***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Days before Charlottesville, a White House adviser said we should stop blaming white nationalists for violence
Lol never change Orange Cheeto... Makes fake speech about racism then proceeds to say he's gonna pardon Sheriff Joe Arpaio. What a bum.
DAPPER DON LOOKED EXTREMELY DAPPER today. His message against hate had to be dumbed down for LIBBIES TO UNDERSTAND. OF course Don is against the BLM and other similar groups. Don't worry about the words he used.

Don and Sessions giving the assist to the ALT Right.
i didn't realize the Merck CEO who trump criticized today is black.

shame on anyone for buying into trump's statement today. he is just as evil and racist today as he was before. don't fall for the BS.

and of course trump now wants to pardon the racist sheriff from Arizona.

all in a day's work. white nationalists can be proud of their president's work today.
Could've sworn she was dating a white guy. Where she dig this brother up from?

Only way my man can redeem himself is by doing her dirty and getting it in on the side.
If he is then I can forgive him for this indiscretion.

Nah, he gotta "leak" a flick of them on some BBC worship tune
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