***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I can't wait to hear dudes like Sam Harris, Dave Rubin, and Joe Rogan all pull some contrarian ******** about the Alt-Right in the coming days

The buffoon left will probably join in too. Dudes like TYT's Michael Tracey already showing his ***.

Chelsea Manning for some strange reason decided to use this to take a petty shot at Hillary. Why, I dunno.
Yeah. I've honestly given that group my ear on social issues, but I can't respect the lack of perspective they speak from with such a sense of authority. Especially disappointed in Rogan, considering how he's kind of shifted to defending white males and being critical of the claim cultural appropriation in his big studio echo chamber with other white men.

He traveled to Charlottesville to march in the “Unite the Right” rally, a battle over Charlottesville’s ordered removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee.
“I came to this march for the message that white European culture has a right to be here just like every other culture

Completely ignoring the fact that a statue of Robert E. Lee is not European culture.
9:20 a.m.

The CEO of the nation’s third largest pharmaceutical company is resigning from the President’s American Manufacturing Council citing “a responsibility to take a stand against intolerance and extremism.”

President Donald Trump lashed out almost immediately Monday at Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier on Twitter, saying Frazier “will have more time to LOWER RIPOFF DRUG PRICES!”

Frazier’s resignation comes shortly after a violent confrontation between white supremacists and protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, that left one person dead and 19 injured. He said in a tweet on Monday that the country’s leaders must “honor our fundamental values by clearly rejecting expressions of hatred, bigotry and group supremacy.”

Takes a death and serious injuries for these people to see what most of us recognized during the orange clown's entire campaign.

It's almost like they didn't hear the words coming out of his mouth during rallies, debates, interviews, etc.

Must have ignored the people he picked for cabinet positions too.
Takes a death and serious injuries for these people to see what most of us recognized during the orange clown's entire campaign.

It's almost like they didn't hear the words coming out of his mouth during rallies, debates, interviews, etc.

Must have ignored the people he picked for cabinet positions too.

Always been that way. It took for Mlk to be murdered to get civil rights act signed into law in 1968. Like it had to go THAT far for them to say...."ok, maybe this isn't right". Smh. History has shown that innocent bloodshed is the only thing that will move those who prefer a "negative peace".

Sht is crazy man.
So, Trump has now condemned the pharma CEO worse than the white nationalist.

Can't make this stuff up :smh:
President Donald Trump lashed out almost immediately Monday at Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier on Twitter, saying Frazier “will have more time to LOWER RIPOFF DRUG PRICES!”

Bruh, what type of adult, especially a president, replies like this? Emotional.
The real story is the rock son

Fake news MSM obviously isn't going to give us the real scoop and continue to push their anti-free hate speech agenda

While that rock is still at large
The real story is the rock son

Fake news MSM obviously isn't going to give us the real scoop and continue to push their anti-free hate speech agenda

While that rock is still at large

:lol: don't know why the Nazi is being held with no bail, **** goes down in the Bronx everyday
So, Trump has now condemned the pharma CEO worse than the white nationalist.

Can't make this stuff up :smh:

The POSOTUS will throw a fit over criticism about not taking a stand against WS's yet will go out of his way to not even acknowledge the actual cause and publicly attack the source of the criticism instead...

That bigoted assclown knows what he's doing
You mean to tell me this honorable man was lying when he said he'd be a champion for LGBT rights?
Nah b, just look:
Thankfully we still have the leader of da free world, for now at least.
Merkel calls out ’naked racism’ in Charlottesville as ‘repulsive’
A spokesman for German chancellor Angela Merkel described the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville over the weekend as “evil” and “disgusting,” according to report by Agence France Press.

Merkel spokesman Steffen Seibert said Merkel was shocked by the rally that left one woman dead and dozens injured after protests over the removal of a Confederate statue at the University of Virginia turned violent.

"The scenes at the right-wing extremist march were absolutely repulsive — naked racism, anti-Semitism and hate in their most evil form were on display," Siebert said.

"Such images and chants are disgusting wherever they may be and they are diametrically opposed to the political goals of the chancellor and the entire German government,” he added.

A 20-year-old from Ohio identified as James Alex Fields, who was pictured taking part in one of the far-right rallies, plowed into a crowd of people with his Dodge Challenger, killing one person and injuring 19 others.

This came a day after tiki-torch carrying members of far-right groups marched on the University of Virginia, where they surrounded a statue of Thomas Jefferson.

Siebert said Merkel supported peaceful opposition to neo-Nazi groups.

He added that he is unaware of any connection between the protesters in Charlottesville and German neo-Nazi groups.
Trump is hesitant to criticize white supremacists because one of the major rules of politics is that you don't insult your base.
Trump went out of his way to blatantly insult the victims in this case as well, probably as a wink to his base more than anything. "Many sides."
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