***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Holy ****, this man is genuinely this ******* stupid. Couldn't even help himself for a day.

He really tried to pull a "don't know all the facts" on this. Jesus. I don't wanna hear anything else about (insert politician) being worse, dude is the scum at the bottom of the trash can.

Its begun,the legitimizing of a word meant to draw equivalence between Nazis and folks who want universal healthcare :stoneface:
Maverick McCain will come out concerned about the words chosen, before going back to being concerned about what his dinner will be tonight.
I thought I was done 12 months ago but a US President's open endorsement of white supremacy, the KKK, and Neo-Nazi's in 2017 is the last straw.

It's grown too difficult to view America, it's people, or it's history with any faith or respect at the whole scale level.

Individuals, communities, and the real privileges of being a citizen are the only things of value to me anymore here. There is no emotional connection to this space as a sovereign nation.

Thanks for that passport though.
Some dude on Facebook wrote that "I don't support Neo Nazis and KKK, but BLM has been responsible for many more deaths and violence than those other groups" REALLY?!?!?

Another cousin of, "I'm no Trump supporter, but _____"
I was worried that Don was abandoning REAL AMERICANS but he came out swinging and LIBBIES ARE IN THEIR FEELINGS AGAIN. Very proud of MY PRESIDENT.
So we have someone in the white house who is a white supremacist himself. When is this country going to smarten up and a mob will drag this piece of garbage out the white house and throw him to the wolves like they used to do to corrupt leaders in Europe?
Dude is a Bigot. Folks who voted for him need to realize this.
Bruh...I am literally speechless. Agent Orange has outdone himself today.
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