***Official Political Discussion Thread***

:lol: No. Or Bernie Bros can cut the stupidity.
c'mon now. these Bernie supporters sounding one step removed from deplorables if they're that fickle.

You're essentially making the same argument found in this tweet (see image)


I understand. We all love Klobuchar and her prosaic rhetoric and incredibly tiny, stingy promises. But we just have to be realistic and tack to the left because that’s where the King makers are, the Bernie or Bust crowd. Hillary Clinton lost because Berners didn’t vote for her.

If I could have my way, the Democratic Party would keep on proposing tax deferred savings accounts for community college tech certification tuition as well as health savings accounts. But we can’t just have a party for wealthy suburbanites. We have to be pragmatic and do things we don’t like such as M4A and free college. We may not like it but we have to totally orient the Democratic Party to the wants and needs of young parents who have Maoist bumper stickers and who refuse to vaccinate their kids. Those educated, downwardly mobile leftists will decide the 2020 election just as they decided the 2016 elections.
I understand. We all love Klobuchar and her prosaic rhetoric and incredibly tiny, stingy promises. But we just have to be realistic and tack to the left because that’s where the King makers are, the Bernie or Bust crowd. Hillary Clinton lost because Berners didn’t vote for her.

If I could have my way, the Democratic Party would keep on proposing tax deferred savings accounts for community college tech certification tuition as well as health savings accounts. But we can’t just have a party for wealthy suburbanites. We have to be pragmatic and do things we don’t like such as M4A and free college. We may not like it but we have to totally orient the Democratic Party to the wants and needs of young parents who have Maoist bumper stickers and who refuse to vaccinate their kids. Those educated, downwardly mobile leftists will decide the 2020 election just as they decided the 2016 elections.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

You have to troll a lil better famb. It is too obvious you are taking a piss.
KO punch? I said nothing of the sort, sir. :lol:

Just a legitimate question, to which "it isn't 2016" just isn't a great answer. Meh....not worth the battle. Carry on.
I wonder if Russia and Trump gonna be playing dem rules. :lol:

Trump got impeached because he wanted to manufacture a scandal to drag the Dem candidate down. Just like what happened in 2016.

Russia is already looking like they gonna be on the same BS.

We really thinking the mass media has improved that much in 4 years.

But Bernie is the man cause it ain't 2016. :lol:
On another note, **** the GOP and anyone that rides with them.

I've never been, nor will ever be, some big "rah rah USA!" type of guy--the history (and the continued state of) this country won't allow me to be like that. But what happened tonight completely ****s upon everything this country supposedly stands for. This changes things forever, and not in a good way. You can't put the cat back in the bag now.

And yet again another rich, white man gets away with it. Welcome to America.
If Bernie is the nominee, it won't be like 2016 because Bernie won't run a campaign centered around rich suburbanites to the exclusion of everyone else. A Bernie 2020 general campaign would carry over his activist army who will make sure that millions of retail workers, baristas, warehouse workers and various gig economy workers come out and not only vote for Bernie but vote straight blue down the ballot. Bernie won't let his campaign be dragged down by parasitic consultants who waste campaign funds on TV ads while not paying enough for workers on the ground.

Now we could still lose the 2020 general with Bernie running. We have confederate courts and confederate governors lurking everywhere, we have rigged voting infrastructure, we have an FBI and maybe CIA who will try to interfere. Those risks are, however, proof that we need a mass voter mobilization effort done on scale not seen in our lifetimes.
If Bernie is the nominee, it won't be like 2016 because Bernie won't run a campaign centered around rich suburbanites to the exclusion of everyone else. A Bernie 2020 general campaign would carry over his activist army who will make sure that millions of retail workers, baristas, warehouse workers and various gig economy workers come out and not only vote for Bernie but vote straight blue down the ballot. Bernie won't let his campaign be dragged down by parasitic consultants who waste campaign funds on TV ads while not paying enough for workers on the ground.

Now we could still lose the 2020 general with Bernie running. We have confederate courts and confederate governors lurking everywhere, we have rigged voting infrastructure, we have an FBI and maybe CIA who will try to interfere. Those risks are, however, proof that we need a mass voter mobilization effort done on scale not seen in our lifetimes.
-This is better fiction than Game of Thrones.

Bernie Sanders is not some political supernova. Higher turnout is not because of him or any other Democrat is on the ballot really, it is because of a negative reaction to Trump.

I mean you are literally advocating for a guy that ignored the Dem most loyals voters last time around, and continuously says dumb **** about white working class voters, like he some once in a lifetime talent.

And like I said, if he is so great, how come he could not beat Clinton, with all her supposed flaws? Why is he not dominating this primary?

-Your description of Hillary's campaign is ********. I know you all about pushing Bernie these days, **** everything else, even common sense, but posting nonsense doesn't help your case.

Say you think it should be more progressive but don't peddle this.
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Rusty typing with his shirt off right now. Only way to resolve this is to have a biscuit eating contest. Dwalk is the designated official.
CNN poll: Bernie Sanders surges to join Biden atop Democratic presidential pack

Bernie leading now at 27%
Bernie's electability argument is "expanding the base." Getting the vote of a would be non-voter is great but getting the vote of a would be Trump voter is twice as valuable

no secret the South and Midwest are less progressive than the coasts. if Bernie is going to push away some moderates, he needs to attract at least twice as many disaffected voters to make up that ground

anyone's guess whether he can or not. I'd prefer not to find out in an election with such high stakes
This cult of personality **** with Bernie really mirrors a lot of Trump.

Or that of Obama. Or that of Bill Clinton.

Edited because the troll of all trolls 'liked' my post. He perhaps did so because he himself is part of the 'cult' . He is perhaps who Living Colour had in mind when they sang, "I tell you one and one makes three." Willing to suspend critical thought, to make exceptions, to believe a pathological liar 'over his lying eyes.'

More broadly, my point in response to M Mark Antony is that there is a remarkable tendency of human beings to pour all their dreams, hopes, fears, and expectations into a single leader. Perhaps that speaks to the ideological hegemony of liberalism (a system of beliefs predicated on the individualized self). Perhaps this tendency has been with human beings throughout history. But the cult of personality phenomenon you observed has definitely been deepened by mass media and other 20th-21st century communicative technologies.

Every modern leader has been forced to decide if they wish to exploit it, lean away from it, or suppress it. Thus the question is not is there a cult of personality surrounding Bernie, but how he relates to that energy. And to suggest that there is some equivalence between Sanders and Trump in this respect is, IMO, a flagrant misread.
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