***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Imagine being "devoted" to a president :rofl:

It's one thing to be a supporter...but blind devotion and fealty to Donald Trump


long fly ball ball out b.... its gonna be funny seeing da slow motion frowns from this thread after da investigation concludes with Trump still trollin on Twitter from da oval office. :lol:

Ninja let me make something clear. If you want to keep editing my post, I can and will eventually return that energy. So to save yourself the hassle from running and crying to Meth, do yourself a favor, and stop.

Second, you clearly don't understand context because your edit just makes it look like I am saying you are in denial. You basically edited my post to insult yourself.

Why you choose to be arrogant even when you are making yourself look silly, is a question I have given up on answering though.

You want order, then act like it. Don't kick a hornets' Ness and certainly don't complain when you eventually get stung.

Fair warning.
Shocking.. truly truly.. shocking

I'm floored.. absolutely stunned

i mean its not rocket science b. look at this thread from a macro level...none of ya Trump haters have forced me to abandon support for da donald... multiple that by millions of people who are berated daily by da media smears against Trump and continue to support him, even being accused to "bigotry" and "racism" for there effort.

dems have to beat Trump with ideas, not sit back and let da media try to beat em for you... hasn't worked yet, word to access Hollywood.
Imagine being "devoted" to a president :rofl:

It's one thing to be a supporter...but blind devotion and fealty to Donald Trump

Brah this is so loony

I really like Obama a lot, but there is a ton of stuff I disagree with him on. I have even called him and f-boy for the drone strikes in this thread.

Being devoted to an old bigot like Trump just because you want to make liberal upset. My god, how ****ing morally bankrupt can a person be.

What part of the game is that
No wonder Trump became a billionaire, he got dudes out there ready to suck off his nuts for a dollar haha
"Devoted to him"

Say that out loud please and tell me how embarrassed you feel as a man to openly say you are devoted to another man that is not your father, son or spouse.....let alone Donald ***** Trump.

Let that **** marinate for a while :lol:

you wouldn't fix your lips to tell that to anyone volunteering on a campaign b. pipe down.
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