***Official Political Discussion Thread***

it's happening.

pee tapes!

it's amazing how little coverage this is all getting, but these couple things show that things are lining up and it's not looking good for trump or his people. the WV meeting, the dossier, Republicans taking actions quietly against trump, turtle leaking, Hillary releasing excerpts from her book, it's all going down soon.

This is a lot of innuendo from da libbies today b
For one, I don't agree with much the guy does. Most of his fiscal policies are basically liberal with some Republican red meat mixed in.
Second, You'll notice that I haven't taken part in this thread for almost a year.
Third, I've been so busy, I've barely been on NT for the past 6 months
Fourth, this thread moves too fast to compose a proper response, especially with my schedule so please stop acting like you've won just because people with actual lives don't take part. Honestly, I've given up on politics for a while because the same issues that we Americans have been arguing about for the past 20, 50, 100 years keep coming up. Instead of arguing on a message board with people with totally different viewpoints who aren't looking to change I would rather focus my efforts talking to people who are actually open to some kind of meaningful change.

So basically you voted for Trump and don’t have **** to say because he’s a disaster.

Can’t say I blame you for keeping quiet.
I genuinely believe crc didn't vote for Trump....because usually those that support Trump wouldn't be bashing his fiscal policies

Based off his track history, strikes me more of someone who would have voted for Rubio or Cruz lol

Although who knows....
They know it's a wrap in 2018 & 2020 so they want the least amount of people voting possible :smh:

aepps20 aepps20 with the Oscar winning performance of the year

This kid is the FUTURE and I'm EXTREMELY proud of him. HE CLEARLY STUDIED under Barson and STEVEN HARVEY. I applaud his courage on this issue and many others that he spoke out against. I still remember when he hit LIBBIES WITH THE 34652357D HUNGRY HUNGRY HIPPO reverse spin when he "claimed" to abandon Republicans but in reality he was on the COAL TRAIN the entire time. AMAZING.
I genuinely believe crc didn't vote for Trump....because usually those that support Trump wouldn't be bashing his fiscal policies

Based off his track history, strikes me more of someone who would have voted for Rubio or Cruz lol

Although who knows....

No one should be fooled by CRC's lil rant.

Crc indelugdes in the same BS Regan worship as most Republicans. He pedals the same supply side delusions. Constantly speaks in dog whistles and the last time he was active he said that minorities vote Democrat because of welfare, and that he couldn't understand why the Dem were pro choice because black people are committing genocide (because black women have abortions at higher rates, no adjustment for poverty of course) and the Dems are supporting their future voting base being killed.

He hates the ACA because his premiums went up and he loves to argue that it is failing so it must go. If you mention that part of the trouble is GOP sabotage, he says the GOP is within their consituational rights to hurt the law.

He thinks that federal student loans and grants should be stopped because they help drive tuition cost (which is true). But instead of considering alternatives he was willing to cut off higher education for millions just to make sure college is cheap for when it is his kids turn.

To him every systemic issues is really just a group's moral failings. All his positions trace back to him not wanting to pay taxes to things that don't benefit him and he want further tax cuts. He is bitter Cali turned blue, constant complains of Bay Area politicans

He cries about people calling him a racist but takes no time to stop and consider why is that. No, it is everyone else that is wrong and just can't handle his opinion. He doesn't want more civil debate, he wants a more agreeable audience.

He is like a Rico, Ninja, Blco and Mitt Romney mixed together.

Him saying Trump economic plans are mostly liberal is a joke. Yes he has some non traditional right wing stances but all of Trump's major policy goals are firmly right wing. Repealing ACA for tax cuts, supply side tax cuts, hell even his infrastructure plan is just a big tax cut scheme. Then deficit spend and deregulate in hopes you can create a bubble. Oh btw, the Clinton's are evil.That is the GOP, that is Trump

Btw, me and dude not like each other very much :lol:
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No one should be fooled by CRC's lil rant.

Crc indelugdes in the same BS Regan worship as most Republicans. He pedals the same supply side delusions. Constantly speaks in dog whistles and the last time he was active he said that minorities vote Democrat because of welfare, and that he couldn't understand why the Dem were pro choice because black people are committing genocide (because black women have abortions at higher rates, no adjustment for poverty of course) and the Dems are supporting their future voting base being killed.

WTH? :sick:
i really hate this guy...dude is so childish retweeting this ****

I'm pretty sure it's a bit more complicated than "hey slip the debt ceiling approval in this VA bill, that bill passed so it'll be easy"
trump's latest tweet bragging about being 3-faced (since deleted and corrected for grammar and spelling):

“The Fake News is now complaining about my different types of back to back speeches. Well, their was Afghanistan (somber), the big Rally (enthusiastic, dynamic and fun) and the American Legion - V.A. (respectful and strong). To bad the Dems have no one who can change tones!”
No one should be fooled by CRC's lil rant.

Crc indelugdes in the same BS Regan worship as most Republicans. He pedals the same supply side delusions. Constantly speaks in dog whistles and the last time he was active he said that minorities vote Democrat because of welfare, and that he couldn't understand why the Dem were pro choice because black people are committing genocide (because black women have abortions at higher rates, no adjustment for poverty of course) and the Dems are supporting their future voting base being killed.

He hates the ACA because his premiums went up and he loves to argue that it is failing so it must go. If you mention that part of the trouble is GOP sabotage, he says the GOP is within their consituational rights to hurt the law.

He thinks that federal student loans and grants should be stopped because they help drive tuition cost (which is true). But instead of considering alternatives he was willing to cut off higher education for millions just to make sure college is cheap for when it is his kids turn.

Every systemic issues is really just a groups' moral failing to him. All his positions trace back to him not wanting to pay taxes to things that don't benefit him and he want further tax cuts. He is bitter Cali turned blue, constant complaints of Bay Area politicans

He cries about people calling him a racist but takes no time to stop and consider why is that. No, it is everyone else that is wrong and just can't handle his opinion. He doesn't want more civil debate, he wants a more agreeable audience.

He is like a Rico, Ninja, Blco and Mitt Romney mixed together.

Him saying Trump economic plans are mostly liberal is a joke. Yes he has some non traditional right wing stances but all of Trump's major policy goals are firmly right wing. Repealing ACA for tax cuts, supply side tax cuts, hell even his infrastructure plan is just a big tax cut scheme. Then deficit spend and deregulate in hopes you can create a bubble. Oh btw, the Clinton's are evil.That is the GOP, that is Trump

Btw, me and dude not like each other very much :lol:

Well for certain during the Republican primary, the likes of Carson, Rubio, Cruz, and Trump ran on very similar platforms that you just talked about, except that Trump took it up several notches on the dog whistling, which I remember crc calling the Trump campaign a mess during the election year.

Other than that, yeah we all know crc is a typical Republican. I'm just basing off what's been posted....but you never know who they really voted for.
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