***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Even from day one, at the very least you could state that every Trump supporter either supports Trump's bigotry or is complacent enough to not let it bother them too much.
It's not even remotely close to being up for debate that the man is an irrefutable bigot. And that's putting it lightly.

Since he first started campaigning it was obvious what he was about. Even now, he'll attack countries that aren't white but russia can do whatever they want and he won't say crap.
If his supporters with political shows even try to defend him, they need to be fired immediately.
Since he first started campaigning it was obvious what he was about. Even now, he'll attack countries that aren't white but russia can do whatever they want and he won't say crap.

Let's not forget there is print documentation of Trump's disgusting father being a NY Klan member.
LIBBIE CONJECTURE AND INNUENDO must stop NOW. Don did excellent today. He stood up to the ALT LEFT in a way we need to. DISGUSTING Responses by LIBBIES. Where is DAPPER ALT Right Rusty to make sense of it all.
Haven’t heard from his supporters in this thread yet. I would like to hear your opinion.
Now now, let's give the man a chance. I mean what had he done really but issue a couple statements. Not like he's the one out there defending his First Amendment rights through any means necessary. Besides, he denounced the evil of the world, ON BOTH SIDES, publicly. The Dapper Daddy just can't win. Smh.

/centrist inDApendent
Why won't him and his supporters just admit what they are? It's a white power administration. They've shown it is through their actions and words. All that's left is for them to admit it.

Plausible deniability. He isn't because he hasn't said he is. And even if they did they'd make it into a joke of some sort
Somebody hurry up and drop the tapes of him saying the n-word and get this over with. Start a GoFundMe, I'm sure it'll cover the legal fees.

He'll just re-use the "I was young and stupid back then" excuse as a 70 year old man commenting on things he said when he was 65. It's the go-to excuse for ignorant grown @#$ white men
It seems Fox News has quitly deleted this article from their website
For a while after the hysteria of him winning the presidency, I was like Flex "HE LIED AND YALL WORSHIP HIM" but slowly after constant excuses and whataboutism I'm just going to completely phase out any sort of link/relationship I have with anyone who still supports this clown. They deserve to be ridiculed every second of their lives. I'm not going to bother interacting with people like that. They'll just infect you with their bigotry and ignorance.
Geez. I'm reading the tweets of his supporters and they're trying to flip it. Saying republicans are the ones who freed the slaves and democrats responded with the kkk. democrats opposed the civil rights act of 1866. Just ignoring anything that's actually happening now.
For a while after the hysteria of him winning the presidency, I was like Flex "HE LIED AND YALL WORSHIP HIM" but slowly after constant excuses and whataboutism I'm just going to completely phase out any sort of link/relationship I have with anyone who still supports this clown. They deserve to be ridiculed every second of their lives. I'm not going to bother interacting with people like that. They'll just infect you with their bigotry and ignorance.

I've been calling them inbred racist degenerates since day one despite some people in this thread using the "not all Trump supporters are bad people" bull @#$@ excuse. Not that my parents would ever support someone like him, but if they hypothetically did, they'd be dead to me as well.
Geez. I'm reading the tweets of his supporters and they're trying to flip it. Saying republicans are the ones who freed the slaves and democrats responded with the kkk. democrats opposed the civil rights act of 1866. Just ignoring anything that's actually happening now.

FAX UPON FAX MACHINE UPON FACSIMILE B. Republicans frees the slaves and were for civil rights not LIBBIES
Geez. I'm reading the tweets of his supporters and they're trying to flip it. Saying republicans are the ones who freed the slaves and democrats responded with the kkk. democrats opposed the civil rights act of 1866. Just ignoring anything that's actually happening now.

Not only things that happened now but ignoring historical context as well when they make comments like that
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