***Official Political Discussion Thread***

These idiots, imagine if they had allowed FBI to reopen the investigation last week?

Then they could have avoided bringing in Dr. Ford and her credible performance and avoided honorable Kavanaughty from committing career seppuku in front of twenty million people. FBI could have compiled a he said, she said file and it could have been brushed under the rug as due diligence. Instead we have Kavster running wild, making all kinds of stupid claims about his frat boy yearbook and calendars.
Interesting - a lot of renewable energy is really promising but it’s hard to store - particularly things like solar when it’s dark or wind when it’s not windy. Battery technology has really improved in the last few years so if they can start to store that energy efficiently it will renewables much more useful - never mind things like electric cars.
An associate of one of my close friends was recently in talks with NASA to work on a battery technology project that kind of blew my mind. He asked my friend (masters in chemistry, works in R&D) to join his company and relocate to Texas for a few years if the negotiations were successful. NASA was willing to offer a full scholarship amongst other things but negotiations stalled at the very end and broke down over project funding. They already had their NASA ID cards and everything.

The technology that NASA was interested in was some kind of textile that was more conductive than metals. I'm not sure what kind of textile it is, much less how it works. Not that I would divulge it even if I did, but even my friend who was introduced to the project said he was baffled upon witnessing it and couldn't understand how it worked.
The associate didn't think about batteries at all, he was just presenting his textile project to various entities. NASA was the one who wanted to further develop it for use in battery technology.
Yeah, I’ve seen a few things like that - materials that can be more electrically dense than the current metals so can store more power in the same size. I think they can charge faster too which is helpful - if you had a car that could go 300 miles and charge in a few minutes that would be revolutionary.
Interesting - a lot of renewable energy is really promising but it’s hard to store - particularly things like solar when it’s dark or wind when it’s not windy. Battery technology has really improved in the last few years so if they can start to store that energy efficiently it will renewables much more useful - never mind things like electric cars.

The electric grid is an on demand system. The electricity produced has to be consumed, otherwise it's lost and cannot be recovered. The challenge is in matching the demand (load) instantaneously, because any overproduction of power translates into wasted resources on the transmission and generation sides and loss of income/profits for companies on that side of the power industry.

High capacity batteries were always part of the game plan in the implementation of renewables because of the fundamental unpredictability of wind and solar energy (and also, the fact that they are mostly available in inaccessible places or when the demand is low), but the issue has always been the very high cost of storage.

The possibilities unleashed by high capacity batteries are insane. It will be possible to illuminate every single corner of the planet in the future because connectivity to the grid is no longer an issue. Blackouts might be a thing of the past because you could mitigate grid failures with an emergency solar/wind+storage setup on the demand side. You could even make transformers and most of the AC infrastructure useless. Imagine driving past rusted high voltage transmission lines and having to explain to your grand kids what they were used for (that is, if we haven't been nuclearly vaporized yet).
An associate of one of my close friends was recently in talks with NASA to work on a battery technology project that kind of blew my mind. He asked my friend (masters in chemistry, works in R&D) to join his company and relocate to Texas for a few years if the negotiations were successful. NASA was willing to offer a full scholarship amongst other things but negotiations stalled at the very end and broke down over project funding. They already had their NASA ID cards and everything.

The technology that NASA was interested in was some kind of textile that was more conductive than metals. I'm not sure what kind of textile it is, much less how it works. Not that I would divulge it even if I did, but even my friend who was introduced to the project said he was baffled upon witnessing it and couldn't understand how it worked.
The associate didn't think about batteries at all, he was just presenting his textile project to various entities. NASA was the one who wanted to further develop it for use in battery technology.

I remember reading an article about foldable batteries made out of carbon. The article below goes over something similar: using carbon nanotubes to make clothing that can charge electronics.

I've been thinking that court packing is an illiberal pandoras box that democrats don't want to open, but you can make the case the box was already opened a long time ago,

and the supreme court is an undemocratic roague institution in dire need of reform.

but on the other hand conservatives control the military, and coperate america so realistically they could crush all descent if there ever was an up rising.
Wow what a weekend.

Kanye just absolutely destroyed the liberal elites of SNL. They should rename the show "Saturday Night DEAD." So many triggered libs in the audience. And Chris Rock wasn't laughing at Kanye. He was laughing with him. The fake Instagram said Chris Rock laughed at Kanye. They had a good time and everybody LOVED the hat.

And now Kellyanne comes out with the #metoo. Wow. Talk about an unexpected sucker punch to send libs to the hospital for a spine CT. I always suspected George Washington had assaulted her. Trump hinted at this last week when he said that George may have had a bad past and that liberals wouldn't vote for him. Well WHOOP THERE IT IS. He sexually assaulted Kellyanne. Grabbed her butt and said, "I got a cherry tree growing in my knickers right now, bae." Very unprofessional but you know the 1780s -- boys will be boys!
I see it slightly differently. The plutocratic class already rules over the rest of the non-democratic world. The last bastion of human freedom (the individual countries in the Democratic West) is now being attacked by those people who have learned how to coerce politicians in developing countries into putting the oligarchy interests above those of the populace they're supposed to help thrive.

I agree with you, there are the core countries, anchored by the United States, whose ruling class already imposes (or at least encourage and accepts) oligarchy in the periphery countries in order to enrich themselves.

I was talking about the prospect that once the US becomes an explicit Oligarchy with an extremely limited franchise and is under total plutocratic control then the United States' foreign Policy might turn on other core countries. If you've already subjugated the working class in the global south and you've now subjugated the working class in your own country, all that's left is subjugating the working class in the other core countries.

One could imagine, in this dystopian future, that the 20 or so families who run the US would not want there to be liberal Democracy and Social Democracy thriving in any other part of the World so they'd pressure Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Western Europe, Japan, South Korea to become similarly extreme Oligarchies as well and if those countries did not comply, there would be military action. Basically, in this future, they'd treat the global North the way our Country already treats the global South; comply with the ruling class' economic vision or suffer sanctions, coups or invasion.
It’s not even worth posting - I googled the names involved and the theories I found were ridiculous and completely inconsistent. Just really wacky deep state stuff saying that Blasey-Ford was a plant basically.
Libs are people that are borderline illiterate, let alone able to perform simple research. Libs are the types who still believe the earth is round despite CLEAR FACTS.
So let’s say the FBI finds out information that confirms Kavanaugh assaulted Ford and the Republicans decide to confirm him anyway. What happens if Ford decides to make a criminal complaint since there’s no statute of likitations in Maryland?
A desperate attempt to assassinate Dr. Ford's character. The claim was that she's connected to the CIA and Fusion GPS. Exactly what you would expect from a belligerent troll.
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