***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Tomi does have a point. Lol Not serious.
I know why Luda was wearing that...but here's his explanation for the folks that didn't know

At the 2005 Vibe Awards, Ludacris wore a confederate flag inspired jumpsuit while performing”Georgia”. The DTP rapper explained it as “I wore it to represent where we came from, to remind people that Ray Charles’ original “Georgia” was written because of that racism.”
Nah I'm talking about the imagery famb, not the album title.
If you look closely at the East Side boy to John's left and look at his hand it looks like he's holding a penis. If you look at John you see him pointing up with a Rebel flag around his neck. The rebel flag symbolizes the White man's fascination with BLack male sexuality. If you PAPIHH you see the that John is pointing up to symbolize that his penis is larger than White dude penises.The two flags are burning to symbolize Lil John being burned twice by the White dude he had sex with. Word to Combogd. PAPIHH
Tomi Lahren is the worst. Typical obnoxious bleach blonde, spray tan, 40+ year old looking sorority chick that racist white dudes and race sellouts fantasized about getting with in college. That's their dream girl: some fake barbie-looking airhead with an attitude that they'll divorce after one year
Never would have guessed Tami is for burning confederate flags.

Black D got her all confused. :lol:
Anything on the fiscal side that Obama wanted to do to tackle inequality or bump up growth died in 2010.

Even before the election the Dems started a silent war with themselves with Obama being a football.

Blue Dogs as a response to pressure from the right cried about the deficit and whether Obama was gonna bankrupt the country. Progressives were saying unless he pushed for more demand side spending he was betraying the working people.

Like idiots the Dems love to be, made the GOP's job extremely easy. They just stupidly fueled the racial dog whistles the GOP was using.

Most of the best proposals out of the administration was dead on arrival.

Like I rant about before, few like to be honest about what Obama tried to do. The right wants paint him as a wasteful socialist that want to give money away to lazy poor people. Progressives want to paint him a neoliberal centrist that look out for corporations and only focused on identity politics.

If you imagine a world where Obama gets his way on everything. We would have probably hit above 3% GDP growth a couple years, the economy would be structurally stronger, and our tax code would be much much better. Deficits would be bigger and income inequality would still exist (we would be in a better situation than we are in now)

Best of all, we would be set up to really tackle income inequality. A world like Bernie Sanders world would not look like pie in the sky if we had a public option, jobs bills, an EITC expansion and free community college.

If shared prosperity is at the top of the mountain, it is the easier to see if from half way up, than at the base. Unfortunately, Trump gonna dig us into a ditch.

What a time

This is why I am glad that I engage with this community. Where I grew up, where I went to school and where I live now are places that did not allow me to engage with black folks about politics all that much. Most of the people with whom I interact in an academic and political setting are either white or Asian or South Asian or Middle eastern, the demographic groups that are either conservative or are leftist/Bernie supporters.

From a distance, it is bewildering how black folks can fail to support revolution when they have been harmed the most by the status quo. Thanks to Rusty and others, patiently explaining why black folks can be politically risk averse and would rather get us to a most just place wit ha series of short but concrete steps rather than the all-at-once revolutionary that so many people, who are around me, would like to take.

The left needs unity and the sort unity not borne out of short term alliance driven by fear but rather a genuine understanding of each factions goals and worries and from there we can win and get where we want to go.

It is ironic that if Barack Obama had really been allowed to succeed, then Bernie Sanders' promises would have seemed much more plausible to risk averse but very liberal black voters. If Bernie could have drawn even with that group, he'd have been our nominee and he'd likely be our president now.

My policy ideals are probably pretty far to the left of Bernie Sanders and yet, I understand and appreciate the outlook and methods favored by Obama and Clinton and their supporters. I look at my students and think, if these young revolutionaries could vote and attend Democratic Party meetings as steadily as older black women do, we'd be living in Bernie Sanders' America within a decade.

This is exactly what I meant when I said I'd disown my own family if they were Trump supporters. I'm surprised he even gave his mom any leniency from the start. I can forgive being stupid enough to fall for his random promises about the economy, but supporting or ignoring Trump's bigotry means you're worthless to me as a human being.
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