***Official Political Discussion Thread***

A mid-week nothingburger for all of you!

From the guy who had texted this:

[9/9/2019, 5:19:35 AM] Gordon Sondland: Bill, I believe you are incorrect about President Trump's intentions. The President has been crystal clear no quid pro quo's of any kind. The President is trying to evaluate whether Ukraine is truly going to adopt the transparency and reforms that President Zelensky promised during his campaign I suggest we stop the back and forth by text If you still have concerns I recommend you give Lisa Kenna or S a call to discuss them directly. Thanks.
We now bring you this:

Live look at Sondland's testimony:
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they told me for weeks through it was no quid pro quo. But trumps man he hired who says taking this job was his highest honor just said yes it was quid pro quo and Rudy was acting on the desires of the president....but they told me...
Lol at these hearings doing anything. Nothing will happen. Trump will continue to be him. He will get re-elected. The cycle continues.
It’s wild he’s throwing him so far under the bus but is still implicating trump and I don’t think he’s even trying to cause he’s said several times he was acting on trumps interest and trump put them in a situation where they had to work with him despite not wanting to.
Cut the snake off at the head
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