***Official Political Discussion Thread***

it's shocking how trump literally doesn't have a real platform, or real ideas other than "build a wall". the worst thing for the GOP is him tanking their debates by screaming and yelling and not allowing Cruz or Rubio get a real idea out there. he just calls them liars and bashes them, but offers nothing in return. the GOP is in trouble :lol:

somewhat unrelated, hilarious how cruz/rubio etc all want a "strict interpretation of the constitution as it was intended by the founders".... meanwhile senate republicans are trying to find a loophole of any sort to block obama from nominating a supreme court justice to fill Scalia's place :rofl:
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I feel like this is the only justified response to Conservatives outrage that Obama gets to appoint a SC Justice.
The entire notion of following the Constitution as it was written by the founding fathers is nonsense. It completely falls by the wayside if you were to ask if they believe in the 13th through the 27th amendment.

If they believe that African Americans should be free, have the right to vote, term limits for President, etc. etc.

If they accept those things, then they accept that the Constitution is a living document, and is / should be subjected to change. Therefore, they can't believe in a Constitution written by the Founding Fathers and a strict interpretation of it because they concede that they made mistakes, and changes are necessary to it.

It really is one of the more intellectually bankrupt ideas that one could hold.
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it's shocking how trump literally doesn't have a real platform, or real ideas other than "build a wall". the worst thing for the GOP is him tanking their debates by screaming and yelling and not allowing Cruz or Rubio get a real idea out there. he just calls them liars and bashes them, but offers nothing in return. the GOP is in trouble :lol:

somewhat unrelated, hilarious how cruz/rubio etc all want a "strict interpretation of the constitution as it was intended by the founders".... meanwhile senate republicans are trying to find a loophole of any sort to block obama from nominating a supreme court justice to fill Scalia's place :rofl:

I'm not a Trump fan but don't underestimate his platform.

His platform is to stop the outsourcing of American jobs, get tough on immigration and be tough on Isis and bomb the shi out of them
Trump's bigotry is unacceptable, but having someone like cruz in the office would spell doom for us.
Last night's crowd reminded me of when they did my boi Ron Paul dirty in 2012 
This should help with those "How is he gonna pay for all this?" questions


Also,with all the SC talk,I hope term limits become a topic of discussion. If every branch of Gov has term limits,why shouldn't the highest court in the land?
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This should help with those "How is he gonna pay for all this?" questions


Also,with all the SC talk,I hope term limits become a topic of discussion. If every branch of Gov has term limits,why shouldn't the highest court in the land?

-Many economist, even dudes like Krugman, have not been very optimistic about all of Bernie's plans. Even though they agree with the goals

My biggest concern with some of Bernie proposals is the assumption on which they lie. Famb is making some BIG assumptions.

-And every branch of government doesn't have term limits. Congress doesn't have term limits. And until the 22nd amendment, neither did the president.

But I agree that everyone should have term limits.

8 years, 2 terms for President

12 years, 2 terms for Senator

16 years, 8 terms for the House

20 years, 1 term for a Justice
It's definitely gonna be an uphill battle to work on the feasibility of a lot of his proposals but so much of it will come down to the congressional elections and who's gonna control both houses. There's so much wasteful Gov spending at the moment that they could get billions by redirecting some funds towards some of his programs. The defense budget is albatross status.

They may not have a limit to terms but they still have elections to deal with. I should've specified for unelected positions,agreed on all those term limit proposals. I just found it funny how you're examples are proof that the Constitution is a living document that changes to address current realities while the GOP is claiming the opposite in their attempts to strong arm Obama :lol:
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i have a plan that would make many budgets much more manageable: cut military spending...like...for real...

but the fear propaganda does a very good job preventing that concept
if any sort of implementation were possible
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Even still, America is still needs more government revenue. And it will be tax increases that pay for these programs

Which I don't have a major with really.

-But the assumption I was talking about is stuff like overestimating how much cost savings single payer will cause, and not anticipating that tax evasion will spike if all these stuff passes.

Even if Bernie got all these things through, people are gonna fight back, and it might be SCOTUS having he final word.

Thats why Bams need to bless us with one more liberal justice. :smokin
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i have a plan that would make many budgets much more manageable: cut military spending...like...for real...

but the fear propaganda does a very good job preventing that concept
if any sort of implementation were possible

Military spending has been going down already. Partly because we didn't get into any pointless wars recently :lol:

But the left's answer for paying for stuff can't just be "cut military spending"

There is not enough to cut to pay for everything Bernie wants to do
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@RustyShackleford -- agreed about tax increases, but where would funding even come from to execute these plans?

Cutting military spending, like you said, can help, but surely, it can't cover everything.
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Elizabeth Warren speaking nothing but truth to the GOP :lol: :smokin
Elizabeth Warren ‏@SenWarren Feb 14
"The sudden death of Justice Scalia creates an immediate vacancy on the most important court in the United States. .@SenateMajLdr is right that Americans should have a voice in selecting the next SCOTUS justice. In fact, they did: when @POTUS won in 2012. Art II Sec 2 of the Constitution says the President nominates Supreme Court justices with the advice & consent of the Senate. I can’t find a clause in the Constitution that says …except when there’s a year left in the term of a Democratic President. The Senate GOP took an oath just like Dems did. Abandoning the duties they swore to uphold threatens the Constitution & our democracy. Abandoning their Senate duties would also prove that all the Republican talk about loving the Constitution is just that – empty talk."
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Defense spending takes us a smaller share of our budget than it did years ago. That is what I'm referring too

Obama still has had to spend to fund Bushes goofs overseas. Even still, this idea that cuts to the military gonna pay for everything is just isn't right.

You still need major tax increases
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Elizabeth Warren speaking speaking nothing but truth to the GOP :lol: :smokin
Elizabeth Warren ‏@SenWarren Feb 14
"The sudden death of Justice Scalia creates an immediate vacancy on the most important court in the United States. .@SenateMajLdr is right that Americans should have a voice in selecting the next SCOTUS justice. In fact, they did: when @POTUS won in 2012. Art II Sec 2 of the Constitution says the President nominates Supreme Court justices with the advice & consent of the Senate. I can’t find a clause in the Constitution that says …except when there’s a year left in the term of a Democratic President. The Senate GOP took an oath just like Dems did. Abandoning the duties they swore to uphold threatens the Constitution & our democracy. Abandoning their Senate duties would also prove that all the Republican talk about loving the Constitution is just that – empty talk."

Baby girl got the best kufi smacking game in the Senate :smokin

Hillary ran them the same fade yesterday too

These fools panicked and played their hand too soon, the could have played defense for a few months, just acting like they don't like the nominee.

Then around summer time pull the "Lets wait till next president" act
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