***Official Political Discussion Thread***

When I was learning how to code one of my teachers taught me to always be mindful of what your creations can be used for. But it's hard :lol: No one thinks their program will be abused for potentially sinister means unless it was purposefully made to be malicious and even then most of the guys who write malicious code do it as a joke or just for personal use and then they share it with a friend....who shares it with a friend...who shares it with a friend....who shares it with the internet :lol: But they're not "Take over the world" types although I will say a fair share suffer from delusions of grandeur :lol:

To address both of you guys' points, I would say that most people who get degrees in the STEM fields are very good social science and humanities students both in school and as lifelong learners. This is incredible because the right wing has been conducting a massive campaign to hold up STEM and denounce all other fields. Few succumb to that siren song but some do and boy, oh boy, is it ugly.

On the other hand, the callousness of Silicon Valley elites speaks more to the callousness of business leaders rather than an empathy gap among scientists. Remember that most of the famous Silicon Valley players have little to no scientific background and they mostly have elite MBA experience. So while Harvard and Stanford's business schools produce some awful, awful people, we shouldn't conflate them with the majority of scientists, engineers and mathematicians who are often times very well read and ethical people.

I recall in my first year, year and half of grad school, my classmates and I relearned economics in the language of mathematics. About a third of my classmates learn most or all of the material for the first time since their undergrad background was in STEM. While they could conduct the mathematical models and do the proofs faster and more elegantly than me, they often times would talk to me and ask me about the human and public policy consequences of what we were working on. They knew that I had double majored in history and that I was very good at economics, as a social science. In exchange for my consultation, they showed me how to be more comfortable with higher math. That experience really showed me that, specific degrees and fields are less important than I had previously thought and I could finally see a great community of scholarship across all disciplines, sitting both inside and outside of Academia.

As a result of that experience and my experience with my wonderful Econ 101 professor in undergrad, I started the practice of surveying my class and asking what every student's major was. When I lecture, I use mathematical models, graphical models and then plain English and anecdotes to illustrate the same point because I know that I am teaching students will all sorts of interests and learning styles. When a student talks to me about a particular point, I know what their major is and can articulate the point in a way that I think will make the most sense.

So Trump does built diverse coalitions, against his proposed legislation.


I recommend reading the whole thing but the cliffs version is that Trump's tax plan will sink the local economies in blue states (which is where most of America's GDP is produced) and will cause a housing market crash. This is extraordinary for two reasons. For one thing, tighter lending standards and more straight forward MBS (Mortgage Backed securities) classes, have created the conditions were an exact repeat of the 2008 crash is very unlikely. Yet, real estate and secondary mortgage markets could never predict a President who is so vindictive that he wants to crash the whole thing.

The other, extraordinary thing is that the coalition opposed to Trump's tax plan is so ideologically diverse. You have Bernie Sanders, the DSA, the Jacobin's editorial board all joining hands with the national Realtor's Associated, many fortune 500 companies and parts of Wall Street and regional banks.

While Reagan and Bush's tax cuts skewed too much towards top earners, the Trump tax cuts are truly just for billionaires and a few massive corporations. we are seeing a match up of every left, center and center right economic interest group versus the mega donors. This fight could go either way and that speaks to how weak our democracy has become.

Yup. My investment portfolio took a slight hit in light of that news :lol:
It's not looking great for Germany's future prospects if they continue struggling to form a government.
Germany is a both an economic powerhouse and arguably the de facto "leader" of the EU. Their excellent political and economic stability has played a large role in that.
With this general rise of a bigger focus on economics you'd expect them to be more than happy with Merkel considering their economic prowess during her reign. She even had a substantial federal budget surplus last year. Belgium can speak from experience that prolonged failure to form a government is pretty disastrous for a country. Then again we did break the record from war-torn Iraq. But even after just a few months it did massive damage to both our domestic politics and our international standing. That's where we got the term "failed state". I hope Germany and Merkel manage settle the issues soon. An unstable Germany is bad for both Germany, our country and the EU in general.
I'm just shocked that a cult/organized religion would try to cover up child abuse. :rolleyes
http://www. bbc. com/news/uk-england-42025255 (in the UK, separated the link due to bad embedding)
Victims 'told not to report' Jehovah's Witness child abuse
I'm just shocked that a cult/organized religion would try to cover up child abuse. :rolleyes
http://www. bbc. com/news/uk-england-42025255 (in the UK, separated the link due to bad embedding)
Victims 'told not to report' Jehovah's Witness child abuse
JW's are pretty close to culty. Knowing someone, and learning more about it, it's a little nuts. Def not for me.
I'm just shocked that a cult/organized religion would try to cover up child abuse. :rolleyes
http://www. bbc. com/news/uk-england-42025255 (in the UK, separated the link due to bad embedding)
Victims 'told not to report' Jehovah's Witness child abuse

Reveal did an awesome podcast on this problem within the Jehovah witness, definitely recommend it if you're interested on the BS that goes on. Culty is the correct word that sums it up.

They are still morons
“I’m worried my healthcare is going to get slashed, but my polititician at least isn’t an elitist”

Your mans is the definition of elitist! You just don't see it because he's dumber than you :lol: :stoneface:

**** it, those morons deserve everything bad that happens to them now. They elected their own demise and will pay for it one way or another. I'm most upset that the ecosystem has to pay for the decisions of the lowest level of intelligence our species has to offer.

Eff it, let it burn to the ground. The smart and the strong will rise up from the ashes to create a new utopia. Survival of the fittest.

JW's are pretty close to culty. Knowing someone, and learning more about it, it's a little nuts. Def not for me.
they believe that only 144,000 people get to heaven. how many of you think you'd made the top 144,000 all time greatest of all mankind? they way i've lived my life in the past, i don't think i'd even make the top 7 billion.

Surely this is gonna force them to the negotiating table and incentivize them to abandon their nuclear weapons program...>D:rolleyes

Of course this is conventional wisdom for everyone else but its great how pretty much most of the orange cabinet has been recorded echoing the same sentiments :lol:

I'd love to eventually hear Kush's off the record thoughts on dude too
Of course this is conventional wisdom for everyone else but its great how pretty much most of the orange cabinet has been recorded echoing the same sentiments :lol:

I'd love to eventually hear Kush's off the record thoughts on dude too

But Kushner is like the Bubba to Trump’s Forrest. :lol:
This always stuck me as bizarre. I have no clue how these people can get that square in their head.

Just plain old hypocrisy I guess?

^ The hypocrisy is to be expected from evangelicals tbh but WS is also a hell of a drug...

Folks are willing to set aside whatever morals they supposedly have as long as the 'others' get punished in the process

In other news

Haven't seen all that much fuss about this from the folks who apparently care about troops...
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