***Official Political Discussion Thread***


4chan out here winning
He keeps asking people to interfere or protect him from the investigation. Definitely not guilty behavior.
won't people who interfere on behalf of trump risk being charged with something like obstruction of justice?

:lol: at any seasoned politician sticking their out for trump like that.
I went back to the beginning of this thread, which started in October 2012 and I noticed a few things...

Some NTers claiming that Obama was "too liberal". @coupeit88 @david bowman
I bet those same people wish he was still the President now.

The dudes who were caping for Willard didn't even bother coming in here to cape for The Bigot. @i lax bro crcballer55 crcballer55 @utvol23
Why are y'all shook now? :lol:

This thread really went from about 300 pages to over 4300 pages in the last year and a half. :lol::wow:

For one, I don't agree with much the guy does. Most of his fiscal policies are basically liberal with some Republican red meat mixed in.
Second, You'll notice that I haven't taken part in this thread for almost a year.
Third, I've been so busy, I've barely been on NT for the past 6 months
Fourth, this thread moves too fast to compose a proper response, especially with my schedule so please stop acting like you've won just because people with actual lives don't take part. Honestly, I've given up on politics for a while because the same issues that we Americans have been arguing about for the past 20, 50, 100 years keep coming up. Instead of arguing on a message board with people with totally different viewpoints who aren't looking to change I would rather focus my efforts talking to people who are actually open to some kind of meaningful change.
For one, I don't agree with much the guy does. Most of his fiscal policies are basically liberal with some Republican red meat mixed in.
Second, You'll notice that I haven't taken part in this thread for almost a year.
Third, I've been so busy, I've barely been on NT for the past 6 months
Fourth, this thread moves too fast to compose a proper response, especially with my schedule so please stop acting like you've won just because people with actual lives don't take part. Honestly, I've given up on politics for a while because the same issues that we Americans have been arguing about for the past 20, 50, 100 years keep coming up. Instead of arguing on a message board with people with totally different viewpoints who aren't looking to change I would rather focus my efforts talking to people who are actually open to some kind of meaningful change.
Forever on your high horse :rolleyes :lol:
For one, I don't agree with much the guy does. Most of his fiscal policies are basically liberal with some Republican red meat mixed in.
Second, You'll notice that I haven't taken part in this thread for almost a year.
Third, I've been so busy, I've barely been on NT for the past 6 months
Fourth, this thread moves too fast to compose a proper response, especially with my schedule so please stop acting like you've won just because people with actual lives don't take part. Honestly, I've given up on politics for a while because the same issues that we Americans have been arguing about for the past 20, 50, 100 years keep coming up. Instead of arguing on a message board with people with totally different viewpoints who aren't looking to change I would rather focus my efforts talking to people who are actually open to some kind of meaningful change.

*rubs eyes*


crcballer55 crcballer55 ?

you missed a helluva party b...you should've been here since Jan 2016 :lol:
DA INNUENDO AND CONJECTURE IS FAKE NEWS, BROTHER PATRIOTS. Dapper Don and Papa Vlad are just out here to make Merica great AGAIN, at ANY cost necessary. I for one am proud that our Daddy and Don are giving coal da passing lane power on regulations, B :emoji_nail_care:
DA INNUENDO AND CONJECTURE IS FAKE NEWS, BROTHER PATRIOTS. Dapper Don and Papa Vlad are just out here to make Merica great AGAIN, at ANY cost necessary. I for one am proud that our Daddy and Don are giving coal da passing lane power on regulations, B :emoji_nail_care:

WELL SAID COMRADE. :emoji_construction_worker::emoji_construction_worker::emoji_construction_worker::emoji_muscle::emoji_nail_care::emoji_nail_care:
DA INNUENDO AND CONJECTURE IS FAKE NEWS, BROTHER PATRIOTS. Dapper Don and Papa Vlad are just out here to make Merica great AGAIN, at ANY cost necessary. I for one am proud that our Daddy and Don are giving coal da passing lane power on regulations, B :emoji_nail_care:

MAGA is in this!

The fake media is too busy hyperventilating over the crowd size at the trump rally, but the REAL STORY here is how the Cherokee Indians are leading the KKK.

Also, for the millionth time: donald does not like bad things. They are bad and should not be happening. He said that on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and again this week. Bad things are bad. How much clearer does he need to be to satisfy the media and let them know that he condemns, in the strongest terms possible, bad.

dapper don is also staunchly against evil, bigotry, losing, spilling milk, drinking spoiled milk, forgetting your keys, bumping into an old friend but forgetting their name, and stubbing your little toe. What more does he need to say?

He also understands that there are many sides to everything. Maybe the spilled milk was spoiled? Bet you libbies in your echo chamber didn't think about that one. Or maybe the Nazis are only pretending to be Nazis and beating up minorities to prove themselves so that they can infiltrate the Nazis and bring them down. Did you think about that, huh? The libbie protestors are getting in their way and they must be dealt with. :emoji_nail_care::emoji_nail_care::emoji_handbag::emoji_dancer:
MAGA is in this!

The fake media is too busy hyperventilating over the crowd size at the trump rally, but the REAL STORY here is how the Cherokee Indians are leading the KKK.

Also, for the millionth time: donald does not like bad things. They are bad and should not be happening. He said that on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and again this week. Bad things are bad. How much clearer does he need to be to satisfy the media and let them know that he condemns, in the strongest terms possible, bad.

dapper don is also staunchly against evil, bigotry, losing, spilling milk, drinking spoiled milk, forgetting your keys, bumping into an old friend but forgetting their name, and stubbing your little toe. What more does he need to say?

He also understands that there are many sides to everything. Maybe the spilled milk was spoiled? Bet you libbies in your echo chamber didn't think about that one. Or maybe the Nazis are only pretending to be Nazis and beating up minorities to prove themselves so that they can infiltrate the Nazis and bring them down. Did you think about that, huh? The libbie protestors are getting in their way and they must be dealt with. :emoji_nail_care::emoji_nail_care::emoji_handbag::emoji_dancer:

LIBBIES DON'T HAVE A Clue about MANY sides of issues. Don was EXTREMELY clear that their are FINE PEOPLE ON BOTH SIDES. I wish the fake news would report on the ALT LEFT AND how they aren't even human. So much diversity in Arizona last night. Libbies want to divide us while the ALT Right wants to show us the RIGHT WAY TO LIVE. EXCELLENT MINDSET.
more fake news. this twitter thread about how trump is ****** and turtle is going to be the one to take him out:

This rally >>>>> Gettysburg Address
Amen! That RINO Lincoln was the most divisive president in our HISTORY until Barack Hussein Obummer. OUR PRESIDENT Dapper Donald is out here bringing the country together; if it weren't for the liberal fake news and innuendo we would be much happier on da COAL TRAIN!

it's happening.

pee tapes!

it's amazing how little coverage this is all getting, but these couple things show that things are lining up and it's not looking good for trump or his people. the WV meeting, the dossier, Republicans taking actions quietly against trump, turtle leaking, Hillary releasing excerpts from her book, it's all going down soon.


Eisinger describes the demise of Arthur Andersen as a turning point. Many lawyers, particularly in the well-financed realm of white-collar criminal defense, regarded the case as a flagrant instance of government overreach: the problem with convicting a company was that it could have “collateral consequences” that would be borne by employees, shareholders, and other innocent parties. “The Andersen case ushered in an era of prosecutorial timidity,” Eisinger writes. “Andersen had to die so that all other big corporations might live.”

With plenty of encouragement from high-end lobbyists, a new orthodoxy soon took hold that some corporations were so colossal—and so instrumental to the national economy—that even filing criminal charges against them would be reckless. In 2013, Eric Holder, then the Attorney General, acknowledged that decades of deregulation and mergers had left the U.S. economy heavily consolidated. It was therefore “difficult to prosecute” the major banks, because indictments could “have a negative impact on the national economy, perhaps even the world economy.”

Prosecutors came to rely instead on a type of deal, known as a deferred-prosecution agreement, in which the company would acknowledge wrongdoing, pay a fine, and pledge to improve its corporate culture. From 2002 to 2016, the Department of Justice entered into more than four hundred of these arrangements. Having spent a trillion dollars to bail out the banks in 2008 and 2009, the federal government may have been loath to jeopardize the fortunes of those banks by prosecuting them just a few years later.

But fears of collateral consequences also inhibited the administration of justice in more run-of-the-mill instances of criminal money laundering. Some officials in the Department of Justice wanted to indict HSBC, according to e-mails unearthed by a subsequent congressional investigation. But Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer warned U.S. authorities that a prosecution could lead to “very serious implications for financial and economic stability.” HSBC was granted a deferred-prosecution agreement.

Another interesting tidbit (unrelated to the previous comment);

The criminal trial is increasingly becoming a relic. More than ninety-five per cent of all criminal cases at both the state and the federal level are now resolved in plea bargains. A recent article in the Times described vacant courtrooms, out-of-work stenographers, and New York judges who can go a year or more without hearing a single criminal case. It may be no accident that the vanishing of the criminal trial has coincided with Eisinger’s story of vanishing corporate accountability. Presenting a case to a jury is a skill, and prosecutors now have fewer opportunities to hone it. The less adept you are in the courtroom, the more intimidated you will be by the prospect of going to trial, making you more likely to opt for a plea agreement instead.

This phenomenon has broader societal consequences. As John Pfaff demonstrates in his recent book, “Locked In,” one grave result of the tremendous leverage that prosecutors exert is the rise of mass incarceration. As judges and juries are written out of the criminal-justice equation, an awful paradox has emerged: the poor sign plea bargains and go to jail; the privileged sign deferred-prosecution agreements and avoid it.
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