***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Obama failed to make a dent in inequality, and the recovery was pretty slow.

i don't know enogh about economics to know what he could have done better, I read someone say that the fed is way to fearful of infltion and that really hemmed the recovery. but again, dont know enogh about econ to know if that checks out.

When it comes to major public policy questions, you probably do know enough about economics. In most cases, public policy is 90% politics and 10% economics and usually that means macro 101 and/or financial terms.

As far as the Fed is concerned, Since 1980 or so, the Fed has generally favored capital over labor. They make very low inflation a higher priority than keeping unemployment low. However, In this most recent recession and during most of the recovery they were actually pretty good actors. They kept interest rates low for years, they did QE (which made interest rates, for banks at least) and they were pretty forceful and called for Congress to grant some additional fiscal stimulus.

From 2011 to 2017, both President Obama and the Federal Reserve were limited severely by Republican Congresses whose goal was to sabotage attempts at Keynesian stimulus during recessions and weak recoveries and then those same conservatives can proclaim that government cannot stimulate an economy and the only solution is permanent austerity and privatization.
Why do these people always use rappers, especially the least talented/most gimmicky ones, as examples for an entire race?
Tomi does have a point. Lol Not serious.
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