulations (simple privacy)

Nothing illegal or unethical was being done as far as our jurisdiction is concerned.. If it were it would be very simple to get a court order and obtain that information and have the proceeds of that illegal action confiscated

But again, the US just wants to be able to ask and have the information handed to them without any questions being asked

Funny.. The only country in the world we have these issues with is the US.. That's it
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I can't find what rusty quoted me on, but idk why Bernie supported it. Doesn't change my mind about a damn thing. Gonna go put my "Feel The Bern" sticker on my truck right now.
The Texas Governor just confirmed it

Multiple reports that Justice Scalia has passed away in Texas

Dude was a scumbag, but still, R.I.P

Basically how I feel,the SC is in line for a big shakeup. Not sure how this usually works with dying sitting justices but will Obama get to pick a successor or will they wait until after the election?
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Different issue, but the same point..

Our former prime minister's response on drugs in an interview back in the day:
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Multiple reports that Justice Scalia has passed away in Texas

Dude was a scumbag, but still, R.I.P

Basically how I feel,the SC is in line for a big shakeup. Not sure how this usually works with dying sitting justices but will Obama get to pick a successor or will they wait until after the election?

Obama would have pick a replacement if the Senate was will controlled by the Dems

But I don't their will be enough GOP members that will break rank for a Obama pick to pass.

Probably gonna have to wait until after the election
Different issue, but the same point..

Our former prime minister's response on drugs in an interview back in the day:

Where is the rest of this interview? Because it sounds like in this quote that he is talking about planes originating in the Bahamas coming into US airspace.

Which is different that money originating from the US, going into Bahamian banks.

-But I get that it hurts your pockets, but that alone is not enough for me to think the GOP is a better choice over the Dems. .

Even a moderate "sensible" Republican like Mike Bloomberg championed stuff like stop and frisk
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One of my favorite professors in college was a bleeding heart liberal, but she said she respected Scalia the most of any SC justice because he was the most principled. Also, he was a free speech absolutist, which she liked (my professor taught media law and ethics).
Different issue, but the same point..

Our former prime minister's response on drugs in an interview back in the day:

Where is the rest of this interview? Because it sounds like in this quote that he is talking about planes originating in the Bahamas coming into US airspace.

Which is different that money originating from the US, going into Bahamian banks.

-But I get that it hurts your pockets, but that alone is not enough for me to think the GOP is a better choice over the Dems. .

Even a moderate "sensible" Republican like Mike Bloomberg championed stuff like stop and frisk

Actually.. The Bahamas was simply a middle point of transit (as with slavery, gun smuggling during wars and rum during prohibition).. Watch cociane Cowboys..

Should Canadian-Americans be able to take advantage of free health care in Canada?
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I can't wait to hear the outrageous reasons the GOP comes up with as to why Obama shouldn't select the next nominee :lol:.

If they let it ride out until after the election,this campaign is about to heat up even more especially when it gets to the general with the presidency along with a SC court seat up for grabs.
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