***Official Political Discussion Thread***


beautiful comrades

*sheds tear*

What was your favorite part?

My favorite part was the whole thing.

Trump looking very dapper and very presidential throughout. I really liked it when they showed him dancing. It shows his softer side. This man can really cut a rug.

Another nice touch was when he hugged the flag. That was very masculine and patriotic and shows good taste. I'm really glad someone put this video together. They are true American heroes. Hopefully Madam Speaker Pelosi has a chance to watch this tonight and reconsider the impeachment inquiry. She will see right away that Donald is an honest, good man, and we need him in the White House to take care of this great country of ours.

The only part I did not like, and I understand why because they had to cut it for time, was that they cut the clip showing Donald teaching Harden his new one-legged three-point shot. This shot will clearly lead to many points for James Harden (nicknamed "The Beard" by hard-core NBA enthusiasts). It is unfortunate they could not include it because it would again show that Trump is more than just a business tycoon with hundreds of billions of dollars. He is also a true athlete and I think it may benefit some of the crazy liberals, especially the ones who engage in barbaric behavior like hanging from basketball rims, to see that Donald is really good at the sports and maybe they will change their mind and stop the impeachment inquiry.
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Watch the Donald Trump Power Tie video while listening to Take On Me by A-Ha LOL
Thank me later

wish someone could make a vid directly with song on it

“I dont know what to say but ill say it anyway...ill be gone in a day or two”

I been saying that since that hack. It’s clear they’re compromised. Lord only knows what kind of voter suppression, racial gerrymandering practices, illegal campaign donations, insider trading, sexual assault lawsuits, crimes and the whole nine are floating on the RNC server. And this goes back likely decades. We’re JUST getting the damn Reagan tapes showing him as the vile racist black people have always rightfully said he was.

Hell, republican corruption across the country is uncovered daily. The Russians are sitting on a gold mine of kompromat. And they have the GOP by the balls. This is why those dudes are leaving congress at record rates or fighting tooth and nail to keep trump in power despite obvious crimes and hypocrisy.

Putin has an entire political party which controls the senate and executive branch by the balls. Republicans will never turn on Trump. Either he gets voted out....or the impeachment proceedings and fact finding will take the whole party down.

They won’t budge.
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