***Official Political Discussion Thread***

"Its our right to dress like Call of Duty Modern Warfare III cosplayers bare arms.

Wonder how many of these dudes actually served >D Let black people try to show up like this and they're taking out the whole neighborhood for daring to think the bill of rights applies to us as well.
This March answered a question I been thinking about for a while, ever since I dialed back on gaming.

Whatever happen to all those kids that were calling me the n-word on Xbox Live during the first couple years of the 360.

Well now I know, they are in Charlottesville
This March answered a question I been thinking about for a while, ever since I dialed back on gaming.

Whatever happen to all those kids that were calling me the n-word on Xbox Live during the first couple years of the 360.

Well now I know, they are in Charlottesville
why call someone the n-word on Xbox, when you can do it in real life?
why call someone the n-word on Xbox, when you can do it in real life?
it's frightening that they are sometimes armed. imagine if the guy yesterday had also opened fired on a crowd.

these racists need to be humiliated, ostracized, and -- when justified -- imprisoned as often as possible.

the president should be [redacted] for the sake of our country.
Even Paul Ryan managed to call it what is is, even though it means nothing coming from him. :lol:

UK PM Theresa May condemned the Charlottesville white supremacists' racism as well.

So did other republican senators


But the president can't get himself to speak those words apparently.

I don't believe these Republican clowns for a second. They know exactly who their base is and exactly who Trump is, yet they've been riding for him religiously for the past 10 months. @#%@ them all
I don't believe these Republican clowns for a second. They know exactly who their base is and exactly who Trump is, yet they've been riding for him religiously for the past 10 months. @#%@ them all
i have to agree with you.

they think that if they condemn these racists when something extreme happens that they can feel good about themselves. that they don't have to apologize for enabling trump and his agenda because they spoke out this one time.

as a decent human, I'm glad they're saying something now, but that doesn't excuse their silence the other 364 days of the year.
This March answered a question I been thinking about for a while, ever since I dialed back on gaming.

Whatever happen to all those kids that were calling me the n-word on Xbox Live during the first couple years of the 360.

Well now I know, they are in Charlottesville
Surprisingly I have also been called the n-word ending in ER numerous times on xbox live :smh::lol:
Fat yankee was a common insult as well. For some reason many idiots on Xbox think I "sound black" and/or American. Pretty sure my foreign accent is quite obvious.
Surprisingly I have also been called the n-word ending in ER numerous times on xbox live :smh::lol:
Fat yankee was a common insult as well. For some reason many idiots on Xbox think I "sound black" and/or American. Pretty sure my foreign accent is quite obvious.

the reverse Clayton Bigsby.
Surprisingly I have also been called the n-word ending in ER numerous times on xbox live :smh::lol:
Fat yankee was a common insult as well. For some reason many idiots on Xbox think I "sound black" and/or American. Pretty sure my foreign accent is quite obvious.

Tape of your accent so we can confirm?

So I have noticed on the other side of the "alt-right echo chamber" that they are upset at the GOP senators and reps for denouncing the white supremacists, and that the majority of these dudes voted for Trump because he isn't a "****" like the GOP and that they think Trump hates the whole government like they do.

At first glance you think they are trolling, but you realize that these fragile dudes are serious about their assessment.
If only these alt right dudes had even half as much passion for their careers and education as they do for hating on minorities :lol: losers
Also it's been rumored that Manchin is being offered the secretary of energy job by the Trump admin
Surprisingly I have also been called the n-word ending in ER numerous times on xbox live :smh::lol:
Fat yankee was a common insult as well. For some reason many idiots on Xbox think I "sound black" and/or American. Pretty sure my foreign accent is quite obvious.

Often times people confuse Coal Belt accents with those of African Americans. Keep working in the mines and you will be accepted on Coal Box Live.
Very proud of MY PRESIDENT yesterday. He called out the hate from "many sides" which is EXACTLY the BEST way to handle things. I personally think that the counter protesters were the REAL problem but Don had to scold both sides like a REAL LEADER DOES. I HOPE LIBBIES TONE down their rhetoric. OBUMMER created this and now Don is FIXING it.
Very proud of MY PRESIDENT yesterday. He called out the hate from "many sides" which is EXACTLY the BEST way to handle things. I personally think that the counter protesters were the REAL problem but Don had to scold both sides like a REAL LEADER DOES. I HOPE LIBBIES TONE down their rhetoric. OBUMMER created this and now Don is FIXING it.
i know you're joking but :smh:
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