***Official Political Discussion Thread***

So I got a Trump supporter story. There's a guy I know from college that is a massive troll so naturally he's drawn to DJT and his bombastic ways. White,super fratty investment banker so he's reasonably intelligent. So today he screencaps the picture below with the caption "Damn. DJT is the worst racist ever."

I think to my self, hold up wait a minute....and go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics website. AA unemployment was at it's peak in August 2011 at 16.3 This is how the Dems who did nothing handled it:


Trump only took off a point which Obama did in three months when employment was double! Then he asked what it was when Obama entered which was 12.7% but he was obviously handed the recession so that's why it swelled to 16.4% but he more than cut it in half and here Trump is trying to act like he did nothing and take credit for it?!?! After breaking it down for him, he said nothing but it really boils my blood that people, even those who are well-educated, that will look at things he says, take them at face value and then say some stupid **** like "Trump is doing a lot for African Americans. They are just ungrateful and lazy". **** them and **** Donald Trump and his entire administration. Sickening.

This is basically separate-drinking-fountain-economics. Donald Trump called 4.7% unemployment for whites in 2016, unacceptable and he said that the real unemployment rate "could be as high as 42%." For blacks folks though, in 2018, 6.8% is considered great news.

This is an area where civil rights and economic justice, although separate forms of critique, are intimately connected and robust socialism and anti racism need to be brough to bear on the fact that black unemployment is consistently double that of white unemployment.

Unity talk time.

Liberal, Leftists, Centrist, and everyone sympathetic to voting rights needs to start voting in Democrats real quick to protect those rights.

The GOP is about to step up their voter suppression game....


Absolutely, on this, the DNC, socialist groups, the NAACP and anyone else willing to work need to all work together, share information, pool resources and do three things. Get vulnerable groups registered on time, help with transportation to the polls and provide on demand legal services on and around election days.

We tried to tell y'all

To be fair, I don't think any of libby NT saw this one coming. It's still feels goodman though.
Well said Comrade, Coal Gang been waiting for this for a long time. :pimp:
The Great White Savior rightfully deported that Kenyan muslim from the WHITE House. While looking extremely dapper the whole time.

Best day of my life.
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