***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Trump is firmly anti establishment and not a career politician. A large segment of his voter base are those that have field railroaded by the run of of the mill establishment types. (Rubio, Jeb, Kasich) those were the establishment candidates. And I'm sure if I go back far enough I'll see many of you making the same claim. I'm sure many of you were sure he wouldnt get far because he wasn't establishment.

Now you're all moving goal posts.
@PSK2310 a good number of Trump supporters understand; they just love to deflect just like Trump does.

I went on FB yesterday, and on the trending articles, dudes were writing @#%@ like "Trump wasn't insulting Khan's faith and Khan's wife; he was showing empathy towards the opressed woman. How can people not see that?" Trump supporters try to be so clever with their ignorance :lol:

Too bad 75% of this country is equally illiterate and ignorant. Otherwise Trump wouldn't have a chance
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Trump is firmly anti establishment and not a career politician. A large segment of his voter base are those that have field railroaded by the run of of the mill establishment types. (Rubio, Jeb, Kasich) those were the establishment candidates. And I'm sure if I go back far enough I'll see many of you making the same claim. I'm sure many of you were sure he wouldnt get far because he wasn't establishment.

Now you're all moving goal posts.
You can't make claims like we're moving goal posts without anything to back it up.

And you're still not saying how Trump is different than the same old politicians.
Some guy gave Trump a replica of his Purple Heart. Not only did Trump lie and say it was the real thing. But said "I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier."

What a pompous ***.
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The "anti-establishment" line just sounds cool to the base. It give them something to say when you call Trump out on the BS he spews daily.

I would say his campaign is unconventional with the free media exposure and he's tapped in the anger that the GOP has been brewing for the past 8 years with their conspiracies and fan fiction. The moment he gets into office his whole administration will be filled with "the establishment" from Giuliani to Christie
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Mark Cuban, Bloomberg, and now Warren Buffet. I wonder which billionaire will take a shot at him next :lol:

I'm sure if they round up enough billionaires they can conspire to make Trump poor... :nerd: They should all agree to put money together and join whatever industry Trump is in lmao
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The "anti-establishment" line just sounds cool to the base. It give them something to say when you call Trump out on the BS he spews daily.

I would say his campaign is unconventional with the free media exposure and he's tapped in the anger that the GOP has been brewing for the past 8 years with their conspiracies and fan fiction. The moment he gets into office his whole administration will be filled with "the establishment" from Giuliani to Christie

That's exactly the correct word to use for trump's campaign, unconventional.
You're delusional. One, that will never happen. Two Trump is running against the whole establishment. Do you really think that pillars of the establishment denouncing him is going to hurt him? I guess we've been watching two different campaigns.
If pillars of the party denounce Donald, actual Republican/conservative Americans will completely withdraw from Donald.

After that, all he will have left is the disenfranchised. Look at the #s and demographics If you think only them have carried Donald this far.
And it's legalized in this country. Elsewhere, they call it corruption.

We need to adopt the way the Brits do their elections. Cap spending & shorten the time for campaigns drastically.

Looks like trump is laying down ground work to back out of some of the debates. As think skinned as he is, I bet he's a scarred to face her 1 on 1.
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I don't know what kind of mental gymnastics you guys are engaged in, but in nonsense of word is Trump establishment. He may be a part of the donor class, that funded both parties mind you. But he's most certainly not an establishment candidate.
How's he different?

being part of a establishment is like a "club" for a lack of a better term..Trump usurpes all previous rank in da establishment...to da chagrin & resentment of those who were in place to be put in positions of power.

think of Cam goin to da Roc & everybody in da building publicly showing face but privately seething.
Dude is really trying to convince people that the election is rigged so that he won't have to debate. His idiotic supporters will believe him though
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I don't know what kind of mental gymnastics you guys are engaged in, but in nonsense of word is Trump establishment. He may be a part of the donor class, that funded both parties mind you. But he's most certainly not an establishment candidate.
How's he different?

being part of a establishment is like a "club" for a lack of a better term..Trump usurpes all previous rank in da establishment...to da chagrin & resentment of those who were in place to be put in positions of power.

think of Cam goin to da Roc & everybody in da building publicly showing face but privately seething.
Cam was establishment under a different party.

And if the establishment is like a club, Trump bought his way into that little boys club decades ago. Y'all really scared to admit your God emperor is just like everyone else in politics, when you don't gotta be.
Looks like trump is laying down ground work to back out of some of the debates. As think skinned as he is, I bet he's a scarred to face her 1 on 1.
lmao yup. trump is a ***** and probably won't debate because he knows he can't...he wants to keep this going as long as he can. 

a debate will completely expose him after how terrible the RNC is 
If he backs out of the debates. Hillary should just show up and get a free 90 minute interview advertisement on national prime time television.
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I don't know what kind of mental gymnastics you guys are engaged in, but in nonsense of word is Trump establishment. He may be a part of the donor class, that funded both parties mind you. But he's most certainly not an establishment candidate.
How's he different?

being part of a establishment is like a "club" for a lack of a better term..Trump usurpes all previous rank in da establishment...to da chagrin & resentment of those who were in place to be put in positions of power.

think of Cam goin to da Roc & everybody in da building publicly showing face but privately seething.
Cam was establishment under a different party.

And if the establishment is like a club, Trump bought his way into that little boys club decades ago. Y'all really scared to admit your God emperor is just like everyone else in politics, when you don't gotta be.

ya still don't get it..

and as far as Trump talkin bout da debates, u not lookin at da strategy...alot of Trump's core constituency rather watch football than a debate. If he can get da dates changed thats a W.
ya still don't get it..

and as far as Trump talkin bout da debates, u not lookin at da strategy...alot of Trump's core constituency rather watch football than a debate. If he can get da dates changed thats a W.
nah hes dodging her...he dont want it. 
I don't know what kind of mental gymnastics you guys are engaged in, but in nonsense of word is Trump establishment. He may be a part of the donor class, that funded both parties mind you. But he's most certainly not an establishment candidate.
How's he different?

being part of a establishment is like a "club" for a lack of a better term..Trump usurpes all previous rank in da establishment...to da chagrin & resentment of those who were in place to be put in positions of power.

think of Cam goin to da Roc & everybody in da building publicly showing face but privately seething.
Cam was establishment under a different party.

And if the establishment is like a club, Trump bought his way into that little boys club decades ago. Y'all really scared to admit your God emperor is just like everyone else in politics, when you don't gotta be.

ya still don't get it..

and as far as Trump talkin bout da debates, u not lookin at da strategy...alot of Trump's core constituency rather watch football than a debate. If he can get da dates changed thats a W.
You keep saying we don't get it, but you never tell us why. How, specifically, is Trump different than the establishment candidates?
If he backs out of the debates. Hillary should just show up and get a free 90 minute interview advertisement on national prime time television.
Nah, he won't back out in the end. There's no way he would be stupid enough to think that backing out of a presidential debate would benefit him in any way.
If he backs out of the debates. Hillary should just show up and get a free 90 minute interview advertisement on national prime time television.

I bet he is angling for Pence to do the debates over him.

Pence is a great debater, that can spew BS and make it seem reasonable.

All Hillary has to do is try to get him to explain how he plans to accomplish his goals and he will fold. Look at how Trump supporters, even on NT, short circuit when the debate turns to "how will Trump accomplish his goals". The nonsense economics and personal insults start flying.

Trump will be the same way
Obama just called out the Republican leadership so lets see how they respond!

"If you are repeatedly having to say, in very strong terms, that what he has said is unacceptable, why are you still endorsing him?" Obama asked at a news conference alongside Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. "What does this say about your party that this is your standard-bearer?

"There has to come a point at which you say, 'Enough,'" Obama said. "... The alternative is that the entire party effectively endorses and validates the positions that are being articulated.”
"I said so last week. And he keeps on proving it," he added. "The fact that he doesn’t appear to have basic knowledge around critical issues in Europe, in the Middle East, in Asia means that he’s woefully unprepared to do this job."

And it's legalized in this country. Elsewhere, they call it corruption.

We need to adopt the way the Brits do their elections. Cap spending & shorten the time for campaigns drastically.

Definitely agree with you on this.

How the ‘Stupid Party’ Created Donald Trump


From the comments section:

Another noteworthy angle on GOP anti intellectualism is how they systematically lobotomized Congress from 1995 onward. [COLOR=#red]Just a few years after the end of the Cold War, and on the cusp of the Internet revolution, they eliminated Congress' science forecasting agency (the Office of Technology Assessment) Seeing public sector infrastructure as competition, they then wiped out the shared issue caucus staff--who performed much of the continuing education on complex policy for members of both chambers and both parties. Keep in mind, these global public interests don't have strong domestic constituencies, so they can't compete with private or lucrative advocacy tactics. The only entities who survived inside Congress were ideologically aligned "think tanks"who took over policy tasks and K Street lobbyists who doubled down. Finally, the Republicans "reorganized" the Congressional Research Service to severely restrict specialized experts and consolidated the committees, diminishing the institutional memory by getting rid of staff.[/COLOR] These actions eliminated hundreds of deeply knowledgeable individuals who were dedicated to Congress. This is truly tragic. Today Congress bitterly scorns the White House for consolidating power, yet our first branch of government did this to itself! Our current disrepair and incompetence is not an accident, its an outcome. I would even say it was a purposeful GOP strategy.

[COLOR=#red]The strategy of stupid has been an orchestrated attempt singularly to deny that government has a role to play in social and economic justice. The problem is that this rejection of knowledge and social policy elites has caused a lot of other dominoes to fall, including denying that science is real and that our main enemies are the result of imperialist regimes for the last 200+ years.[/COLOR] While the far right wing has watched with glee as the idea of government can create positive effects has declined with its defunding and debunking, now the result is that the very ideological basis of this movement looks like the childish and immoral selfishness that it is. The upside is that perhaps we can now get back to our nation's core pragmatism in solving problems. The downside for all of us is that we have spent the better part of a century wasting our money, energy, and mutual good will on petty and manufactured debates. The Republican party has no one to blame but themselves. But they've hurt a lot of people along the way.

[COLOR=#red]When I feel I can have some meaningful discussion with a friend or acquaintance whose loyalty is to the Tribe of Trump, and whose political instincts are to detest the "elites" who think they know best how to govern, I point to their autmobiles, their smart phones, their television sets, all examples of the work of elites[/COLOR]. Those elites are often children who were educated in our public schools and both public and private universities and colleges. As parents, we wanted them to be better educated that were we, and in every field, they have pushed forward past our boundaries of knowledge and abilities. [COLOR=#red]Only when they become politicians or social thinkers do we suddenly decide we should reject them. There is no reason for fearing their expertise anymore than we fear the technology produced by those who developed expertise in that area[/COLOR]. Certainly achieved expertise is not a guarantee that errors in judgment will not occur - as cigarettes, thalidomide, pollution by-products from manufacturing, and other examples demonstrate in the world of science and technology, and politicians and social thinkers can make mistakes as well. [COLOR=#red]But over-all, we gain more from faith in both, not in fear. We should be proud of our now-adult children and thankful for the benefits we have as a result of their efforts, including those who have made the effort to become expert as politicians and bureaucrats. How else can our great country remain great?[/COLOR]
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It's one of the major cons that Drumpf has been able to perpetrate, the only facet in which he's anti-establishment is that he hasn't held political office. He's just really a less wealthy Koch brother, Drumpf has been in politics for over 20 years.
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