***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Christians and other followers of the abrahamic faiths love science, just as long as it does not get in the way of their heavenly pursuits.


The opinion piece is related to the fact that a lot of judicial nominees who are currently being confirmed by the Senate refuse to answer whether they think Brown vs Board of Ed. was correctly decided. As an example:

One of the nominees refusing to answer was Wendy Vitter, who was confirmed Thursday as a district court judge in Louisiana. Asked whether she thought Brown v. Board of Education was correctly decided, Vitter replied, I don’t mean to be coy but I think I get into a difficult area when I start commenting on Supreme Court decisions which are correctly decided and which I may disagree with.”

Disturbingly, Vitter was not an outlier. In fact, the Trump administration is so adamant that all nominees refuse to answer the Brown question that even Jeffery Rosen, Trump’s nominee to be deputy attorney general, refused to affirm the Brown decision — and part of his job is to oversee the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division.

Instead, one nominee after another has given an identical response: They can’t answer because of a potential pending matter (impossible), or Canon of Ethics (inconceivable), or some other obvious dodge. Any nominee who thinks he or she will have to consider a case that overturns Brown is out of touch with reality, and any nominee who thinks that Chief Justice John Roberts violated the Canon of Ethics when he affirmed Brown at his confirmation hearing is out of touch with the law.

Let me say that nothing short of packing the courts will put us back on the right path, and it is an issue that needs to be addressed during the Dem primaries.
Felt like a good place to post this. Scroll down to plus signs for further info on page.


Air pollution poses a great environmental risk to health. Outdoor fine particulate matter (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter < 2.5 μm) exposure is the fifth leading risk factor for death in the world, accounting for 4.2 million deaths and > 103 million disability-adjusted life years lost according to the Global Burden of Disease Report. The World Health Organization attributes 3.8 million additional deaths to indoor air pollution. Air pollution can harm acutely, usually manifested by respiratory or cardiac symptoms, as well as chronically, potentially affecting every organ in the body. It can cause, complicate, or exacerbate many adverse health conditions. Tissue damage may result directly from pollutant toxicity because fine and ultrafine particles can gain access to organs, or indirectly through systemic inflammatory processes. Susceptibility is partly under genetic and epigenetic regulation. Although air pollution affects people of all regions, ages, and social groups, it is likely to cause greater illness in those with heavy exposure and greater susceptibility. Persons are more vulnerable to air pollution if they have other illnesses or less social support. Harmful effects occur on a continuum of dosage and even at levels below air quality standards previously considered to be safe.
With rates as low as they are, paying cash for anything like that is kind of stupid. Especially because trump can put that money into the markets he manipulates and get a higher return anyway.

LOL indeed, comrade.

Trump was right. Trump was always right. China is the enemy, and they have successfully manipulated the United States. They pray on our divisions, and now they have wedged a divide between Trump and the farmers.

It is times like these that we must stick together and remind the farmers that they must sacrifice for the good of President Trump. This is all in god's plan.
Republican Representative from Michigan, Justin Amash, on Trump and Barr: "Mueller’s report reveals that President Trump engaged in specific actions and a pattern of behavior that meet the threshold for impeachment." :wow:

read the whole thread.

Wow is this the first official crack?

Honestly between the Mueller report this and the farmers suffering in the trade war.... I could see there being a mass divestment from any conservative’s with a iota of patriotism
Wow is this the first official crack?

Honestly between the Mueller report this and the farmers suffering in the trade war.... I could see there being a mass divestment from any conservative’s with a iota of patriotism
It's hard to say. Amash has always been an anti-Trump Republican, but a fairly conservative Republican too. This may help spur Democrats to get impeachment going.

I do think that the Republicans who wake up will be more anti-Trump than Democrats.
That’s a really important point - and it does seem true that all the protections in place have been carefully eroded the last few decades.

They say war is politics by other means. However, what we’re witnessing is one side trying to cheat because they realized in 2008 they were on the trajectory to losing.

I do think the game will balance out
Republican Representative from Michigan, Justin Amash, on Trump and Barr: "Mueller’s report reveals that President Trump engaged in specific actions and a pattern of behavior that meet the threshold for impeachment." :wow:

read the whole thread.

Hate how he has to “both sides it” tho. Just call it what it is. Hate the muddying of the waters ****.
Yo **** these ****s in the south trying to ban abortion. They quick to ***** about the government overstepping their ground with the 2nd amendment but these misogynists are quick to tell women what to do with their bodies and how to feel after being raped. **** these ***** *** punks.
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