***Official Political Discussion Thread***

That's what he needs to prove.

He's claimed that he's here to participate and supply ideological diversity, but the counterclaim is that he just sees what he considers a "liberal echo chamber" and wants to defecate in the swimming pool. What I've seen from him in the past couple of days clearly resembles the latter. I've asked him before to stop acting in bad faith. Perhaps the demonstration will finally give him the sense of self-awareness needed to recognize when he is doing so.

It's literally time to put up or shut up.

Everyone here should commit to respectful, constructive discussion. Where this is not happening, please use the report button to bring issues to the staff's attention for removal. We've got our hands full right now dealing with COVID-19 misinformation, but the team and I will do our best to assist.

Better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

AKA another chance.

How many times are you going to come in here, scold him and point out what he's doing wrong, and tell him to do better? Seems like way too many to me, but what do I know?

This situation reminds me of when I see parents with their misbehaving kids that continue to act out no matter how many times the parents tell them to stop. The kid knows that no matter how many times the parents tell them "you better stop or else", there is no "or else".
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In order to move discussion in another direction, here’s a question for all. I tried yesterday but it got lost in the lying debate.
I’m interested in seeing how the past 4 years, particularly the Mueller investigation, might have influenced your view, if at all.

Question: What is your view on the FISA system and why? Has your view on this changed during the Trump administration?

Question 2: What are your thoughts on Republicans and Diane Feinstein’s effort to weaken strong encryption? AG Barr is also a strong supporter of weakening encrypted messaging, going as far as saying encrypted messaging tools are unacceptable if law enforcement can’t access them.
Dude when DWalk entered this thread he would quote multiple people a day, trying to bait them into nonsensical bull****, and to antagonize them. People tried to engage with him in good faith and he ran them around. Not only with deflecting but he would make comments to get a rise outta folk.

He has cut out some of his more obvious antics because Meth warned him multiple times about it.

People are not asking for the ban just based on his current bad behavior, but his long history of nonsense.

Now he might come off as a little piece of trash now . But remember he started, and was for a long while, he was heaps of garbage being thrown on others posters windscreens. So now some people want the garbage off the road completely.
Bruh I’m not in disagreement with any of this. If folks wanna report him and lobby Meth to ban him that’s cool with me. I’m just saying engaging him the way folks continue to do in the meantime is counterproductive. Again, people are free to do as they see fit, and I’ve been sucked into some of these back-and-forths myself in occasion—I can understand the impulse to engage and deconstruct the ********. I’m just making the case that we should stop.

There were understandable reasons to engage Ninja, Rico, and others who spewed various brands of reactionary nonsense in here. But those dudes weren’t trolls—they were sincere, if severely misguided and willfully ignorant, in their beliefs. You could back them into a corner and make their beliefs and positions look foolish. dwalk is literally a troll and the back-and-forths are almost never about anything substantive—they’re about meaningless and intentional derailment. Also he’s too clever to get cornered in the same way—you can make him look like a troll, but you can’t make his beliefs and positions look foolish because he is very effective at moving the conversation away from that kind of substance and toward semantic hairsplitting, etc. So these exchanges almost always instantly devolve into meaninglessness.

damn it’s really been ages now that i think about that. Him and InTheHallway were hell bent on derailing the thread
Yeah he’s the ****head who was in the coronavirus thread a month or so ago saying he had a friend very high up at cdc that said a vaccine would be ready in two months, but trump personally said that’s not quick enough. :lol: ******* internet frauds
Bloomberg reports that the WH received the report last week. From what is known it simply confirms common sense.
Well, common sense to people other than president Trump. After all, for some time Trump repeatedly praised president Xi's handling of the outbreak.
In order to move discussion in another direction, here’s a question for all. I tried yesterday but it got lost in the lying debate.
I’m interested in seeing how the past 4 years, particularly the Mueller investigation, might have influenced your view, if at all.

Question: What is your view on the FISA system and why? Has your view on this changed during the Trump administration?

Question 2: What are your thoughts on Republicans and Diane Feinstein’s effort to weaken strong encryption? AG Barr is also a strong supporter of weakening encrypted messaging, going as far as saying encrypted messaging tools are unacceptable if law enforcement can’t access them.

FISA applications have many problems. Doesn't seem to require a sufficient amount of factual support to me. I felt this way before Trump and still do. It has been highlighted now with the apparent deficiencies in these applications.

I'm torn on the strong encryption. On the one hand, if you don't have anything to hide then why does it matter? At the other end, how much should big brother be able to access. This is the age old privacy question. And really Americans are dealing with similar freedom choices as it relates to the COVID-19 response. How much freedom do we want to give away for safety?

Personally, I don't mind weakening encrypted messaging because I don't have anything to hide so it isn't really that deep at first blush to me. But if weakening encryption results in making things easier to hack, then it would be problematic as it relates to financial information and identity theft.
In order to move discussion in another direction, here’s a question for all. I tried yesterday but it got lost in the lying debate.
I’m interested in seeing how the past 4 years, particularly the Mueller investigation, might have influenced your view, if at all.

Question: What is your view on the FISA system and why? Has your view on this changed during the Trump administration?

Question 2: What are your thoughts on Republicans and Diane Feinstein’s effort to weaken strong encryption? AG Barr is also a strong supporter of weakening encrypted messaging, going as far as saying encrypted messaging tools are unacceptable if law enforcement can’t access them.
I have immediate thoughts on question 2.

Weakening encryption isn’t just a matter of invading privacy, it’s also a matter of weakening security.

It’s not like law enforcement will be the only entities that can use these vulnerabilities. Hackers and foreign governments will figure out the flaws and exploit them.

This is an example of politicians trying to regulate something they don’t understand.
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