***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Comparison Ford posted and article from him on something relative poverty thing. It seemed like a good argument but to me anyone that knows Urban Economics and America history would know why there is higher crime in America's cities.

So I googled some of dudes ****, dude's whole shtick seems to be trying to intellectualize white fragility.

Funny, dude complains about safe spaces and now I read that he planning on starting a program to try and get professors at the university he works at fired for teaching gender and race issues wrong.

"Women's studies, and all the ethnic studies and racial studies groups, man, those things have to go and the faster they go the better," he said. "It would have been better if they had never been part of the university to begin with as far as I can tell."

Internet right-wingers love this guy...and, of course, so does Joe Rogan :lol:
I have no sympathy for the billionaire class of the Democrat party for many reasons, but the most straightforward ones was that they played themselves. They were greedy mother****ers that made a deal with the third way types and didn't hold up their end of the bargain.

In exchange to being indifferent-to-weak worker rights and allowing market consolidation, they we suppose to help the Dems in other places.

They do little to nothing to help the Dems advance their civil rights policy

They do little to nothing to help the Dems advance their anti poverty policy

They do little to nothing on helping sell center left economic policy

Like would it kill these clowns if they actually fought for the rights of the marginalized, the poor, and allowed a few public options. Then maybe the left won't be as blood thirsty.

They love Obama and Hillary when they talk about economic growth, act dumb when Obama talks about inequality, and the second Obama proposes anything remotely pro-worker they flip the ****.

They people are just as bad as the clowns that compare being labeled a racist as being a victim of racism. Like maybe if you fought for a more equitable economic system, just a little, people would not consider you the reason for their despair. Just a thought.

So yeah, the Dem base naturally will think that it is time to do something different.
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I saw famb claim that calling out white privilege is racism. He tacitly compared it to genocide.

He is a Grade A clown.

But of course, he denounces white power nazis, so it is cool.
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I waited outside a HS for a girl once when I was in college and went to a school event with her a different time and I did not want to do that **** then. Couldn't imagine keeping that up in my mid 30s.
Roy Moore out here like

Comparison Ford posted and article from him on something relative poverty thing. It seemed like a good argument but to me anyone that knows Urban Economics and America history would know why there is higher crime in America's cities.

So I googled some of dudes ****, dude's whole shtick seems to be trying to intellectualize white fragility.

Funny, dude complains about safe spaces and now I read that he planning on starting a program to try and get professors at the university he works at fired for teaching gender and race issues wrong.

I normally do not like to call out people for having a lack of formal education because it usually comes across as elitist. however, the red line is when some blue collar dope like Joe Rogan claims to know how higher education actually works despite having little or no exposure to it.

You know that a lot of the Joe Rogan types think that "liberal arts" means training in how to advance leftist politics. I mean big surprise that all these white supremacists who claim to love "Western Civilization" don't realize that "liberal arts" is basically "Western Civilization studies."

They also think that if you major in pan African or women's studies that that is all you studied. They really don't know that if you get a real degree from a real college that you have general education where you probably studied logic, economics, higher mathematics, Western History and philosophy, all those things the SWS's claim are so important. Even once you specialize in your senior year or in grad school, your pan African, Chicanx or women's studies involve the same methodologies used by the more traditional disciplines. The reason why those "-studies" programs were created was to make up for the fact that traditional social sciences didn't talk much about women or people of color.

You talk to someone in a women studies at a good university and that person will know more and have actually read far more of the work of the "old dead white men" then the Joe Rogan types ever will. A pan African studies student will know much more about Western Civilization than the dopes who watch Praeger U videos and clips from the movie 300. I can guarantee you that.
Wait, there are people who genuinely conflate ‘liberal arts’ and liberal political ideals?

That didn’t even register to me at first.

Most people who think this don't say it out loud but you can tell from their comments that is what they believe. Then you say "yeah liberal arts, as in the Latin terms for the arts of a free man, right?" then those people have to adjust and are like "uh, um yeah that's what I've always meant."

A few people are more forthright. One guy actually asked why there is not a "conservative arts."
Most people who think this don't say it out loud but you can tell from their comments that is what they believe. Then you say "yeah liberal arts, as in the Latin terms for the arts of a free man, right?" then those people have to adjust and are like "uh, um yeah that's what I've always meant."

A few people are more forthright. One guy actually asked why there is not a "conservative arts."


basically anything that even sounds like it threatens white male supremacy must be bad
I normally do not like to call out people for having a lack of formal education because it usually comes across as elitist. however, the red line is when some blue collar dope like Joe Rogan claims to know how higher education actually works despite having little or no exposure to it.

You know that a lot of the Joe Rogan types think that "liberal arts" means training in how to advance leftist politics. I mean big surprise that all these white supremacists who claim to love "Western Civilization" don't realize that "liberal arts" is basically "Western Civilization studies."
Enjoy listening to his show some of the time, but the intellectual quality can be hit and miss.

He often appear ill equipped to call out the B.S. of some of his more controversial guests.
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