***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Koch's wont even endorse him, publicly or privately. One of the very, very few times I've respected them (albeit their reasons are different than mine or other liberal reasons). That's got to tell these idiots something about who their candidate is.
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Obama just called out the Republican leadership so lets see how they respond!

"If you are repeatedly having to say, in very strong terms, that what he has said is unacceptable, why are you still endorsing him?" Obama asked at a news conference alongside Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. "What does this say about your party that this is your standard-bearer?

"There has to come a point at which you say, 'Enough,'" Obama said. "... The alternative is that the entire party effectively endorses and validates the positions that are being articulated.”
"I said so last week. And he keeps on proving it," he added. "The fact that he doesn’t appear to have basic knowledge around critical issues in Europe, in the Middle East, in Asia means that he’s woefully unprepared to do this job."


u not lookin at da strategy...alot of Trump's core constituency rather watch football than a debate. If he can get da dates changed thats a W.
So he should change the dates in order to try and convince people who were going to vote for him anyway? 

Until he joined Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign this year, Mr. Manafort’s work in Ukraine had been his most significant political campaign in recent years. He began his career in Republican politics in the 1970s and extended it overseas to advising authoritarian leaders, including Mobutu Sese Seko in Zaire, Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines and Mr. Yanukovych.

I knew about Manafort's dealings in Ukraine; what I didn't know was that he worked for the human blood drinking POS that was Mobutu.
Obama just called out the Republican leadership so lets see how they respond!

Shots fired 

It baffles me how someone like McCain for example can continue to endorse Trump when he has publicly insulted him for being captured during the war. That's already beyond disrespectful, now this mess with the Khan family and he still supports him despite criticizing his actions.

Some of these dudes have no spine.
Obama just called out the Republican leadership so lets see how they respond!

Shots fired :pimp:
It baffles me how someone like McCain for example can continue to endorse Trump when he has publicly insulted him for being captured during the war. That's already beyond disrespectful, now this mess with the Khan family and he still supports him despite criticizing his actions.
Some of these dudes have no spine.

Not only that, I don't understand how they feel it can be good for their future careers (which every politician seems to have at the forefront of their mind). They might say "well, I put aside my personal feelings to get the team working together again" or whatnot, but to me, it seems like the total flip-flopping would crush their creditability.
I'm not sure if I should be laughing or shaking my head at this point. I don't think people should bring babies to political rallies but there's no need to be such an *** about it

It's like he just has this compulsion of being rude and condescending in every situation.
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imagine if Republican leaders announce a bipartisan platform with Hillary.

Or at least go forward with Obama's supreme court nominee before the election.
imagine if Republican leaders announce a bipartisan platform with Hillary.

Or at least go forward with Obama's supreme court nominee before the election.
If they don't approve Merrick Garland and Hillary wins, they'll be wishing they'd approved him 
Since this thread is basically a circle jerk after the music discussion, i'll play devil's advocate.

1- people saying republicans like McCain should go balls to the wall to denounce trump... you are essentially telling them to risk being oit of the job. They will be primaried and lose. You can make the moral argument but most politicians don't care about that.

2- you need a fork for the mashed potatoes.

3- Hillary has her own real russia connection.

Besides the uranium article that's been posted.


Anyone notice how much the clinton foundation was brought up during the DNC? Not much. For a reason.

4- she lied about the emails AGAIN on her fox sunday interview and gets a pass. Partially because trump picked a fight with a muslim military family. Part because the media doesn't care.

5- if the GOP gets a ridiculously weak and battered Hillary as an opponent and the best they could put out is trump? Good luck winning a presidential election any time soon.
Since this thread is basically a circle jerk after the music discussion, i'll play devil's advocate.

While this all maybe true, as the weeks go by and Trump keeps running his mouth, she's STILL the better choice unfortunately. Trump is still doubling down on the Khan family, and now his son looks to be getting in the mix. The guy looks more foolish by the day, I know the supporters love it, but it's turning off a lot people.
While this all maybe true, as the weeks go by and Trump keeps running his mouth, she's STILL the better choice unfortunately. Trump is still doubling down on the Khan family, and now his son looks to be getting in the mix. The guy looks more foolish by the day, I know the supporters love it, but it's turning off a lot people.

I don't disagree. She upsets me and i think she is crooked as ****, but she doesn't SCARE me. Like it's possible our interests align.

He just makes me way too nervous. I wamt someone better than me to be president. He's just unfit.

Even if for some reason he wanted to **** on a muslim war hero family. Like for him not to have the common sense to know it's a terrible idea... like what are you doing lol
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Trump's refusing to support Ryan and McCain in their primaries

What an idiot

It's pretty smart if he wants to ride the anti establishment angle into the sun and have millions of loyal customers.

If you deduce that he has no interest in actually winning... it might be genius
Good read on Trump's business failures.


No wonder he doesn't want to release his tax returns because he probably doesn't pay much income taxes due to large net operating loss carryovers from all his FAILED businesses! I can only imagine the millions if not billions he is in debt. This campaign alone will bankrupt him!

Man I feel sorry for his supporters because if they are mad now can you imagine how they will feel in Nov? :rofl:
For the 'campaign to bankrupt him' that would imply he's been putting his own money into his campaign. He's not :lol:

Cheap ***
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