***Official Political Discussion Thread***

CNN and Fox were both reacting to NYtimes stories condemning bill Clinton...

and politically speaking da dems cant effectively attack roy moore when da Spector of Bill Clinton's misgivings puts a shadow over em, da Al Franken news exacerbated da situation.

Hillary was widely seen as a enabler to Bill's behavior, essentially keeping him viable politically by going after da allegations of his accusers "Monica Lewinsky is a egotistical looney tune" "that's in da past" "its a right wing conspiracy on my husband" etc.
Roy Moore is a pedophile....false equivalence to Bill Clinton being a sex fiend (which is morally wrong but not on the scale of Roy Moore committing statutory rape)
It’s okay the Bible and some backwards countries allow intimacy between adults and 13 year olds. That’s justification enough.

Da proof is in da pudding.
politically speaking da dems cant effectively attack roy moore when da Spector of Bill Clinton's misgivings puts a shadow over em, da Al Franken news exacerbated da situation

So we're just gonna equate one person walking off the stage when directly confronted about the allegations to another person addressing the allegations and calling an investigation on himself.

And the Clinton boogeyman is fading day after day like JB's influence on the sneaker market.
So we're just gonna equate one person walking off the stage when directly confronted about the allegations to another person addressing the allegations and calling an investigation on himself.

that's how politics works, why else would...




all these Bill Clinton era victim pieces be popping up? its called trying to reclaim da moral high ground...dems can't do it until they low-key throw hillary & bill overboard.

bill's successful defense of da allegations decades ago arguably gave da Trump campaign da blueprint to survive. they can't get rid of Moore, and ultimately Trump until their house is in order.


da "whataboutism" ya hate so much in this thread... actually has political currency...

leave Jordan out of this!

it is problematic that the entire spectrum of sexual deviance and harassment is being judged on the same level. more dumbing down of America.

edit: right on cue
Roy Moore is a pedophile....false equivalence to Bill Clinton being a sex fiend (which is morally wrong but not on the scale of Roy Moore committing statutory rape)

da waters political wise have already been muddied up, if you notice Moore news died down da min Al Franken got exposed...

we're in a time in politics where morality only goes as far as your partisanship does.

if you ask me personally? Moore most likely gonna win unless da GOP gets Strange to step down and have da GOP state in Alabama redo da election.
it is problematic that the entire spectrum of sexual deviance and harassment is being judged on the same level.

welcome to politics.

although Robert Menendez's trial that sprung up due to red flag allegations about him with under age Dominican prostitutes been SUPER lowkey media wise :lol:
da waters political wise have already been muddied up, if you notice Moore news died down da min Al Franken got exposed...
uh not really, there's been heat on both politicians still.

we're in a time in politics where morality only goes as far as your partisanship does.
that doesn't make it right still. on both sides. but Roy Moore is 100x worse than what Franken or Clinton did.

if you ask me personally? Moore most likely gonna win unless da GOP gets Strange to step down and have da GOP state in Alabama redo da election.
Knowing Alabama, Moore will probably get elected still regardless.
Over 10 months into the Presidency. The the right is still talking about the Clinton's. :lol:

BTW, Democrats didn't defend or condone Bill's actions with Monica. The thought it was ******** that it was being used as something to leverage him out of office. Especially given what the GOP let Reagan and Bush skate on, calling for Clinton's impeach over lying about is affair was laughable

Also, what Bill did with Monica Lewinsky might of been morally wrong, and it was disgusting, but it was not illegal. What Roy Moore is accused of doing was illegal.

But if people like Ninja want to get his Hannity on and start with the "whataboutsism" I propose a solution.......Everyone currently being accused of sexual harassment resigning. Simple fix. Franken resigns, Moore drops out, and all the others bounce.

After that happens President Trump..............of yeah, that right, I mean President Pence :lol:
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although Robert Menendez's trial that sprung up due to red flag allegations about him with under age Dominican prostitutes been SUPER lowkey media wise


His trial is about corruption and exchanging political favors for gifts and trips, not unsubstantiated claims of sexual abuse.

In November 2012, the conservative political news and opinion website Daily Caller published allegations that Menendez had contact with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic.[129][130] The allegations were promoted by Republican Party operatives, who arranged interviews for two women accusing Menendez of patronizing prostitutes with ABC Newsand the Daily Caller.[131] However, ABC News and other news organizations such as The New York Times, and the New York Post declined to publish the allegations, viewing them as unsubstantiated and lacking credibility.[130][131][132] One of the women who had accused Menendez stated that she had been paid to falsely implicate the Senator and had never met him.[131][133] The Daily Caller says this woman was not interviewed for their story.[134] Menendez's office described the allegations as "manufactured" by a "right-wing blog" as a politically motivated smear.[135]On March 18, 2013 police in the Dominican Republicannounced that three women had said they had been paid $300–425 each to lie about having had sex with Menendez.[136]

Whataboutism in a nutshell.
His trial is about corruption and exchanging political favors for gifts and trips, not unsubstantiated claims of sexual abuse

his Probe was triggered by allegations of underage Dominican prostitutes.

that's what got him on da radar for investigation.

This summer, the defense team for U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez and a wealthy South Florida doctor accused the Justice Department of directing a “tainted” corruption case against the close friends.

They claimed
the probe was initially based on “false” and politically motivated allegations of their having sex with underage prostitutes.

The Justice Department punched back this week, asserting those “specific allegations” were “corroborated” — or proven — in early stages of the investigation, even though the New Jersey Democrat and Dr. Salomon Melgen were not charged with that offense in the corruption case filed in Newark.

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his Probe was triggered by allegations of underage Dominican prostitutes.

that's what got him on da radar for investigation.

This summer, the defense team for U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez and a wealthy South Florida doctor accused the Justice Department of directing a “tainted” corruption case against the close friends.

They claimed
the probe was initially based on “false” and politically motivated allegations of their having sex with underage prostitutes.

The Justice Department punched back this week, asserting those “specific allegations” were “corroborated” — or proven — in early stages of the investigation, even though the New Jersey Democrat and Dr. Salomon Melgen were not charged with that offense in the corruption case filed in Newark.


When are you gonna demand your family answer for this?
“Child marriage is happening at an alarming rate across the U.S., but available marriage-license data show more parents, judges and clerks in red states than in blue states seem comfortable with this human-rights abuse,” said Fraidy Reiss, founder of Unchained at Last, a nonprofit that fights child marriage.

Divorce rates show a similar pattern: They tend to be higher in red states than in blue states, with Arkansas highest of all. “Individual religious conservatism is positively related to individual divorce risk,” according to a 50-state study reported in the American Journal of Sociology.

Then there’s adultery and prostitution. One large international survey found that the largest group of customers on Ashley Madison, the dating website for married people, were evangelical Christians. And a major 2013 studyfound that men in the Houston and Kansas City metro areas were the most likely to call sex ads, while men in San Francisco and Baltimore were the least likely to.

Yet it’s complicated, and there is one religious group that is extremely good at living conservative family values: Mormons. Utah stands out for low teen birthrates, low divorce rates and low abortion rates, and it has the highest rate of teenagers living with married, biological parents.

Looks like Moore's support is not out of the norm then...
Russia used their UN veto power again to block renewing a probe into the Syria chemical weapon attacks.
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