***Official Political Discussion Thread***

If I were a politician there’s no way I’m even entertaining serious talks regarding policy with dude.
That’s like me sitting my 1 y.o. Son down tonight to discuss financial planning.
I look at these headlines daily and balk at the state of idiocy that we’re in right now. We’re having discussions with and entertaining serious issues with legitimate amateurs. I just can’t even.
If I were a politician there’s no way I’m even entertaining serious talks regarding policy with dude.
That’s like me sitting my 1 y.o. Son down tonight to discuss financial planning.
I look at these headlines daily and balk at the state of idiocy that we’re in right now. We’re having discussions with and entertaining serious issues with legitimate amateurs. I just can’t even.
Thank you! Srsly, it's infuriating how thick skulled and ignorant to the world these libbies are. Amateur hour was supposed to die a swift and coalless death in 2017, but these libby hatemongers just won't let Dapper Daddy Genius Don cook. Sneaky Diane is the WORST of them now. Lock her up!
If I were a politician there’s no way I’m even entertaining serious talks regarding policy with dude.
That’s like me sitting my 1 y.o. Son down tonight to discuss financial planning.
I look at these headlines daily and balk at the state of idiocy that we’re in right now. We’re having discussions with and entertaining serious issues with legitimate amateurs. I just can’t even.

This is in line with journalists taking these clowns seriously, asking questions as if their policies are meant to serve the general public. I've been mad at them for not calling out the power grab that this administration and the GOP is orchestrating.

Good thing the (HOAX) investigation is being wrapped up at the end of 2017 according to Dapper Don's lawyers. And now Mueller is hiring a cyber prosecutor...
What this tells us is that Crooked Hillary better start bleaching some more of them emails and prepare her legal defense b :pimp:
Let me know when the Don is facing charges. Gonna be super mad if all of this leads to nothing.
the rhetoric against immigrants and minorities is so ****in tired. i hope the blue wave washes these fools out and we can move onto the issues of 2018 and beyond, instead of the ******** the wealthy have been using to divide us.
Man i hope they dont act stupid with the Indian family who own the kings mart up block from
The country folks be acting dumb lately

Alao,the dad always calls me boss man when i come in the store to by snacks post gym.......make me feel important
I wonder what Indian American Nikki Haley thinks of these 7-Eleven raids.
Not so inspiring? Lying about where you’re from, like South Carolina Republican Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC), the American-born child of Indian parents, might have done. The Associated Press reports that in 2001, Haley listed her race as “white” on her voter registration form.

Not her problem
Remember they got the caste system.....so of course she is gonna consider her self white.


#1, 99% of Indian people don't follow the caste system in 2018. That's some @#$@ that mostly happens in remote villages along with forced marriages, cow worship, etc. that America loves to display in the news to stereotype all Indians.

#2, 99% of Indian people would NEVER identify as white. My mom and her family are descended from and look like Southern Europeans (they're even more light skin than my European family), but you'll never hear them claim to be white or European. Most don't want anything to do with white people due to the British robbing the country blind; the only Europeans that get a pass are Asian washed/ethnic looking ones like my dad that prove that they respect and appreciate different cultures.

People like Nikki Haley are like the Ninjahoods of Indians. They don't claim us now, but we haven't claimed them since they decided to burden the planet with their emergence. There's a lot of derogatory terms for them in Indian/Asian culture.
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