***Official Political Discussion Thread***

When Senator Kennedy is only the second biggest idiot in that exchange, you know you're dealing with at best a scumbag and at worst a DEPLORABLE.
I don't often say this but I'm quite proud of my country's performance in handling the coronavirus outbreak.
Despite not having a functioning federal government until around March 20 last month, we acted pretty quickly. Other countries like the Netherlands, France, ... cite us as an example of a good job now.

We've already managed to marginally decrease the rate of increased infections. The key model we're looking at is the number of new hospitalizations though, not new infections. So far those numbers have increased at roughly the same rate for the most part with a decreases.
It's too early to determine if a trend is forming or if those decreased rates of hospitalization increases are just outliers.

We have a ton of ICU beds relative to the size of our country, 2700 to be eaxct and more are continually being made. The latest numbers for corona patients in ICU beds is 1088. Hospitals seek to contain the number of corona ICU beds to 2000, leaving the other 700 for other patients in need of intensive care. So we're at about 50% capacity at this time.

In the coming week or so of monitoring the model tracking new hospitalizations, we'll have more data to see if a trend is indeed establishing itself.

To summarize: Quite proud of Belgium's handling of the corona outbreak, and much of it without a functioning federal government. We're now regarded as an example for other countries to look up to, rather than being the usual laughingstock of Europe.
All I’m saying is knowingly risking your life to go in a cruise when everyone in the world is telling you to stay the **** home is selfish as hell and dumb and I have very little sympathy for the people who knowingly risked their lives to take a cruise

That’s fair. I think all I’m getting at is there needs to be some sort of a punishment. Obviously not death, but I feel like these people should be getting fined. I don’t even know why these cruise lines are operating right now. It’s beyond negligence at this point
They I am cool with a fine, because these people are reckless as hell, and putting tons at risk.

Also I think you, me and aepps20 aepps20 would agree on the perfect punishment for fools still going on cruises and the clowns still deciding to operate them...

And yeah, the government need to ban cruises at this point
They I am cool with a fine, because these people are reckless as hell, and putting tons at risk.

Also I think you, me and aepps20 aepps20 would agree on the perfect punishment for fools still going on cruises and the clowns still deciding to operate them...

And yeah, the government need to ban cruises at this point

The ONLY way to handle things sometimes. When they try to confuse you with their lies about once and a lifetime vacation you hit them with the pull counter.
giphy (31).gif
All I’m saying is knowingly risking your life to go in a cruise when everyone in the world is telling you to stay the **** home is selfish as hell and dumb and I have very little sympathy for the people who knowingly risked their lives to take a cruise

That’s fair. I think all I’m getting at is there needs to be some sort of a punishment. Obviously not death, but I feel like these people should be getting fined. I don’t even know why these cruise lines are operating right now. It’s beyond negligence at this point

100. You're not alone in being frustrated by the selfishness of so many. I've been struggling against the 'temptation' of martial solutions and verbally co-signing people's demise. Hell, I've even been struggling against the idea of issuing fines.

I would love to see the entire cruise industry collapse. How great it would be to redistribute remaining assets to the communities thoroughly transformed into mere single-industry, tourist hotspots.
For my fellow legal junkies:


RustyShackleford RustyShackleford , thoughts?
They I am cool with a fine, because these people are reckless as hell, and putting tons at risk.

Also I think you, me and aepps20 aepps20 would agree on the perfect punishment for fools still going on cruises and the clowns still deciding to operate them...

And yeah, the government need to ban cruises at this point
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You never leave the table while on a heater. Our handsome president elect has been on a heater for DECADES, who would have known he’d be wrong?
To be honest, he isn't wrong. He knew how serious da LIBCLOWN-44 virus was and he handled it accordingly. Rona is different.

Illinois: Democratic governor J. B. Pritzker.
Hillary won this state with 55.2% of votes in the 2016 election.
The governor has repeatedly criticized Trump's handling of the corona crisis, resulting in back-and-forth attacks with the president.

Massachusetts: Republican governor Charlie baker.
Hillary won this state with 60% of votes in the 2016 election.
The governor complained to Trump that his state was losing bids to the federal government for key supplies for the corona outbreak. He generally expressed his frustration to Trump about the lack of supplies.

Maine: Democratic governor Janet T. Mills.
Hillary won this state with 47.8% of votes in the 2016 election, with Trump not far behind at 44.9%.
Governor Mills has repeatedly criticized Trump in the past year and more frequently longer ago. More recently, she rejected Trump's easter timeline to reopen the country by Easter and today asked Trump to declare a disaster declaration. At a conservative media event at Moody’s Collision Center in Gorham, Maine Republicans, especially former governor LaPage strongly attacked governor Mills and had high praise for Trump's performance. Overall mild criticism from the governor about Trump's handling of the corona outbreak but plnty of strong criticism in the past year prior to corona.
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