***Official Political Discussion Thread***

the sad thing is that the dems are so much less likely to adopt the same standards for proof that the GOP did in the roy moore and brett kavanaugh situations. they basically did this:
Do you really think so? I mean, the response to this point has been exactly that, and the corporate media has aided in completely burying the story.

Think of how different the response to this allegation among the Democrats and corporate media has been compared to Blasey-Ford’s allegation against Kavanaugh, for which even less evidence existed.

I’m not even saying I know what the correct course of action is here on behalf of the DNC given the entirety of all the dynamics at play. This is a nightmare on every conceivable level.
Taking Bernie off the NY ballot, Larry Summers and Ezekiel Emmanuel likely you set econ and med policy and the very credible SA allegations. Dems really don’t want progressive votes and are banking on the left being driven by a desire to see MAGA hogs crying.

It’s clear that ekectoralism is never going to bring about a decent society, let alone a just one. Direct action is the path for that.
Going back to being liberal is 3...2...1...

Somebody got to be caught holding the bag at Fox right....... why not the two black women? Honestly it would have been surprising if it wasn't them who got fired.

Based on a preliminary analysis after today's new reporting, I have to conclude that Reade's allegation against Biden seems more likely to be true than not. I'm not seeing a whole lot of exculpatory evidence to stack up against contemporaneous recollections from people other than Reade herself and her family. The absence of it doesn't necessarily invalidate an allegation but when assessing sexual misconduct cases, the most important evidence is people being told or aware of the allegation at or around the time it took place. Even more crucial is if those contemporaneous recollections come from people outside of the accusers' family and closest friends, for example a coworker or neighbor.

What new development? because all I heard today was one of Reade's old neighbor saying she remembers hearing the story decades ago. That is not damning evidence for me. Kavanaugh and Franken had a bunch of witnesses to their disgusting behavior, multiple victims, and the victims had spent years prior to the case talking to people about it or seeking therapy on it. In Franken's case, there were actual pictures. Kavanaugh had damn near his whole high school class saying he sexually assaulted one of the victims and everybody knew. Even if it was the situation that Reade was a private person dealing with her trauma, why did she write articles after the incident occurred praising Biden? There is a disconnect here in relation to the other recent cases of sexual misconduct by politicians.

I hate to say it but this is the definition of he said/she said. I say that as someone who if there was damning evidence I wouldn't be able to vote for Biden. I refuse to act like a Republican and ignore my core principles for politics.

However in a US post 2016 interference, and Burisma, and the NYTimes saying they interviewed Reade and did their own digging in the story and interviewing everyone involved and didn't find enough evidence to run with it. I got to say until I see more evidence or witnesses or victims I don't think Biden did it. I think this is another mud slinging campaign perpetuated by some shady group that wants to lie, cheat, and steal the 2020 election.
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Is this the only sexual allegation against Biden? Not saying that it's untrue, but if there were multiple credible allegations from multiple women it would make a big difference. Usually, these things break the ice, so let's see if more allegations come up. In any case, it would've been nice if all this new evidence that makes this allegation credible had come up before the Dems were stuck with Biden as their candidate. The fact that it comes out now sure makes it looks like that it's not only about Biden not becoming president, but keeping Trump as one.
Is this the only sexual allegation against Biden? Not saying that it's untrue, but if there were multiple credible allegations from multiple women it would make a big difference. Usually, these things break the ice, so let's see if more allegations come up. In any case, it would've been nice if all this new evidence that makes this allegation credible had come up before the Dems were stuck with Biden as their candidate. The fact that it comes out now sure makes it looks like that it's not only about Biden not becoming president, but keeping Trump as one.

Clearly he’s got nothing on the orange monster but he’s obviously problematic - as well as being an embarrassment as the best candidate the Democrats could find.

Clearly he’s got nothing on the orange monster but he’s obviously problematic - as well as being an embarrassment as the best candidate the Democrats could find.


Once again reading this link..... 95% of the stories go. He touched my head to his or patted my shoulders which is creepy. Even Reades story followed that same (admittedly to touchy) trend and then we get her upgrading her story to sexual assault.

We knew Biden was too familiar with his interactions with women to the point its a meme.

I can admit Biden had boundary issues at least and was a creep at most. It made those women uncomfortable and that is something Biden should accept and atone for. Intent creates space between Biden having boundary issues to being a creep and kept Biden from being unelectable. I'll also admit the stories justifies the women's complaints. For example, he touched noses with a woman during a fundraiser in front of a crowd, another complaint is he squeezed one woman's shoulders and complimented her smile. On the flip, even one of the women filing the complaints said she didn't know his intent she just didn't appreciate it.

However, that's not the same tier as Franken kissing women and molesting their breast as they sleep, it's not the same tier as Kavanaugh getting naked and dry humping a girl who was passed out, its not the same tier as Roy Moore who had several women come forward and say he slept with them in their teens. That is until we get Reade who escalates her story from the same boundary issues as the other women who filed complaints (Which I believe because in my prior post I said these things tend to have multiple victims). Reade escalates her story in March 2020 (after Biden gets the nomination) that he grabbed her, threw her up against the wall, and molested her. Her evidence is she told only her immediate family, an elderly neighbor who swears she remembers the story from 27 years ago and a CNN phone call which may have been intended to draw attention to the fact he gave her a shoulder massage and she was filing a complaint about that.

I mean we have seen this before from Hillary emails to Burisma. This is an escalation troll job that is trying to take Biden from problematic to unelectable and use Democrat's tendency in supporting women's rights as a weapon against them.
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