***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Like I said in another thread, free speech in the US goes too damn far. There should be repercussions for spreading inflammatory fake news and inciting racism/violence. I don't care how many white people cry about "But that's a slippery slope". They're not the ones that have to deal with the effects of that type of "free speech". People who don't use free speech responsibly don't deserve to have it and should be punished
Anyone who paid even the slightest bit of attention in high school history knows that racism ended in the 1960s with the Civil Rights Act.

After 40 years of singing Kumbaya in circles that were mostly white with a mostly unnoticed token Asian, brown, and black person sprinkled in, Obama became president and started to eat dijon mustard. It infuriated us because he was being a snooty coastal elite, but it led people to start calling all of us racist. I eventually couldn't bare being called racist anymore, especially by the blacks after we had the heart to let them live here and and give them Jesus, and finally I snapped. It's because of guys who eat fancy mustard becoming president and liberals playing the race card at every chance, that I realized the American way of being able to live a great simple life, just by being born white was under attack. Whiteness was under attack. And that's how I became one of the great individuals Trump referred to on the neo-nazi side in Charlottesville.

Like I said in another thread, free speech in the US goes too damn far. There should be repercussions for spreading inflammatory fake news and inciting racism/violence. I don't care how many white people cry about "But that's a slippery slope"

Ironically, Trump would agree with you on that.

The real problem isn't free speech, the problem in my opinion is having a president and administration who emboldens white supremacists and struggles to criticize their violence and extreme ideology.
Ironically, Trump would agree with you on that.

The real problem isn't free speech, the problem in my opinion is having a president and administration who emboldens white supremacists and struggles to criticize their violence and extreme ideology.

I agree that complete free speech isn't the problem. I'm just saying that many Americans don't deserve it because of how they abuse it, so it should be taken away from them

There are many European countries that have "free speech" but still punish people who incite racism and violence. That's why Richard Spencer is banned from ~20 countries on the continent, so we can't even tell him to go back to Europe the next time he tells us to go back to ____ :lol:
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Some people think that a person can't be racist unless they go around constantly hurling slurs

Or, in this case, saying that Neo Nazis are very fine people
I'm telling you, man. From the moment they enter this world, they live completely different lives. White people really are this blind.

To put this in perspective, I have a white coworker that just recently got into kicks. He tried on the app for the last yzy drop, and didn't get it. His reaction? "Man this is the first time in life that I didn't get what I wanted, is this what life is like for you X?"

X being the name of my black coworker
I agree that free speech isn't the problem. I'm just saying that many Americans don't deserve it

There are many European countries that have "free speech" but still punish people who incite racism and violence. That's why Richard Spencer is banned from ~20 countries on the continent, so we can't even tell him to go back to Europe the next time he tells us to go back to ____ :lol:
Now here's the interesting part....I'm remember when the BLM protests happened, police officers had on a short leash were ready to arrest or tear gas anyone who acted up on sight if they "incite a riot"...

Fast forward to this weekend, there was video of riot police being PUSHED by these white supremacists, and all they did was hold the line down until there was showdown between ANTIFA and the white supremacists

The authorities could have done something....they decided to be passive
Now here's the interesting part....I'm remember when the BLM protests happened, police officers had on a short leash were ready to arrest or tear gas anyone who acted up on sight if they "incite a riot"...

Fast forward to this weekend, there was video of riot police being PUSHED by these white supremacists, and all they did was hold the line down until there was showdown between ANTIFA and the white supremacists

The authorities could have done something....they decided to be passive

We all know why,they see those WS's marching and instantly see this


Saw some folks claiming that the cops were 'outgunned' :rofl::rofl:

Acting like they haven't been militarizing law enforcement around the county for years. Like they didn't bring in a mini occupying army to a small suburb like Ferguson :rolleyes

It's a clear and premeditated choice between when and where to expand the resources and have a show of force and when to show restraint,with their ilk in this case. The skull bashing, shooting and mass arrests are reserved for the others.
Now here's the interesting part....I'm remember when the BLM protests happened, police officers had on a short leash were ready to arrest or tear gas anyone who acted up on sight if they "incite a riot"...

Fast forward to this weekend, there was video of riot police being PUSHED by these white supremacists, and all they did was hold the line down until there was showdown between ANTIFA and the white supremacists

The authorities could have done something....they decided to be passive

On paper, I don't have anything against police having crackdowns on violent crowds (not saying that BLM was doing this). But when you hear that justification for police force and then see the same police do practically nothing when white mobs destroy a city after a hockey or baseball game...
Joe Walsh is on a roll today

Hopefully, once Trump is impeached , Walsh and the rest of Trump's staunchest supporters will self-immolate in protest
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To put this in perspective, I have a white coworker that just recently got into kicks. He tried on the app for the last yzy drop, and didn't get it. His reaction? "Man this is the first time in life that I didn't get what I wanted, is this what life is like for you X?"

X being the name of my black coworker
I would have probably took offense.

A lot don't even know how to speak or ask about race respectfully.
Now here's the interesting part....I'm remember when the BLM protests happened, police officers had on a short leash were ready to arrest or tear gas anyone who acted up on sight if they "incite a riot"...

Fast forward to this weekend, there was video of riot police being PUSHED by these white supremacists, and all they did was hold the line down until there was showdown between ANTIFA and the white supremacists

The authorities could have done something....they decided to be passive

Wouldn't doubt that some of the police were sympathetic to the WS. Probably like this when they saw the WS crack skulls.

White racists are so lucky that the people they demonize and fear aren't actually the violent savages that the inbreds think they are :lol:
Yo....head dudes are straight PSSSSSAAY.

Wow. All that "violent" **** he was talking bout in that vice video....now he copping pleas and emailing police for "guidance"

Crying and sniffling lol. They really not bout it for real man. That's why they pick and choose. Suckas.

Thats why they keep doing this @#$@ in suburban college towns full of 18-21 year olds that don't want to risk their careers by reacting violently.
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