***Official Political Discussion Thread***

You brought this upon yourself when you were so eager to tell everyone to wait for the facts while still knowingly or unknowingly pushing false information because you thought it fit your narrative.

Don’t be defensive now.

I like how he's ignoring the fact that he peddled fake information heavily leaning to one side while claiming neutrality but now wants to frame it as him being attacked for his opinion.

It's my theory that anyone who exclaims "that's just my opinion", ie the tolerate my intolerance crowd lacks the intelligence and wisdom to carry on a mature conversation where they defend their opinion properly or admit when wrong. Haven't been proven wrong yet.
Yea there will still be some fools out here trying to tell me both sides are the same and equally to blame for where we are as a country. Yea naw I've never been here to hear that bull**** and I never will be. People really still out here trying to say white supremacists and nazis are just as bad as BLM and other groups trying to push back against those that would oppress them and historically have killed them/us. At this point if anyone is still parroting that lazy***, head in the sand, not wanting to acknowledge the realities of this world and this country bull**** I take it as disrespect and it shows the complete lack of empathy to what others that aren't privileged have gone through in this country not sugar coating that **** anymore
People really still out here trying to say white supremacists and nazis are just as bad as BLM and other groups trying to push back against those that would oppress them and historically have killed them/us.

Tremendous hate from both sides according to our President

The Mooch always keeps it real :lol:

He also said that theres a lot of folks working from inside of the WH to oust the manbaby in favor of Pence.. :nerd:
I wonder if this might be the thing that buries Trump. Seems like a lot more Republicans more critical of Trump than usual.

Of course it was calculated by Cheetolini,he knows damn well where his bread is buttered support wise. The fact that the likes of WS's like Bannon,Gorka and Miller are high ranking members of his cabinet makes clear the manbabys explicitly complicit position in all of this...
I'm glad I changed my mind and actually voted for Hillary. I would have felt like a fool right now if I sat out and didn't vote.

Of course it was calculated by Cheetolini,he knows damn well where his bread is buttered support wise. The fact that the likes of WS's like Bannon,Gorka and Miller are high ranking members of his cabinet makes clear the manbabys explicitly complicit position in all of this...

I noticed that. He was reading a script then looked away and did his own thing at that moment.
I noticed that. He was reading a script then looked away and did his own thing at that moment.
Yup he should of just read the script. He said what he feels I respect his racist *** for that. Notice how he said "many sides" twice, he really wanted us to focus on the "many sides".
Trump is trying to play both sides of the fence so he doesn't lose the base that voted for him

Calculated decision. Let's see how it works for him
You already know that if the driver was anywhere from the middle east, Trump would be crying terrorism and demanding America to shut down its borders.
Trump is trying to play both sides of the fence so he doesn't lose the base that voted for him

Calculated decision. Let's see how it works for him

It's funny though how quick he is to not play the whole both sides are the same act when he thought the person that attacked that mosque in Canada was "on the left" or Muslim
He was realllll quick to condemn then

"Its our right to dress like Call of Duty Modern Warfare III cosplayers bare arms.
You already know that if the driver was anywhere from the middle east, Trump would be crying terrorism and demanding America to shut down its borders.
the only support he is worried about is from his base. This way his supporters can peddle BS by saying "all sides are the same" BS and continue to condemn actual movements that are fighting oppression.
Donald Trump Signs Bill Funding Veterans Medical Care Program
President Donald Trump has signed an emergency spending bill that will pump more than $2 billion into a program that allows veterans to receive private medical care at government expense.

Trump, who made improving veterans care a central campaign promise, signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act while at his New Jersey golf club on Saturday. The bill, which addresses a budget shortfall at the Department of Veteran Affairs that threatened medical care for thousands of veterans, provides $2.1 billion to continue funding the Veterans Choice Program, which allows veterans to seek private care.

Another $1.8 billion will go to core VA health programs, including 28 leases for new VA medical facilities.

"Today is another milestone in our work to transform the VA where we're doing record-setting business," Trump said.

The Choice program was put in place after a 2014 wait-time scandal that was discovered at the Phoenix VA hospital and spread throughout the country. Veterans waited weeks or months for appointments while phony records covered up the lengthy waits.

The program allows veterans to receive care from outside doctors if they must wait at least 30 days for an appointment or drive more than 40 miles to a VA facility. VA Secretary David Shulkin has warned that without legislative action, the Choice program would run out of money by mid-August, causing delays in health care for thousands of veterans.

The bill will extend the program for six months. Costs will be paid for by trimming pensions for some Medicaid-eligible veterans and collecting fees for housing loans.

Veterans groups applauded the bill being signed, though some criticized the delay and the cost.

"We're grateful President Trump is taking decisive action to ensure veterans using the Choice Program won't see lapses in their care due to a lack of funding," said Dan Caldwell, policy director for Concerned Veterans for America. "Unfortunately, this bill took far too long to get to the president's desk and is $1.8 billion more expensive than it needed to be."

Leaders of the House Veterans Affairs Committee said the six-month funding plan was urgently needed and would give Congress more time to debate broader issues over the VA's future. While the bill may avert a shutdown to Choice, disputes over funding may signal bigger political fights to come.

During the 2016 campaign, Trump criticized the VA for long wait times and mismanagement, saying he would give veterans more options in seeing outside providers. Shulkin announced the budget shortfall last month, citing unexpected demand from veterans for private care and poor budget planning. To slow spending, the department last month instructed VA medical centers to limit the number of veterans it sent to private doctors.

Currently, more than 30 percent of VA appointments are in the private sector, up from fewer than 20 percent in 2014. The VA has an annual budget of about $180 billion.
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