***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The thing is, Methodical Management Methodical Management knows his intentions are to trigger people and troll, yet even Methodical Management Methodical Management falls for the trolling and engages him. dwalk31 dwalk31 is effectively trolling the founder and getting away with it.

100 percent. Meth in here defining disrespect but can’t seem to comprehend that he’s disrespecting his own community allowing a troll to constantly interrupt constructive discourse.
While I appreciate what you are attempting to do, the reality is that race and gender have different definitions. If Rachel Dolezal chooses to identify as Black, that is not the same as acknowledging Zaya Wade's preferred gender pronouns - and it would be offensive to imply otherwise or equate the two.

A better analogy would be if Michael Jordan identified as black. And people continued to call him white.

You've said that you are Black. Maybe deuce king didn't read that post. Maybe he did and he doesn't believe you. Maybe he has an alternative theory. Should we censor that theory? If so, would we be creating an echo chamber?

I don't think you should censor him at all. I have not once called for him to be censored, banned, reprimanded or anything else.

Here's an example that will likely resonate:

A person was born in the United States in 1961. He has stated many times that he was born in Hawaii. There are records of him attending school there as a child. He wrote about it in his bestselling book.
His Republican opponent in a Senate campaign began questioning his background in 2004, including his religion. Racist supporters of his opponent in the 2008 Democratic Primary circulate rumors that he was born in Kenya. His campaign releases a copy of his certificate of live birth.
In 2011, a game show host publicly demands the release of his long form birth certificate. Over the following five years, the game show host advances a series of claims about the veracity of the birth certificate, and even implies that the death of Hawaii's former Department of Health Director was part of a cover-up.

Maybe those claims were lies. Maybe they weren't, right?! Maybe the conspiracy theorist is just ad libbing, shooting from the hip. Maybe he's not a conventional politician.

I said, a long time ago, that Trump has surely told lies. I had this conversation with Belgium Belgium . He conceded that most, if not all, people tell and have told lies.

I also take no issue acknowledging that Trump is disrespectful. I've condemned his tweets and actions on here on numerous occasions. What you've posted is something I also condemn and disagree with.

This particular discussion dealt with alleged lies related to the COVID-19 response. As it relates to those statements I said they are better characterized as false statements instead of lies.

That does not mean Trump doesn't lie. And it doesn't mean that Trump isn't disrespectful.
Here's an example that will likely resonate:

A person was born in the United States in 1961. He has stated many times that he was born in Hawaii. There are records of him attending school there as a child. He wrote about it in his bestselling book.
His Republican opponent in a Senate campaign began questioning his background in 2004, including his religion. Racist supporters of his opponent in the 2008 Democratic Primary circulate rumors that he was born in Kenya. His campaign releases a copy of his certificate of live birth.
In 2011, a game show host publicly demands the release of his long form birth certificate. Over the following five years, the game show host advances a series of claims about the veracity of the birth certificate, and even implies that the death of Hawaii's former Department of Health Director was part of a cover-up.

Maybe those claims were lies. Maybe they weren't, right?! Maybe the conspiracy theorist is just ad libbing, shooting from the hip. Maybe he's not a conventional politician.


You're almost there. Keep trying.

It was funny to me how they tried the Jeremiah Wright argument and muslim. Which one is it :lol:
I would like everyone in the thread to know that I have 14 penises. Anyone who acknowledges otherwise is being disrespectful AND LYING because I have now informed everyone of my penis count. I do not need to post factual evidence of said girthiness, my mere statement is enough to be held out as fact and must be acknowledged when discussing such topic. Thank you for your cooperation in this manner


The Plebs

Can we acknowledge how ******* stupid this argument is now?
I'm not even sure what the argument is anymore. I said, yesterday, that I respect the opinion of the posters who feel Trump lied in response to COVID-19 and we can agree to disagree. Not sure why it didn't end there.

People complain about clutter yet continue to discuss it page after page.

Yet when me and Belgium Belgium discussed an actual political topic, of social media platforms and whether certain ones should be treated like public forums for constitutional free speech purposes, no one chimed in.
I'm not even sure what the argument is anymore. I said, yesterday, that I respect the opinion of the posters who feel Trump lied in response to COVID-19 and we can agree to disagree. Not sure why it didn't end there.

People complain about clutter yet continue to discuss it page after page.

And this is the exact point. When you post, you don't post on the merits of an underlying topic. Instead of talking about what one person said, or what happened during a press conference, you attack the semantics of what was said instead of the actual content.

"Trump lied when he said X."

"Well Trump couldn't have possibly lied because that would imply an intent to knowingly deceive! It would be better classified as a factual misrepresentation"

"Why does it matter?"

"Well let me tell you about intent............" Ten pages later we are still talking about intent and the underlying mindset of the individual who said the "alleged" lie instead of discussing the actual details of the content which was posted.

You may start by talking about the actual topic you were referring to, but then it goes down a rabbit hole of semantics that have absolutely nothing to do with the original topic and people spend page after page arguing about something that cannot be proven.

It's constant deflection and straying away from the original point that by the time you get to the end of the ten pages of nothing, people (you) forget about what the original point was. You are the only person who consistently does this and it adds absolutely nothing to the discussion at hand. You may not knowingly do it, but you certainly do it every time you post and its to the point of borderline trolling every time you type.
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And this is the exact point. When you post, you don't post on the merits of an underlying topic. Instead of talking about what one person said, or what happened during a press conference, you attack the semantics of what was said instead of the actual content.

"Trump lied when he said X."

"Well Trump couldn't have possibly lied because that would imply an intent to knowingly deceive! It would be better classified as a factual misrepresentation"

"Why does it matter?"

"Well let me tell you about intent............" Ten pages later we are still talking about intent and the underlying mindset of the individual who said the "alleged" lie instead of discussing the actual details of the content which was posted.

You may not know you are doing it, but you do it every time you post. You may start by talking about the actual topic you were referring to, but then it goes down a rabbit hole of semantics that have absolutely nothing to do with the original topic and people spend page after page arguing about something that cannot be proven.

You are the only person who consistently does this and it adds absolutely nothing to the discussion at hand.

Isn't that what you are doing right now as opposed to discussing an actual topic?

I've asked, repeatedly, about an actual topic. Page after page you continue to discuss (read: complain) about this.
Isn't that what you are doing right now as opposed to discussing an actual topic?

I've asked, repeatedly, about an actual topic. Page after page you continue to discuss (read: complain) about this.

The topic is your constant trolling and you cluttering up the ******* thread, so yes, I am talking about the topic at hand. It may not be related to anything politically, but this is where YOU brought this thread.
I’m not against dwalk being banned if that’s what Meth or whoever decides for whatever reason. That’s fine.

I’m just saying there are people in here who willingly engage in pages upon pages of pointless back-and-forth with this dude on damn-near a daily basis for no discernible reason.

To extend @PLVN’s analogy, there is a small piece of trash in the middle of the road. People could continue driving with essentially no inconvenience or derailment other than a very slight visual displeasure if they so chose. But many drivers stop in the middle of the road and park their cars there to complain loudly about the garbage, thereby stopping the flow of traffic. So as long as Meth, the only person capable of removing the piece of trash from the street, does not do so, why on earth behave in this fashion toward the trash?
A better analogy would be if Michael Jordan identified as black. And people continued to call him white.

I don't think you should censor him at all. I have not once called for him to be censored, banned, reprimanded or anything else.

I said, a long time ago, that Trump has surely told lies. I had this conversation with Belgium Belgium . He conceded that most, if not all, people tell and have told lies.

I also take no issue acknowledging that Trump is disrespectful. I've condemned his tweets and actions on here on numerous occasions. What you've posted is something I also condemn and disagree with.

This particular discussion dealt with alleged lies related to the COVID-19 response. As it relates to those statements I said they are better characterized as false statements instead of lies.

That does not mean Trump doesn't lie. And it doesn't mean that Trump isn't disrespectful.
You still don't seem to get it. If you haven't found this argument especially persuasive or impressive, I have terrible news for you: I'm not using your definition of lying against you - I've been using your tactics against you.

You've said that insults are allowed only on one side of the aisle - but you don't seem to enjoy it when, instead of genuine accountability, sincerity, and the application of common standards - which we should all want - you're instead frustrated by unctuous semantic hairsplitting, whataboutisms, moving goalposts, and deflections that only serve to irritate and distract.

Nor would you appreciate it if I reacted to all the insults that I do come across - despite your proud lack of reports - with an unctuous, dismissive rebuke like " deuce king deuce king : do better. There is a definite possibility that I will not appoint you to lead our moderation team."

If you don't want an echo chamber, maybe you should stop repeating the same tired diversionary ploys ad nauseam.

Here's what you seem to think you're doing with this routine:

Now here's what everyone else sees:

I actually have warned deuce king for insulting you - and, further back, ninjahood. It's not okay, and we don't allow it. Your failure to report these incidents doesn't make that any easier.

You admittedly started trolling people in here with your affected pearl clutching as an attempt to call out hypocrisy. Now you're practicing the sort of strained, dissembling defense that would make Bill Clinton blush to avoid using the word "liar" when describing a man who's belched out over 16,000 mistruths since January of 2017.

Maybe it's finally time to stop all this "both sides" nihilism and discuss matters constructively.

As Malcolm X so succinctly put it: "wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it." If honesty matters - and it should - we shouldn't defend dishonesty through some farcical shell game. If decency matters - and it should - we shouldn't dismiss or minimize disrespect through whataboutism.

When Joe Biden is accused of sexual assault, as he was recently, how you would want people to address that should mirror your own approach with Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump, and Roy Moore.

You are not the only person to act in bad faith here - but you are easily among the worst and most disruptive offenders.

If you don't want to play basketball, don't grab the ball and play keep away. If you can't post on the merits of an issue, just sit that topic out.
I think Dwalk just uses this thread to troll for recreation. Common ground will never be discovered. Pointless to go back and forth.
It's like a Flat Earth dude thinking he's more woke and more intelligent than everyone else. Can't help these people
I think Dwalk just uses this thread to troll for recreation. Common ground will never be discovered. Pointless to go back and forth.
That's what he needs to prove.

He's claimed that he's here to participate and supply ideological diversity, but the counterclaim is that he just sees what he considers a "liberal echo chamber" and wants to defecate in the swimming pool. What I've seen from him in the past couple of days clearly resembles the latter. I've asked him before to stop acting in bad faith. Perhaps the demonstration will finally give him the sense of self-awareness needed to recognize when he is doing so.

It's literally time to put up or shut up.

Everyone here should commit to respectful, constructive discussion. Where this is not happening, please use the report button to bring issues to the staff's attention for removal. We've got our hands full right now dealing with COVID-19 misinformation, but the team and I will do our best to assist.

Better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
I’m not against dwalk being banned if that’s what Meth or whoever decides for whatever reason. That’s fine.

I’m just saying there are people in here who willingly engage in pages upon pages of pointless back-and-forth with this dude on damn-near a daily basis for no discernible reason.

To extend @PLVN’s analogy, there is a small piece of trash in the middle of the road. People could continue driving with essentially no inconvenience or derailment other than a very slight visual displeasure if they so chose. But many drivers stop in the middle of the road and park their cars there to complain loudly about the garbage, thereby stopping the flow of traffic. So as long as Meth, the only person capable of removing the piece of trash from the street, does not do so, why on earth behave in this fashion toward the trash?
Dude when DWalk entered this thread he would quote multiple people a day, trying to bait them into nonsensical ********, and to antagonize them. People tried to engage with him in good faith and he ran them around. Not only with deflecting but he would make comments to get a rise outta folk.

He has cut out some of his more obvious antics because Meth warned him multiple times about it.

People are not asking for the ban just based on his current bad behavior, but his long history of nonsense.

Now he might come off as a little piece of trash now . But remember he started, and was for a long while, he was heaps of garbage being thrown on others posters windscreens. So now some people want the garbage off the road completely.
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Dude when DWalk entered this thread he would quote multiple people a day, trying to bait them into nonsensical bull****, and to antagonize them. People tried to engage with him in good faith and he ran them around. Not only with deflecting but he would make comments to get a rise outta folk.

He has cut out some of his more obvious antics because Meth warned him multiple times about it.

People are not asking for the ban just based on his current bad behavior, but his long history of nonsense.

Now he might come off as a little piece of trash now . But remember he started, and was for a long while, he was heaps of garbage being thrown on others posters windscreens. So now some people want the garbage off the road completely.
damn it’s really been ages now that i think about that. Him and InTheHallway were hell bent on derailing the thread
I said, a long time ago, that Trump has surely told lies. I had this conversation with Belgium Belgium . He conceded that most, if not all, people tell and have told lies.

I also take no issue acknowledging that Trump is disrespectful. I've condemned his tweets and actions on here on numerous occasions. What you've posted is something I also condemn and disagree with.

This particular discussion dealt with alleged lies related to the COVID-19 response. As it relates to those statements I said they are better characterized as false statements instead of lies.

That does not mean Trump doesn't lie. And it doesn't mean that Trump isn't disrespectful.
And yet you’ve never cited an instance of Trump lying in your view. As far as I recall, each time I described Trump’s statements as lies, you took issue with the “framing.”

I couldn’t even get you to concede Trump lied about the weather when he attempt to cover up the prior innocuous error he made about the hurricane’s path.

Do you think AG Barr lied about the Mueller investigation?
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