***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce to you the newest group of the great American experiment, to go along with the Economically Anxious and the Enlightened Independents. Please join me in giving a warm welcome to the Exhausted Majority!


These Americans Are Done With Politics
The Exhausted Majority needs a break.

“I’m so upset, I feel physically ill,” Marsha Newman, 66, a school counselor in Chapmanville, W.Va., said on a rainy Election Day morning. “Just the ugliness of it all. It’s so heartbreaking that all we can do is bring each other down and cut into each other. I feel like I’m going to cry.”


It also found that many in the Exhausted Majority tend to see both sides.

“I guess I would have to say that I’m completely confused as to who is lying and who is telling the truth,” Ms. Vetter said. “I just feel helpless.”


Elizabeth Damon, 54, a veterinarian in Eagle Point, Ore., is a registered Democrat because “I really don’t think anybody should be able to tell me what to do with my own body.” But she also thinks the party has drifted too far left, and in 2016 she voted for Donald Trump.


All these confused and unaware folks in their 50s and 60s. I hope I have a better grasp on my life at that age.
I’m 36. Life’s on track and I am with the “exhausted majority”.

You can only listen to two people shouting at each other for so long.
I'm sorry but I am not sympathetic to the "exhausted majority". There are tons of long form articles, studies, and fact checking around for anyone to get informed about a topic and know what side is full of ****.

I see a ton of people upset at the fact that being a low information voter is not going to be challenged.

Like some of the criticizisms of the Dems in that article are they have gone far left and they want to let any and everyone into the country. Anyone paying real attention know both of those points are bull****
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I like this one.
“For the last two years it’s been impossible to go to a bar on a Monday night and not have to talk about politics,” he said. “Most Americans are sick of that. I think you can win in 2020 by promising that if you become president, people can go back to talking about football.”
"We just want to ignore this incredibly important thing that greatly affects people all throughout the world!"
Given what is at stake, people that lean Dem being exhausted and the level of political discourse is like being a sheep and being upset that the ranchers and the pack of wolves circling the flock are always going at it.

I mean geez, does Farmer Brown have to shoot that loud shotgun so much; I'm trying to enjoy some grass.
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In Trump's defense, he never was not a lying POS. These people are just exhausted from being confronted by the result of their reckless ignorance, electing an intellectual preschool bully to the highest office. They never informed themselves on the issues, they just want to go bowling and not be made to feel bad about immigrant kids in dog kennels and forget they themselves voted to get rid of their health coverage and job protections.
I'm sympathetic to some of the exhausted majority.

You want more votes for your side, those are the exact people you need to be trying to bring over :nerd:
Sadly, the exhausted majority is real. It's very common to talk to someone about politics and quickly realize two things: a) they are passionate about their dispassion and b) they are uninformed on what should be common knowledge. Symptoms include not knowing important details of major current events, a propensity to throw in unfounded shade at Obama for being awful, and an unexplained dislike for Hillary.

You quickly find out that the things they do care about are things that Trump has or is trying to undo, but in the same breath they admit that they didn't care to vote because of [insert random reason, such as "but her emails," "Obama was divisive," or "both sides are the same "]. They think of themselves as righteous peacemakers.

edit: That said, there is hope. Contact your health provider today for a sample of "Tedious Explanation." That's right, with just one hour a day of judgment-free conversation, you can begin to enlighten the patient to their folly. Bring up facts in a dispassionate way, gently correct inaccuracies in their statements, and re-frame political arguments in a non-political way. And, most importantly, avoid coming across as a rabid leftist, even if it means occasionally pretending to be pro-Trump on a couple things.

Tedious Explanation is not for everyone. Side effects include dry mouth, exhaustion, depression, loss of empathy, headache, confusion, nausea, self-loathing, and constipation. Do not take this approach if you are currently disillusioned as the risk of depression may increase.
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I really think it's just people who have become overexposed to media.

24 hour news cycle mixed with conflicting news and inability to think critically got folks out here not knowing what to do.
What gets me is they say they are sick of politics but then watch 27 hours of news a day.

We really need to get people to turn off their TVs and to stop reading clickbait news.
It's really not as difficult to check out of the typical news cycle and inform yourself just a bit deeper on the issues. It's intellectual laziness, and I could understand it because we all have busy adult lives, but then they say they waste time on the all day news cycle. I also don't even discuss politics when i'm out, life is about balance. If you keep treading on that surface level knowledge instead of doing some research that let's you know what it all means and when to check out that's on you.
It's really not as difficult to check out of the typical news cycle and inform yourself just a bit deeper on the issues. It's intellectual laziness, and I could understand it because we all have busy adult lives, but then they say they waste time on the all day news cycle. I also don't even discuss politics when i'm out, life is about balance. If you keep treading on that surface level knowledge instead of doing some research that let's you know what it all means and when to check out that's on you.

and thats the problem, people want to be intellectually lazy but want to have deeply rooted opinions in things they know nothing about.
What gets me is they say they are sick of politics but then watch 27 hours of news a day.

We really need to get people to turn off their TVs and to stop reading clickbait news.
Its a whole bunch of channels on TV and endless websites on the internet but somehow the "exhausted majority" always finds a way to stumble into the political stuff they claim to be tired of :lol: :smh:
The one eay I sympathize with the "exhausted majority" is that mainstream media is ****. Fox News is pure propaganda but so many other outlets insist on framing everything as "both sides". And that works against the Dems because they could literally be fighting to save lives by protecting pre-existing conditions, and the opening story on NBC News will be framed as "Both sides failed to reach a agreement on healthcare".
its also mind blowing how "political" american life and media has become and but people still have zero idea about how the political frame work of country operates. Civics is a foreign language to so many and Dems need to factor that into their strategies. "Feel facts" are real
very good point.

watching the news does not make anyone an expert on politics. we need to devote more time to studying civics and history. basic analytical skills like understanding probably and statistics should be required. being able to experience "politics" is helpful too, whether in DC or with local government.

the sports analogy here (inspired by @ninjahood) would be someone who doesn't know the rules of football and who has never played commenting on the game.
and thats the problem, people want to be intellectually lazy but want to have deeply rooted opinions in things they know nothing about.

This is so true. People like to talk much more than they like to listen, even if they don’t know what they’re talking about.

There’s nothing wrong with being a spectator on a topic, asking questions and choosing to get better informed. It’s crazy how so many people politics wise love to argue and argue but aside from a few talking points they got from a source which fit their narrative, they have no type of information whatsoever on the topic.
very good point.

watching the news does not make anyone an expert on politics. we need to devote more time to studying civics and history. basic analytical skills like understanding probably and statistics should be required. being able to experience "politics" is helpful too, whether in DC or with local government.

the sports analogy here (inspired by @ninjahood) would be someone who doesn't know the rules of football and who has never played commenting on the game.


i dont claim to be an expert at anything but as an engineer i try to be as analytical as possible when forming my opinions, mostly using the design of the experiments approach. looking at how dependent and independent variables affect each other. which is why alot of conservative social political ideals dont hold any weight with me. especially when it comes to socioeconomuics
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