***Official Political Discussion Thread***

David Duke who with his followers now openly support Trump and the right, there's no question about that, no disputing, nothing. To bring up and misrepresent his democrat past to rebuke that is sickening.
Lowkey surprised at all the GOP figures not following the manbabys lead and actually condemning WS by name. Ironic as hell given how much they benefit directly from it and ofteb stoke its flames but still a surprise. Some have even called dude out for dancing around condemning those responsible for today's acts of terror
I distinctly remember that David Duke was senator around the same time Mayor McCheese started his congressional run

You might be right famb

It was during the Camacho presidency...

go to his wiki, him and Robert Byrd were both KKK and Democrats before da right had anything to do with em.

now u sit down somewhere :lol:
Moving the goal post again because I pointed out your lies.

Reading the same wiki post you read would inform you that your previous claims were bull ****.

You are damb adult b, do better.
is me getting da cuban da hill you wanna die on?
I really don't care about your faux hood rich trinket

Actually you finally getting it will be even sadder than you putting it off.

But I will be happy when you finally do. Since your sense of self worth is obviously tied to that. I fortunately don't have such a problem.

You are still a liar
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