***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Americans on U.S. soil will be fine.

Koreans and U.S. military personnel on the Korean Peninsula have a potentially very real, immediate catastrophe on their hands.
The new estimated range hits the east coast b.

"One former RNC official defended the practice of handing Trump a folder full of happy news stories twice a day because the country is better off when the president isn’t filled with rage."

Hopefully they keep photoshopping his hand size to make his presence appear more dominant too.
It's still quite baffling that many of his supporters look up to him as some kind of "alpha male" :lol:
He's a desperately insecure manbaby who needs constant praise and attention to function, who excessively lies to aggrandize or entirely make up praise for himself.
It's still quite baffling that many of his supporters look up to him as some kind of "alpha male" :lol:
He's a desperately insecure manbaby who needs constant praise and attention to function, who excessively lies to aggrandize or entirely make up praise for himself.

It's also a reflection of their own ideas of masculinity in regards to themselves. Trucks, pollution, and aggression make you a man. Not a calm collected demeanor to lead through adversity.

Eastbound and Down's main character Kenny Powers is sort of a caricature of this insecure pseudo-alpha male
Given Trumps recent comments I am strongly considering emailing one of my old professors about one of my foreign policy papers where I wrote about how the nuclear peace theory is flawed and not a good longterm option.

The crux of my paper was all it could take is for one world leader to come along to not respect the norms of international politics and couldn't care about the potential consequences and it all could come crashing down.....I got a B+ on that paper.....think I should've gotten a A tbqh
Regarding the mosque bombing, here's what this creepy *** clown adviser had to say about da Don's lack of response.
Americans on U.S. soil will be fine.

Koreans and U.S. military personnel on the Korean Peninsula have a potentially very real, immediate catastrophe on their hands.
Or Japan....NK been directing lots of their tests near their country as of late

The mainland US got some crazy *** anti missle defense system so we good for now...
Honestly never been too sold on missile defense as a solid/tangible means of safety in general in the event of nuclear war...

The main deterrent strategy should be to just stop **** from escalating to that point :ohwell:
Honestly never been too sold on missile defense in general...

The main deterrent strategy should be to just stop **** from escalating to that point :ohwell:
Being a global leader...and almost having every country have a target on your back, it's a must have. All the big countries and Israel got that.
I understand the geopolitical strategic reasoning behind it,it's just that I'm not really sold on its practical effectiveness in the event that **** really popped off and dozens of nuclear warheads are being launched at once :sick:.

Even if a couple get through,that's still thousands of lives lost and catastrophic damage.
I understand the geopolitical strategic reasoning behind it,it's just that I'm not really sold on its practical effectiveness in the event that **** really popped off and dozens of nuclear warheads are being launched at once :sick:.

Even if a couple get through,that's thousands of lives lost and catastrophic damage

see how Israel deals with Hamas missiles.

missile defense works.
I understand the geopolitical strategic reasoning behind it,it's just that I'm not really sold on its practical effectiveness in the event that **** really popped off and dozens of nuclear warheads are being launched at once :sick:
Pretty sure we will be fine given our bloated defense budget that prepares us for such situations.
I'm sure South Korea and Japan are crapping their pants though given their close proximity to NK.
And I don't think China will back a NK that fires first
We got issues to be more worried anyway imo.
That's what I mean,SK and Japan would bear the brunt of it all and you better believe that no missile defense shield would stop an artillery and scud missile barrage, aimed at extremely densly populated urban areas such as Tokyo or Seoul, from generating a tremendous loss of life

Imagine having your country dragged into a destructive war due to the impulses of a 70 year old manchild?
see how Israel deals with Hamas missiles.

missile defense works.
You really comparing shoddy homemade black market 'missiles' to a country that devotes most of their budgets specifically towards missile development?

C'mon man :lol:

Dudes would just overwhelm any missile defense system with sheer numbers
Imagine having your country dragged into a destructive war due to the impulses of a ****** dictator from North Korea?
Fixed. Kim Jong Un needs to stop threatening us and neighboring countries. It's not the US fault that we said we will defend ourselves from a potential attack.
Imagine having your country dragged into a destructive war due to the impulses of a 70 year old manchild?

Worst negotiator of all time. It's pretty much like if you're trying to free hostages from a gunman, and you start negotiating by giving death threats instead of calming the person down and trying to come to a compromise

It's one thing to say "We will defend ourselves if necessary", and it's a completely different thing to say some crazy @#$@ like "I WILL MEET YOU WITH FIRE AND FURY" like some Game of Thrones character

Someone has to be the level headed adult in this situation. The world would be @#$@$@ if every leader behaved like an angry 3 year old that doesn't get what he wants
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Fixed. Kim Jong Un needs to stop threatening us and neighboring countries. It's not the US fault that we said we will defend ourselves from a potential attack.

They've done this same song and dance for decades though. They sabre rattle annually in search of economic concessions. All that has deescelated the situation to a somewhat stable status quo over the years but now all of a sudden,with all the inflammatory and jingoistic bluster coming out of the WH, is it really a surprise that they finally made good on their ICBM development threat?

Tiny hands has been a huge W for Kim,he's given him justification for advancing the program and has provided valuable ammo for propaganda purposes

It's not like this is an isolated case either,he's tried to provoke and bully Iran as well even as they've complied with the internationally recognuzed and sanctioned deal
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