***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This piece of **** Trump really out did himself today. Wow

-Dear struggle contrarians, you and your false equivalencies from this day on will put you in the same lane as this clown. If you wanna still preach before sides are similar, then go ahead, sound like an uninformed *** too.

-All Trump supporters, if you still on the Trump train after this, you are a white supremacists too. Accept that, come to terms with that. Because your Bigot Lord is giving you guys no place to hide

The President of the United States just went out of his way to not hurt the feelings of/defended Nazis, the KKK, white supremacists and the confederacy.

I would say this is rock bottom but Trump will eventually find another way to go even lower than that.
He went out of his way to attack anti-bigotry protesters,that along with who he's surrounded himself with says it all really...

Glad we can finally drop any pretenses over his character or lacketherof along with the bigotry.

He's officially dropped the s from sws
So is Trump saying that the 16 million Americans that signed up to fight in WWII are all violent alt-left ANTIFA criminals? Interesting. Never knew "both sides were wrong" in that situation
Why won't him and his supporters just admit what they are? It's a white power administration. They've shown it is through their actions and words. All that's left is for them to admit it.
I really think trump is done. This is a road that less that 20% of the population will go down with him. The best thing that can happen for the country is a couple more Nazi/KKK rallies and for trump to go on defending them.

I really think what happened is that trump was upset the media didn't fall for his "apology" yesterday, so he was like **** it, I'll say what I really think.

Almost certain the 'alt-left' line is of Bannon's doing...

So is he not getting fired anymore?

I love how he's got that in 36-point font.
Why won't him and his supporters just admit what they are? It's a white power administration. They've shown it is through their actions and words. All that's left is for them to admit it.
but they have sell-outs like that Paris guy on CNN and Steve Harvey so that they can fool ******* idiotic "moderates" and "independents" into thinking they're not ******* vile racists.

as rusty said, from this day on, anyone standing with trump is part of the white supremacy hate in this country. if you can't disavow trump now, then you are a piece of ****.
The orange donors want Bannon out but when has the manbaby ever shown to do as he's told/advised to outside of orders from Moscow?
Yeah, based on what I can see, dude went off script and told us how he REALLY felt (which we all knew anyway)
Even from day one, at the very least you could state that every Trump supporter either supports Trump's bigotry or is complacent enough to not let it bother them too much.
It's not even remotely close to being up for debate that the man is an irrefutable bigot. And that's putting it lightly.
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