***Official Political Discussion Thread***


THIS my friends is why I will write in BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CARSON in the 2020 election. AMAZING LEADER. His statement will have both sides apologizing. I usually DON'T second guess MY PRESIDENT but if Barson were more involved from the beginning things would've been better. BARSON/LANNISTER 2020.
Baltimore became the latest city to remove Confederate statues after neo-Nazis in Charlottesville killed one and injured dozens.

In this episode of Rattling the Bars, Eddie Conway speaks with Krystal Roundtree, the lead organizer for the Millions for Prisoners March in D.C. It is a national day of action which seeks to abolish the Thirteenth Amendment in the U.S. constitution

OH, that's homeboy from the Vice piece talking about Trump letting his daughter marry a jew?:wow::rofl:

He was so into it in that video. What happened between then and now?
Now here's the interesting part....I'm remember when the BLM protests happened, police officers had on a short leash were ready to arrest or tear gas anyone who acted up on sight if they "incite a riot"...

Fast forward to this weekend, there was video of riot police being PUSHED by these white supremacists, and all they did was hold the line down until there was showdown between ANTIFA and the white supremacists

The authorities could have done something....they decided to be passive

Watch the head of the FOP dodge what you're bringing up:

MARTIN: Although there is this tension - right? - because police in Charlottesville were criticized for not being more aggressive as they watched all this violence unfold. But then you see what happened in places like Baltimore or Ferguson, where police did take this more aggressive approach, and a lot of scandals erupted over claims of of police misconduct. So how do you strike the balance?

CANTERBURY: Well, there's not a balance. Since Ferguson, the false narrative that police in riot gear caused the problem is just a false narrative. People intent on criminal activity created the problem.

MARTIN: Oh, I don't think the issue was that they started the violence. But it was in how they...


MARTIN: ...Responded to the violence there.

CANTERBURY: Well, there's been a lot of discussion, especially by some of the groups that were in Ferguson, that the aggressive nature of law enforcement caused them to become more aggressive. And that's just absolutely ludicrous. Police officers in the proper gear, prepared to take action don't have to stop and then become prepared. You know, there's no need for anybody in a peaceful protest to throw rocks, bottles, carry sticks, knives.

MARTIN: Yeah. The problem is...

CANTERBURY: Those things need to be...

MARTIN: ...When they're not peaceful, which is what we saw in Charlottesville.


MARTIN: I wanted to ask you in our seconds remaining about the comments made by President Trump, putting equal blame for Charlottesville on Nazis and antihate groups. Does that make it more difficult? Does it exacerbate tensions at future rallies?

CANTERBURY: But what I took from President Trump's comments were that people intent on criminal activity were both wrong. Obviously, neo-Nazis, the KKK, anybody that's advocating any kind of violence is absolutely wrong. That should not be allowed. Groups...


CANTERBURY: ...That advocate violence shouldn't be issued permits.

MARTIN: We'll have to leave it there. Chuck Canterbury, president...


MARTIN: ...Of the Fraternal Order of Police, thanks so much for your time.

CANTERBURY: Thank you.

This dude Barson was doing aight, until all the way at the end. Just be more friendly to racists who are discriminating and 99% won't ever change their mind but hope they do? Some "yes massah" attitude type **** where you put the blame and onus on the victim and oppressed. And dude is completely oblivious to the fact that he's DOCTOR BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BARSON M.D. Try being Eddie the truck driver and we'll see how friendly the confederate flag guy becomes with you.
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