***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I just saw this great video that cogently connects CoronaVirus to chemtrails, RF chips, vaccines, concentration camps, and 5G towers. It does all this in under an hour.

It also explains how our government was sitting by idly to keep the stock market afloat and help aid corporations while Corona ripped through our country and culled the population (re: Bill Gates population control plan). That was phase one.

We are now in phase two, where the government shuts down the economy to drive out small businesses and force people into hysteria. That lays the groundwork for phase three: people get vaccinated and mind-controlled.

I'm not doing it justice but I think it's pretty clear what's going on. Please vote for Donald Trump this fall. He is anti-establishment and the only one who will stop the vaccine in time to save us.
my mom just sent me a video of a wack-job medical doctor (who practices here in the U.S.) talking about this massive conspiracy around covid. i listened to one minute of the 44 minute video, and in that one minute dude talked about chemtrails, RF chips, people not getting the future vaccine being put into concentration camps or murdered by the government, and 5G towers.

i go into the comments section hoping to find just one person who calls him out, scrolled and scrolled and its a whole cesspool of wackos agreeing with him

people want there to be a conspiracy around this so badly. what I hate about these people is that they'll literally contradict themselves for the sake of their conspiracy.

Trump lets people die from Corona: omgz our government is letting people die for stock prices and so corporations can continue raking in money. Government shuts down economy: this is a whole ploy to drive small businesses out, and force people into hysteria to get vaccinated and mind-controlled.

empty souls that want to convince themselves they're inherently better than 95% of people by virtue of their wokeness. ****ing idiots.

Conspiracies are usually how uninformed/ignorant people deal with their feeling of inadequacy once they realize the oligarch system in America exist. It gives them a overwhelming target for them to resent instead of the boss whose *** they regularly kiss. If they admit it’s their Boss who is their regular enemy, then they would have to take realistic actions like self improvement or outright challenging the local power they should resent. To legit fight to seek change isn’t glorious, it’s tedious and not ensured. It’s easier to blame stupid **** like chemtrails, or undocumented immigrants or Obama.

Thats why while I hate rich conservatives, I ignore the conspiracy conservatives. They could probably do better In their lives by default by being apolitical. They could actually READ some policies and books and take steps to make their own lives better significantly. Their lazy, ignorant Americans so they just won’t. They don’t deserve to be recognized. They are protesting about not being able to work in a plague......
dwalk31 dwalk31 doesnt have a problem with it.. no “yikes” to be had


Fools spending their life savings just to be like COD characters. :lol:
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Dude must be in Ninja’s group chat.

So is this man attempting to say Trump’s “black friends” >>>>>>>> Trump’s legitimate black friend who happens to formerly be a former President? Rappers over Presidents? After all we’ve seen from Trump, this guys wants to vote for him? I hope that man takes advantage of those open Florida beaches then visits his elders. Let’s see how he feels a few weeks after that.
Somebody come get Curtis

dude legit could have been a comedian of some kind, mf is dumb as hell.

dwalk31 dwalk31 seems relevant since theyre now lying on WHO

scrolled past this, caught the word ¨damnable,¨ scrolled right back up. lemme read that.

you know a crisis bad when you gotta dig for novel adjectives.

¨Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?¨
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