***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Bloomberg reports that the WH received the report last week. From what is known it simply confirms common sense.
Well, common sense to people other than president Trump. After all, for some time Trump repeatedly praised president Xi's handling of the outbreak.

a whitehouse leak and we all know why...

in any prior administration our leaders would have told the world early on that China was minimizing their CV problem, sounded the alarm worldwide and set examples for preparation and mitigation activities, and been in a position to help less developed parts of the world cope
Hundreds of Americans

This is going to come off as crass, but if these people knowingly chose to go on a cruise ship during the middle of a pandemic when everyone was being told to stay at home then we shouldn't be giving them medical attention. People need to start taking this **** seriously and its not fair to the people who did get sick taking all the necessary precautions to have to compete for medical care with people who completely ignored all the warnings/directives.
This is going to come off as crass, but if these people knowingly chose to go on a cruise ship during the middle of a pandemic when everyone was being told to stay at home then we shouldn't be giving them medical attention. People need to start taking this **** seriously and its not fair to the people who did get sick taking all the necessary precautions to have to compete for medical care with people who completely ignored all the warnings/directives.

I agree, to a degree

because of the lack of leadership at the top and the general stupidity of people, a lot of things have happened that shouldn’t have

but someone has to step up and come up with a solution that could save lives.. unfortunately it ain’t the people at the top trying to do that.. and it’s falling on the shoulders of the dude who didn’t want to close the beaches in the state for spring break and was pointing a finger at New York
This is going to come off as crass, but if these people knowingly chose to go on a cruise ship during the middle of a pandemic when everyone was being told to stay at home then we shouldn't be giving them medical attention. People need to start taking this **** seriously and its not fair to the people who did get sick taking all the necessary precautions to have to compete for medical care with people who completely ignored all the warnings/directives.

Aha! So there's the person behind the anti-Sanders, puncher of the 'Bernie bro' caricature.

'Death to those on board the ship! No to medical treatment!,' to which he alludes.

I remember posting an exchange from that hearing. It was mindblowingly incompetent. Here's the exchange.

Sen. Kennedy: "How is the virus transmitted?"

DHS Secretary Wolf: "In a variety of ways, including human to human."

Sen. Kennedy, cutting Wolf off: "How is it transmitted?"

DHS Secretary Wolf: "A variety of different ways"

Sen. Kennedy, in an increasingly frustrated and condescending tone: "Tell me what they are."

DHS Secretary Wolf: "Human to human transmissions" - (Sen. Kennedy cut him off)

Sen. Kennedy: "Well obviously human to human. How?"

All Wolf could muster up in response after all that was "being in the same vicinity" and "physical contact"

They could've put me on the stand to testify and I would've done a better job than Wolf. That hearing was ridiculous.
Aha! So there's the person behind the anti-Sanders, puncher of the 'Bernie bro' caricature.

'Death to those on board the ship! No to medical treatment!,' to which he alludes.

All I’m saying is knowingly risking your life to go in a cruise when everyone in the world is telling you to stay the **** home is selfish as hell and dumb and I have very little sympathy for the people who knowingly risked their lives to take a cruise

No matter how infuriating it is, we need to get those people off that boat as soon as possible and into quarantine. Keeping them out there doesn't make much sense.

Keep them on is not showing indifference to stupid people, it is an act of cruelty.

That’s fair. I think all I’m getting at is there needs to be some sort of a punishment. Obviously not death, but I feel like these people should be getting fined. I don’t even know why these cruise lines are operating right now. It’s beyond negligence at this point
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