***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Ya'll gotta be sensible and realistic too. These folks are running for President of America, not black America.
We gotta treat this a little bit like dating.

If you're going to hold out until you find the perfect girl, you'll always be disappointed.

We just need to settle on the candidate whose flaws we can live with and who won't commit treason.

Of course, if someone like Obama emerged from the pack, we run with that, but we can't expect another Obama for a while.
just seen the whole Kamala Harris townhall. I thought she was well prepared and gave good answers. I just wish someone would've asked her about her comments about truancy in the past

does she have my vote? na. at the moment, nobody does.
I had to do a double take myself champ. Eventually everybody comes back home.

Yeah yeah yeah. We don’t have time to play games with the “I’m black today....tomorrow I’m a person of color nonsense” To ME, you can’t be waving the HBCU flag, waving the Alpha Kappa Alpha flag (I know Ethel wouldn’t approve) waving the I want the movie Black Panther to win the Oscars awards flag then later talk about how your Indian background and distance yourself from the term black just cause you are scared to be called black.

We have enough race jumpers in our community as it is. As far as I’m concerned either your black or your not, simple as that. We don’t need you switching sides or sidelines cause can’t handle the pressure of being called black.

I agree with most of this. You gotta remember how the black community reacted to Tiger when he said he was Cablinasian as opposed to black. Truth is the optics matter. And intentionally saying person of color, as opposed to black, is strategic. My girl a K, so I'm not gonna say it is a deal breaker. If Booker or Holder don't run she's definitely getting the vote, but if she did it to distance herself from being "black" that is not gonna bode well for the black vote long term, imo.
We gotta treat this a little bit like dating.

If you're going to hold out until you find the perfect girl, you'll always be disappointed.

We just need to settle on the candidate whose flaws we can live with and who won't commit treason.

Of course, if someone like Obama emerged from the pack, we run with that, but we can't expect another Obama for a while.
There's a joke in there somewhere about VD being sky high & more rampant that it ever was... :lol:

Generally, I read from moderate/liberal news sources outside the US. I find it so much more balanced than US sites. Having said that, here's a good summary of beto o'rourke from the UK's Guardian for those interested.

I get what you guys are saying but it is a matter of splitting hairs...so she just isn't supposed to acknowledge her Indian descent? that's unfair. Also, person of color and colored person are not one in the same imo. colored person has historically been used as a term for black folks with a negative connotation. Person of color typically means all non-whites, to include Asian Americans. So in essence what she said was politically correct.
But when u put her statement together
Along with her questionable upholding of policies
And again married to a white man
That narrative of her only being black when convienient stands
Had a convo with a couple people yesterday
The white folks were hype on Kamala
But the black woman I spoke with
Knew what was up
And she spoke about some of the things I’ve said in this thread past few days
On why I’m cool on her
And said she wouldn’t vote for her either
She was informed about Kamala to a tee
I think Kamala Harris will have plenty of time to show us where her allegiances are. What I think what some people, including myself, are going to have a tough time reconciling is her being as unapologetically black as we want her to be but also win a presidential election in a country where significant amounts of people sit on their a**es and don’t vote as well throw their support behind fear mingering, xenophobia, and racism. As a black woman at that. If there’s anything I learned from the last election is that strategy is key, maybe the “all inclusive” push in that case was a strategic play that actually translates into more support. Idk. But i do know it’s way too early to count her out just yet.
How bout we figure out what policies she's running on and stop nitpicking at dumb inconsequential ****? you know, not make the same mistake?
Bruh some of these things and policies she upheld
Ain’t inconsequential stuff
Read up on her man
All I’m sayin
Don’t believe that **** on tv
Bunch of folks out here in the bay no what’s really good with her
Are cool on her
I think Kamala Harris will have plenty of time to show us where her allegiances are. What I think what some people, including myself, are going to have a tough time reconciling is her being as unapologetically black as we want her to be but also win a presidential election in a where significant amounts of people sit on their a**es and don’t vote as well throw their support behind fear mingering, xenophobia, and racism. If there’s anything I learned from the last election is that strategy is key, maybe the “all inclusive” push in that case was a strategic play that actually translates into more support. Idk. But i do know it’s way too early to count her out just yet.
She hasn’t really used her black ness
Except when it’s convienient for her
I stated yesterday o would chill on talking about her but man :smh:
Don’t fall for the hype
Ya'll gotta be sensible and realistic too. These folks are running for President of America, not black America.

I want to be both sensible and realistic as well. However, if you informally announce your run for President on MLK’s Birthday, do a press conference at Howard University with your sorority sisters and sorority as your backdrop then yeah maybe I am expecting you to be black and not afraid to acknowledge yourself as black. Nothing wrong with that at all.
I want to be both sensible and realistic as well. However, if you informally announce your run for President on MLK’s Birthday, do a press conference at Howard University with your sorority sisters and sorority as your backdrop then yeah maybe I am expecting you to be black and not afraid to acknowledge yourself as black. Nothing wrong with that at all.
I don't even disagree, it looks bad (there's a level of trust that a politician will never earn from me anyways, and this falls under that) but there's bigger at stake. Still no one has my vote yet, we'll learn more about the candidates as it goes. Only thing I know right now is it's not Trump.
She hasn’t really used her black ness
Except when it’s convienient for her
I stated yesterday o would chill on talking about her but man :smh:
Don’t fall for the hype

And like I’ve mentioned before, there’s no way she’s going to be able to get through this year without speaking to her prosecutorial record and letting everyone know exactly where she stands. As for her using her “blackness” when its convenient, like I said in my post, she’s a black woman trying follow up a presidency saturated in racism, xenophobia, sexism, and all around bigotry. We don’t have the luxury of getting what we want from a candidate running on symbolism alone. I don’t like that she said people of color instead of black, but I also understand that being all inclusive early on May very well be the smarter strategy. She has plenty of time to talk policy and put her blackness on display if she chooses to do so. Let’s see who the complete candidate is come primaries. If she ain’t cutting it we’ll have options.
:smokin Need to cleanse the pallette with this harris talk...

fox news would have you believe if you make $10 milly, AOC wants to take $7 mill... :lol: The funny thing is their viewers think that (the morons they are).

In 2019, optics matter but optics+strategy matter more. Not getting swept up in the inconsequential controversy storm that got us the president we have right now.
Kamala is wasting time and money running in my opinion. The last election showed America wasnt ready for a white woman president, so you think a black woman will be elected? No chance
It wasn't an issue with a white woman running, it was the wrong woman was running. hilary was always the wrong candidate from jump & she almost beat the orange man... Only good thing to come out from her campaign was that she coined the term deplorables because it's so fitting. That's the only term I'll ever use when talking about that party & their POS followers.

I think the US is defiantly ready for a woman commander in chief, it's just a matter of the right one. I don't think harris is it any more than hilary was.
Hilary was the heat check jumper. If Hilary would of won the next try would of been for a gender neutral anybody just to keep the ball rolling. Let’s be real.
Kamala is wasting time and money running in my opinion. The last election showed America wasnt ready for a white woman president, so you think a black woman will be elected? No chance

President Obama showed what energizing the black base can do. Hillary Clinton was bad for so many reasons that it really isn't a good representation on whether America is ready for a woman president.

Even my hardcore dem friends voted for Hillary as a "lesser of two evils" for lack of a better phrase.

Personally re: Kamala I think people need to let the prosecutor grievance go. Everyone says we need black prosecutors to have people on both sides that can use discretion. Honestly, her tough-on-crime past would likely give her a leg up where she'd otherwise get ignored.

Granted, I realize my support is just because of the optics. And I can see how policies mirroring her record are detrimental. I just think that her imagery is worth the gamble as it could inspire a generation of youth.
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