***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Pie in the sky...
Ted Cruz will be back tomorrow in another form, with a full health bar. I have played enough Castlevania games over the years to not be fooled by the Prince of Darkness.
this is priceless. drumpf supporters are unreal. like SNL caricatures of the worst of America or the world. Cruz/Lucifer/Zodiac killer is inhuman in his ability to handle Drumpf supporters.

Oh man the general is gonna bring forth probably the most vicious/ugliest campaign we'll ever see :x :x.

Still holding out hope for Hillary to pick someone like Warren or Perez as a running mate.
Oh man the general is gonna bring forth probably the most vicious/ugliest campaign we'll ever see :x :x.

Still holding out hope for Hillary to pick someone like Warren or Perez as a running mate.

I thought it was Her & Rahm Emanuel no?

Warren wouldn't be a good look, she's not sitting to well in the eye of the public lately. Then there's that whole Suzy Orman thing
Barring some wild foreseen event.

Its likely going to be a blowout in the general, for Hillary.

Hilary got sooooo lucky.
Trump proved last night that he is capable of overtaking career politicians. It's not going to be that easy

the numbers and demographics make it very very very likley that it will be that easy.

republicans have a key disadvantage against trump, democrats don't.

the real question if Trump will damage GOP in down ballot elections.
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Reps aren't voting Hillary I can guarantee that so I'm not sure what you are getting at. I keep hearing that he is a hinderance to the party but he is continuing a domination with less then a year at this whole politics game. You have to realize what he did and what is going on to be able to understand the movement. I'm looking foreword to the abomination of Shillary

if you looks at the polls.

the majority of Republicans believe white people are the biggest victims of racism. So the other GOP candidates can't really attack him on the racism sexism front because that wont connect with republican voters.

A democrat can.

It's near impossible to win a general election in modern america, if you are hated by women, black people and latino's. The numbers are just too tough to see a plausible path to Trumps nomination.
Racism isn't going to win the election, even though a lot of nt'ers think that way. It's just not the greatest issue we are dealing with right now in America. It is a problem but not an unforeseen deal breaker. People are making racism out to be the culprit and the dems the "saviors" but in actuality the areas of democratic control constitute the greatest concentration of racism here today

it surely can and it surely is a deal breaker for many people, one only needs to look at history. and you opinions on who is the "culprit" are irrelevant, what matters is what voters think..

You can see it in the way black people abandoned the republican party back in the day, or the way latino's abandoned the GOP in California turning it into a solid blue state.

there are many black people who are evangelicals, plenty who are conservative.

but they will not vote for the Republican
because they feel like the party is actively hostile towards them.

People don't vote in a cold calculating way, the majority vote based on gut feeling. the cold truth is that, black and brown people make up a size-able portion of the electorate and they hate Donald Trump, and that more power than any other policy position Rrump might take.
Im not saying it's irrelevant but you can't run a campaign with systemic racism as the forefront issue and expect to secure the majority of American votes

you don't need to run a whole campaign based on it. though.

You simply need to ensure black and brown people show up to vote, and if enough of them do, and if they vote democrat at the same levels they did last election: 70% D latino, 93% D blacks.

Trump would have to win danm near like 67% of non college educated whites, and that assuming MORE latinos DON'T turn out to vote and some republicans don't stay home.

its only a 2 person race so he has a chance theoretically. but its an extreme long shot.
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I just wanna know what the next batch of republican candidates will have to do next go round to attract voters.

One of these dudes is gonna have to come out with an actually klan hood on.
You guys need to pay attention. This is the beginning of the end of old school republican politics. Trump is changing the landscape of American politics for the long haul and has career insider politicians like Shillary shook in the process because the outsider wild card is actually leading the polls. We've never seen something quite like this before
Hillary is not shook, shaken, or shooken.

She will lead America into economic glory and social success.
I just wanna know what the next batch of republican candidates will have to do next go round to attract voters.

One of these dudes is gonna have to come out with an actually klan hood on.

:lol: could be, they've created drumpf with this rhetoric for the past 8 years. So this would be the only progression.
Drumpf definitely set a precedent in the political system and it's appreciated. It showed that you don't have to be a career politician to win the votes, now it won't translate over into the general election but it most certainly has been noted and I'm convinced that we'll start to see more Independents take stronger positions in future elections. It may start on the local and state level but it's going to happen.
You guys need to pay attention. This is the beginning of the end of old school republican politics. Trump is changing the landscape of American politics for the long haul and has career insider politicians like Shillary shook in the process because the outsider wild card is actually leading the polls. We've never seen something quite like this before

You're probably right, the southern strategy brought all the fundies to the party. Now drumpf brings the uneducated, low info bitter voters to their side. Throw around some empty slogans, and fantasy scenarios that riles up the base. Now we have the New drumpf tea party. :lol:
:lol: could be, they've created drumpf with this rhetoric for the past 8 years. So this would be the only progression.

That's what I'm saying, the attention this dude has gotten, has clearly shown if you pander to racists just enough who knows what might happen.

It's gonna be all fun and games until one of these rednecks kills someone at one of the rallies.
Hillary? :lol: a person that still cant seal da deal vs Bernie supporters? :lol:

There will be blooooooooooooood.

Yup, she got so lucky that the republicans inexplicably picked a candidate that is hated by key demographic voting blocks.

she might have lost to Rubio.

but some how the republicans gifted her a candidate who is disliked by women, blacks and latino's. wild.

its just insane good fortune, but I guess it's god doing her a solid, after she ran into the obama buzz saw in 08. :lol:
also bernie and hilary supporters like to overstate how contested this primary has been.

the two candidates aren't that different.

its not dissimilar to obama v hillary. 08

hillary supporters claiming they wouldn't get behind barack. they did and so will bernies supporters. :lol:
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