***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Da libby Rookie Rusty is secret Maoist-Islamist-Globalist, he on da ((((((((((((((((((Soros)))))))))))))))))))) roster with Gen. McMaster. Ignoring isn't enough, real Americans have to be total opposite. He teach da libby Alfred Kinsey Economics. I don't believe that government should spend money during recession AND I def don't think that everyone is a little bit bi (except for da thots of course).

I show how much I love the Donald and America by forgetting everything I know about (((economics))), can't take chances. One day you be reading a supply-demand schedule and da next, you're a flouride eunuch whose mind is controlled by the deep state. Forget da libby econ and brush your teeth with silver toothpaste, people b.#lessflouridemorecoalindawaterb

Dude please, we all know you be making side paper slangin avocados.

You claiming #CoalGang, but be lining you pockets with a globalista crop
But Quell told be he was on the other side?

What gives

No doubt you got me there. I went out and am just catchin up on everything, but glad they caught the guy...What America needs now more then ever is some great achievement like in the past to take peoples minds of all this political ****
Hey everybody this guy has a different opinion than me!!! Lets get him!!!!

Its like a South Park episode come to real life
You brought this upon yourself when you were so eager to tell everyone to wait for the facts while still knowingly or unknowingly pushing false information because you thought it fit your narrative.

Don’t be defensive now.

QFT. Back into your WS bubble quell.
Forget da libby econ and brush your teeth with silver toothpaste,

I'm brushing mine with radium toothpaste, b, 19th century style.

So we need great achievement to take our minds off of white supremacy led protests turned terror attack. :lol:

Let's not address the weaknesses of the position we support; let's deflect instead.

Wages rise on California farms. Americans still don’t want the job

Trump’s immigration crackdown is supposed to help U.S. citizens. For California farmers, it’s worsening a desperate labor shortage.



Arnulfo Solorio’s desperate mission to recruit farmworkers for the Napa Valley took him far from the pastoral vineyards to a raggedy parking lot in Stockton, in the heart of the Central Valley.

Carrying a fat stack of business cards for his company, Silverado Farming, Solorio approached one prospect, a man with only his bottom set of teeth. He told Solorio that farm work in Stockton pays $11 to $12 an hour. Solorio countered: “Look, we are paying $14.50 now, but we are going up to $16.” The man nodded skeptically.

Solorio recruiting workers in Stockton

Solorio moved on to two men huddled nearby, and returned quickly. “They were drug addicts,” he said. “And, they didn’t have a car.”

Before the day was through, Solorio would make the same pitch to dozens of men and women, approaching a taco truck, a restaurant and a homeless encampment. Time was short: He needed to find 100 workers to fill his ranks by April 1, when grapevines begin to grow and need constant attention.

Solorio is one of a growing number of agricultural businessmen who say they face an urgent shortage of workers. The flow of labor began drying up when President Obama tightened the border. Now President Trump is promising to deport more people, raid more companies and build a wall on the southern border.


Workers prune grapevines at the Napa Valley vineyard of Silverado Farming. Cabernet Sauvignon grapes in Napa go for nearly $6,900 per ton, 10 times more than in San Joaquin County. (Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)
That has made California farms a proving ground for the Trump team’s theory that by cutting off the flow of immigrants they will free up more jobs for American-born workers and push up their wages.

So far, the results aren’t encouraging for farmers or domestic workers.

Farmers are being forced to make difficult choices about whether to abandon some of the state’s hallmark fruits and vegetables, move operations abroad, import workers under a special visa or replace them altogether with machines.

Growers who can afford it have already begun raising worker pay well beyond minimum wage. Wages for crop production in California increased by 13% from 2010 to 2015, twice as fast as average pay in the state, according to a Los Angeles Times analysis of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

15,00020,00025,000$30,000 (2015 dollars)’15'14'13'12'11’10'09'08'07'06’05'04'03'02'01’00'99'98'97'96’95'94'93'92'91’90Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Times analysis-In 2015 dollars@latimesgraphicsFarmworker pay soarsCalifornia field laborer wages have risen nearly 50% since 1996.1990: $22,6221996: $20,3432015:$29,632
Today, farmworkers in the state earn about $30,000 a year if they work full time — about half the overall average pay in California. Most work fewer hours.

Some farmers are even giving laborers benefits normally reserved for white-collar professionals, like 401(k) plans, health insurance, subsidized housing and profit-sharing bonuses. Full-timers at Silverado Farming, for example, get most of those sweeteners, plus 10 paid vacation days, eight paid holidays, and can earn their hourly rate to take English classes.

a report published by the Labor Department’s office of inspector general. “I don’t think anybody would dispute that that’s roughly the way it is now” as well, says Philip Martin, an economist at UC Davis and one of the country’s leading experts on agriculture.

Indeed, Chalmers R. Carr III, the president of Titan Farms, a South Carolina peach giant, told lawmakers at a 2013 hearing that he advertised 2,000 job openings from 2010 through 2012. Carr said he was paying $9.39, $2 more than the state’s minimum wage at the time.

open-source software.
Wow! So the people that have been complaining for years about the "illegal aliens" stealing their jobs don't really want them?

All the b_ and moaning they've been doing and now the positions are open with higher wages. Where are these folks to reclaim their stolen jobs?

Hmm almost seems as if they just use the "stealing our jobs" excuse to justify their hate for brown people.

Was it a dog-whistle this entire time?

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